He was a student and reader, his literary
and medical library having been one of the
btst and most carefully selected in the state.
He was a fellow of the American College
of Surgeons, member of many surgical and
medical societies, belonged to the Masonic
order, and was a lifelong member of the
i'resbvterian church, his father also having
been a pillar of that society, serving the
Reidsville congregation as elder for forty-
nine years.
Dr' Irvin married, in Danville, Virgmia, October 17. 1906, Kate Ross Patton, born there, daughter of J. Allen Patton, a banker 01 Danville, who died in 1891. His widow, Henrietta (Crew) Patton, yet resides in Danville. The Pattons are an old Virginia family of prominence.
William James Glasgow. Born in Rich- mond. \irginia, William J. Glasgow was there educated and spent his youth. After an absence of a decade he returned to the city of his birth where he maintains a busi- ness unique in its character and most sur- prising in its magnitude. The plant, a model one, is fitted with machinery especially in- vented by the owner for its peculiar duty: every detail of the plant and its equipment having been carefully planned by Mr. Glas- gow before even a site was purchased. The \'ictory Renovating Works is now one of Richmond's well established business enter- prises, and has a record of thirteen years service. He has the names of three thou- sand of Richmond's best families on his book of customers, and in the busy season over $150,000 worth of carpets are handled. This record speaks volumes for the careful management and perfect system of the busi- ness.
AN illiam James Glasgow was born in Rich- mond. \'irginia, October 4, 1863, son of Rob- ert Freeman Glasgow, born in \'irginia ; his father of Scotch descent and his mother a r.ative of Ireland. Robert F. Glasgow mar- ried Josephine Gordon, born in West Hamp- tm, near Richmond, died in October, 1900,
- ged sixty-three years. He died aged fifty-
nine years, a carpenter and builder. Chil- dren : Mary, married Tristram Mallonee, of Richmond; William James, of whom fur- ther: Rose Evelyn, married Thomas Han- Ion, of '\\'ashington, D. C. ; Robert Edward, a hardware merchant of Richmond: Alice May, married Robert P. King, whom
.'-he survives, a resident of Richmond :
(ieorge Percy, engaged in the grocery busi-:
ness in Richmond : Guy. died in infancy.
William James Glasgow was educated in the public schools and began his active busi- ness life with a tobacco manufacturer. After two years in the tobacco factory, he spent two years in a mattress factory, and four years' in an upholstery establishment. These years were spent in Richmond, but in 1888 he moved to Danville. \'irginia, where for ten vears he engaged in the upholstery busi- ness. He had carefully saved his earnings m early life and during his ten years in Dan- ville was successful in accumulating capital sufficient to carry into effect a carefully planned enterprise to be established in his i:ative city, a carpet, mattress and feather reno\ating works. For this business his long experience in the mattress and uphol- stering line has especially fitted him. The features to be supplied were, proper ma- chinery for the different processes and a factory in which to install them. The first Mr. Glasgow supplied from his own brain, inventing such machines as he needed and having them built to his order; the second, he supplied from his pocket, investing $25,- 000 in a model plant at 407 South Cherry street, Richmond, and opening it for busi- ness in 1900. From fifteen to eighteen men are employed in the operation of the enter- I-rise, it having met with public approval from its very inception. Mr. Glasgow is a man of untiring energy, personally super- vising his business in its every detail, those who are acquainted with his business methods paying the highest tribute to his ability and integrity. Success has followed his well directed efforts and never has suc- cess been more fully or justly deserved. For years his residence was adjacent to the ren- ovating works, opposite the Hollywood Cemeterv. but he has recently finished and rtmo\ed to a fine residence. Mr. Glasgow married, in Caroline county. \"irginia, Caro- line Robiou, from Kentucky.
Robert Lecky Jr. The paternal grand- f;;ther of Robert Lecky. Jr., of Richmond, Virginia, was Colonel William Lecky, of Carlow county, Ireland, a colonel in Well- ington's army, and connected with the Lecky family of Scotland, earls of Lennox.
Dr. Robert (i) Lecky. son of Colonel
William and Sarah ( Prescott) Leckv. was