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\'IR(ilXI.\ i;i(x;RAJ'HV


mond institution, the g'ift of a citizen and one which the donor long wished his city to possess and labored to accomplish the purpose. Located in the former residence of the donor, with spacious gardens attached it is one of the attractive and valuable in- stitutions of the city.

Mann Satterwhite X'alentine. the donor of this valuable addition to the educational ad- vantages of Richmond, descended from Jacob Valentine, of King William county. A'irginia. a planter, to whom lands were con- \ eyed by deed, Jul}- 1, 1754. Jacob Valen- tine was a resident of St. Davids parish. King William county, at the time of his death, July 9, 1774, his will being dated Jcinuary 5, 1774. lie was twice married, having issue by both. His first wife, Sarah ( Piatchelder ) Valentine, was born August 31, 1725, was the daughter of William (2) Batchelder, baptized July 26, 1691, died April. 1727, of Christ Church parish, Middle- sex county, Virginia, married, April 11. 1720, Elizabeth Watts. William (2) Batchelder Avas the son of W^illiam ( i ) Batchelder, and grandson of Mr. John Batchelder, of Middle- sex county, Virginia, who died December 4, 1685. Jacob and Sarah (Batchelder) Val- entine had issue: John. Batchelder, of fur- ther mention ; Jacob, Josiah, Priscilla, Jesse and Molly. Jacob Valentine married (sec- ond) September 29, 1762, Mary Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Batchelder, and daughter of Thomas Laughlin. Issue : Edward ; Eliz- abeth, married William Montague. Of these sons of Jacob \^alentine, Jacob (2), Josiah and Edward were officers of the revo- lutionary army.

(II) Batchelder Valentine, son of Jacob and Sarah (Batchelder) \^alentine, of Bligh Hill, King William county, Virginia, was born 1750, died 1808. He was a planter of High Hill, King W^'illiam county, Virginia. He married Ann, born 1752, died September 6, 1829, daughter of Mann Satterwhite. of York county, Virginia. Issue: Batchelder (2) ; Mann Satterwhite, of further mention ; Jacob ; Martha ; Sarah, who married Dr. William Minton, of Richmond, Virginia.

(III) Mann Satterwhite Valentine, son of Batchelder and Ann (Satterwhite) Valen- tine, was born at High Hill, King William county. Virginia, July 3, 1786, died in Rich- mond, Virginia, Alarch 20, 1865. He was educated in the schools of W^estey and King in his native countv. He located in Rich-

mond in 1806, and there read law in the of- fice of Samuel McCraw, but later abandoned all thoughts of a profession, and embraced a commercial career. This was i)artly due to the fact that his father's fortune had been seriously impaired through the payment of large security debts, and partly perhaps by the discovery of his own superior business qualifications. He had made many friends in the city ; was an ensign in the state guard, later a lieutenant ; was keeper of the penitentiary store, and then entered general mercantile life and contested successfully with the English merchants who had hither- to controlled the commerce of his state, and moreover was the first native Virginian to successfully compete with these English merchants. He retired from active business life in 1859. From early childhood he was a lover of nature and art, and as fortune smiled upon him, indulged his cultivated tastes for music, drama, art and literature. He was an ardent sympathizer with the south in the war between the states, and a generous contributor to her needs. Sad- dened and depressed by the adverse ending of the conflict and by all the ill fortunes of his beloved state, he died literally of a broken heart, at his residence in Richmond. Ad^arch 20. 1865. He was at one time a mem- ber of the Richmond common council, and a director of the Richmond branch of the Bank of Virginia.

He married Elizabeth, daughter of Ben- jamin Mosby, of Henrico county, Virginia, and Ann (Winston) Mosby, his wife. She was a descendant of Edward Mosby, an early settler of Henrico county, and con- nected with the well-known Virginia fami- lies, Woodsen, Winston, Fontaine, Povall and Bacon. Children: i. Elizabeth Ann, born November 26, 1822 ; married, July 18, 1850, ^\Tlliam Frederick Gray. 2. Mann Satterwhite, of further mention. 3. Benja- min Batchelder, born November 2t^. 1825. died April 3, 1832. 4. William Winston, born April 29, 1828, died February 17, 1885; was an earnest scholar and philologist. 5. Robert Mosby, born April 9, 1830, died July 3. 1830. 6. Alary Martha, born September 8. 1831, died August 19, 1896; married, June 13, 1866, Jacob Warwick \\'oods. 7. Sarah Benetta, born May 26, 1833, died unmarried. June 30, 1889 ; was a writer of graceful verse. ^. \'irginia Louisa, born December 5, 1835,

died August 26, 1836. 9. Edward \"irginius,

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