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l)een built by the residents of that locality and named in his honor. In religious faith he is a Baptist, although the family faith is Episcopalian.

Mr. Moncure married. December 3, 1913, Mary Ashby Wallace, born in Stafford county, \'irginia, daughter of Dr. Gustavus r\Iichael Wallace, of Stafford county, a lead- ing physician and a state senator, and his wife. Dora Ashby ( Green ) Wallace, and a granddaughter of Gustavus B. and Emily Travis (Daniel) Wallace, and of George and Bettie (Ashby) Green. This branch of the Wallace family in the United States de- scends from Dr. Michael \\'anace. who came from Scotland to "Ellerslie," Stafford county. Virginia, in 1734. and married. April 27, 1747. Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Gus- tavus Brown, of Charles county, Maryland. Mrs. Mary Ashby (Wallace) Moncure was born at this old ^^allace homestead, "Eller- slie," May 9. 1874.

Luther Pannett. The Pannett family was founded first in Maryland, by the immigra- tion of William Pannett, of Yorkshire. Eng- l;md. and since 1835 the home of the family of which Luther Pannett. sherifl:' of Freder- ick county, Virginia, is a representative, has been in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. William Pannett settled first in Baltimore, Maryland, having come to the United States in 1816. and nineteen years later moved to Virginia, his home until his death in 1880. His son. also a William, married and among his sons were John, a farmer, and William, of whom further.

William Pannett, third of his line to bear that name, was born in Maryland, in 1829. died in 1906. His lifelong calling was agri- culture, in which he met with success and profit, and he held a position of honor and respect among his fellows. He married Mary Catherine Chapman, born in Freder- ick county. Virginia, in 1836, died in 1906, the year of the death of her husband, daugh- ter of Thomas Chapm.an. One of the daughters of Thomas Chapman, Jeanette, married William Jones, a soldier of the Confederate army, who met his death in l<attle at Winchester, Virginia, in 1864. Children of William and Alary Catherine (Chapman) Pannett: i. Robert Lee, born in Frederick county. Virginia, November 19. 1869: a farmer: married Rosa Richard. 2. William F.. born in Frederick county,

Virginia, December 5. 1877: married Edith \'. Massey, and has a daughter, Virginia. 3 William F., deceased, was a soldier in the Sixth Regiment, United States Cavalry, in the Spanish war. 4. Mary Watts, born July 13, 1874; married H. C. Kline, and has Hilda, Mabel Lee, Mary C, and Evans. 5. Luther, of whom further. 6. Miles W., born September 5, 1879; ^ farmer.

Luther Pannett, son of William and Mary Catherine (Chapman) Pannett. was born in Frederick county. Virginia. February 27^, 1876. He was educated in the public schools, his course including high school training. His education completed he worked on his father's farm, and when a young man of twenty-two years was appointed by the court of Frederick county, Virginia, to the position of magistrate in that county, an office that he held for twelve years. His present office in the public service is that of sheriff, to which he was elected at a special election held in 1912, for a term of four years. In the two years that have passed since he took up the reins of office he has capably performed his duties and has successfully solved every problem that has arisen to trouble him. Mr. Pannett's ap- pointment to the magistracy of Frederick county at his youthful age was an expres- sion of confidence in his judgment and abil- ity that his long and uniformly successful continuance in the office fully vindicated, and u])on which efficient service was predicated his elevation to the position of sheriff". Mr. Pannett's political principles are in accord with those of the Democratic party, with which he has ever been identified. He is a member of Hiram Lodge, No. 21, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Winchester, Virginia.

Stanley Hope Graves, M. D. Captain

Thnmas Graves, American progenitor of the family of which Dr. Stanley Hope Graves, of Norfolk, is a member in the ninth Amer- ican generation, was born in England and came to \'irginia in the ship "Mary and Margaret" in 1607. He was the representa- tive of Smyth's Hundred in the first legis- Ipture that convened at Jamestown, Vir- ginia, July 30, 1619, and in 1624 was a resi- dent of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. In 1631 Captain Thomas Graves was a justice in Accomac county, and four years later his

name appears as a vestryman of the parish.

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