ther mention. 7. Francis Walter, born in
August, 1867; married Sue B.. daughter of
C harles L. Cocke.
James Edward Cole, son of John and Richetta (Peter) Cole, was born in Greenes- ville county. Virginia. September 30, 1865. His early and preparatory education was obtained in public schools, under private tutors, at Samuel Hardy's Academy and at McCabe's University School in Petersburg, Virginia. Choosing the legal profession he entered the law department of the Univer- sity of Virginia and was there graduated B. L.. class of 1889. He had been admitted tC' the bar in the year 1887, at Emporia, Greenesville county, Virginia, but after his graduation he located in Norfolk, Virginia, where he now enjoys a prominent position ill his profession, has commanded a good clientage which has furnished a liberal in- come. He has launched several enterprises of great usefulness to the communitv. He is deeply interested in the welfare and prog- ress of his community, and maintains a membership in several prominent secret orders, the social and business clubs. Cham- ber of Commerce, etc. In politics he is a Democrat. He became a member of the Protestant Episcopal church at sixteen years of age, and has been an active and earnest worker in the church since that time.
On September 26, 1888, James Edward Cole married Ellen, daughter of Samuel Hardy, of Greenesville county. Virginia, a graduate of the University of Virginia and who conducted the academy at which Mr. Cole was a student for several terms, and the following are their children: i. Ellen Etta, born January i, 1890, died November 25, 1893. 2. James Edward, born May 11, 1^93- 3- John, born June 6, 1895. 4- Samuel Hard}-, born March 6, 1897. 5. Alargaret Buchanan, born May 15, 1899. 6. Elizabeth Cocke, born July 28, 1902. 7. Frances Her- bert, born October 2. 1905. 8. Alice Ever- ard. born June 5. 1908.
Colonel Oliver Witcher Dudley. The
Dudleys of \'irginia, of whom Colonel Oliver W. Dudley is a representative in Danville, have been seated in Franklin county, that state, for many generations. Oliver W. Dudley is a grandson of Stephen Dudley, born in Franklin county, where his long life was spent. He married Patty
Kemp, of Franklin county, and raised a
family of six, all of whom are now deceased.
(II) Silas Jenkins Dudley, son of Stephen and Patty (Kemp) Dudley, was born at the homestead in Franklin county, Virginia, April I, 1824, died April 4, 1888, a farmer all through his life. During the war be- tween the states he served under General Early, rendering valiant service but escap- ing without serious injury. He married Ann Park Smith, born in Lunenburg county, Virginia. June 8, 1833, died November 20, 1874. She was a daughter of Dr. Albert Gallatin Smith, born at Lunenburg Court- house in 1806, died in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, in 1852. He was an eminent phy- sician in the latter count}^ practicing until his early death. He married Mary Witcher. horn in Pittsylvania county, daughter of Captain \^incent Witcher, who gained his military title in the United States service during the war of 1812-14. Two of his de- scendants, William Addison and \'incent. were colonels in the Confederate army. Captain Witcher was a Whig in a strong Democratic district, and was many years in the Virginia senate; he was also a promi- nent candidate for governor of the state, only failing of an election by the legislature by one vote. Dr. Albert Gallatin Smith had five children, the youngest. Vincent Oliver Smith, is yet living, a resident of .Mta Vista. Virginia. The children of Silas Jenkins Dudley are all living, except Marv Kate, who married Dr. D. C. Dickinson, and died in 1899. aged forty years. The living children are: Oliver Witcher, of whom fur- ther; Patty B., married J. C. Dickinson, of Danville ; Nannie V.. the widow of D. C. Berger; Hattie P.. the second wife of Dr. D. C. Dickinson, of Franklin countv, Vir- ginia; Henry S., a publisher of Boston, Massachusetts.
(Ill) Colonel Oliver Witcher Dudley, eldest son of .Silas Jenkins and Ann Park (Smith) Dudley, was born at the Franklin county farm of his parents. July 15. 1S56. He lived at home and attended school until fourteen years of age, then came to Pitt- sylvania county and for four years was clerk in a country store. In 1871 his father moved to Pittsylvania county, occupying the farm of his father-in-law. Dr. Albert G. Smith, an estate owned previously by Dr. Smith's father-in-law. Captain ' Vincent
Witcher; both the Smith and Witcher fami-