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there. He then entered William and Alary College, whence he was graduated. Bachelor of Arts, 1818, after which he entered the medical school of the University of Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia, obtaining there his degree of Doctor of Medicine on April 4, 1823. He then began the practice of medi- cine in Orange county, \'irginia, continuing until his death, most eminent in his profes- sion. He married Elizalieth Williams and had issue: Charles Bruce, of further men- tion : Jeremiah, a veteran of the Confed- eracy : Judge James W., a law partner of General Kemper, of Pickett's division, Con- federate States Army ; William Jackson. M. D.. a graduate of Jefiferson Medical Col- lege. Philadelphia : John Pendleton: George Philip: Lucy Pendleton, married John Cooke Green.

Dr. Charles Bruce Morton, son of Dr. George Morton, was born at "Soldiers' Rest." Orange county, \'irginia. September 3, 1835. He was educated at the University of \'irginia and Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia, and graduated from the latter institution Doctor of Medicine, March 20, i860. He at once entered the Confederate army as a surgeon, serving as senior sur- geon of General Kemper's brigade, in Pick- ett's division. After the war he practiced his profession in Orange county, a physi- cian of high standing and professional abil- ity. He now resides at "Nottingham Farm," Spottsylvania county, Virginia. Dr. Mor- ton married. May 24, 1866, at "Chestnut \'alley." Caroline covmty, \"irginia. Caro- line May Dickenson, born May 19, 1840. who ii^ yet his loving companion at "Nottingham Farm." She is a daughter of \\'illiam I. Dickenson, of "Chestnut \'alley," born Feb- ruary 9. 1801. died March 25. 1874, son of James and Sally Dickenson. \\'illiam I. Dickenson married. April 16. 1829, Jane Richard Buckner, born November 12, 1808, died January 4, 1883, a descendant of John Buckner, the emigrant, of previous mention. Child of Dr. Charles Bruce Morton : William Jackson, of whom further.

Rev. William Jackson Morton, only son of Dr. Charles Bruce and Caroline May (Dickenson) Morton, was born May 8, 1867, at "Soldiers' Rest," Orange county, Virginia, the ancestral home of his progenitors, the Bruces and Williamses. He prepared for college under private tutors, entered Rich- mond College in 1882, remaining two years,

then returned home and for the next two years assisted his father in farm manage- ment. He then entered the Theological Seminary of Virginia, near Alexandria. Vir- ginia, whence he was graduated class of 1891. On June 26, 1891, in the seminary chapel, he was ordained to the diaconate by the Rt. Rev. Francis M. Whittle, D.D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Vir- ginia, and one year later, in the same chapel, on the 24th of June, 1892, he was ordained to the priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Alfred M. Randolph, D. D., then assistant bishop of \'irginia. After his ordination he was sent b\- the bishop of Virginia to serve his dia- conate under Rev. George W. Dame, rector of St. George's Chapel. North Danville, Vir- ginia, remaining nine months. In June, 1902, he accepted a call to be assistant rec- tor of St. James. Richmond, remaining in th.at parish until February. 1894. He then became rector of Epiphany Church. Knox- ville. Tennessee, remaining until October I, 1896: then rector of South Farnham Parish, Tappahannock, Essex county, Virginia, until 1900: rector of "Emmanuel" Church, Harri- sonburg. Virginia, until 1902, then was called tc Christ Church. Alexandria, as rector, fol- lowing a long line of distinguished minis- ters who have been in charge of that his- toric church. He is a pulpit orator of force and eloQuence.

Rev. \\'illiam J. Morton is a member of the hoard of trustees of the Diocesan Mis- sionary Society of the Diocese of Virginia ; a trustee of ".Stuart Hall, Staunton, Vir- ginia : trustee of the Protestant Episcopal Educational Society of Virginia; chaplain of the National George Washington Memorial Association. He is a member and chaplain of Alexandria-Washington Lodge, No. 22, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and of the Mt. Vernon Chapter, Royal Arch Ma- sons, of Alexandria, Virginia. Through his patriotic ancestry he gained admission to the Sons of the Revolution and during his residence in Tennessee was a member of the board of state managers of that society. His college fraternity is Phi Delta Theta. In political faith he is a Democrat.

He married, at St. George's Church, Fred- ericksburg, Virginia, April 11, 1893. Doro- thea Ashby Moncure, daughter of Powhatan and Dorothea (Ashby) Moncure, of "Oaken- wold." Stafford county, Virginia. She is a

niece of Turner Ashby, brigadier-general of

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