years he was president of Mar}lancl Agri-
cultural College, a man of high repute in
the educational and scientific world. He
married Elizabeth Bedinger [Morgan, daugh-
ter of Jacob Morgan, Esquire, of "Falling
Spring." Jefit'erson county, Virginia.
Dr. William Morgan Smith, son of Au- gustine Jaquelin and Elizabeth B. (Morgan) Smith, was born in Winchester, Virginia, January 13, 1859. He was given the best educational advantages, fitting for college in public and private schools, received his de- gree of M. D. from the medical department of the University of Maryland and studied at the Universities of Berlin, Vienna and London, in Europe. After his extensive and thorough course of preparation was completed, Dr. Smith began practice in Alexandria. Virginia, where he has contin- ued until the present date, an honored and successful physician and surgeon. He is president of the Virginia State Board of Health, surgeon for the Southern Railroad, surgeon for the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad, was surgeon for the Third Mrginia Regiment during the Span- ish war, and has endeared himself to the community in which so many years of his life have been spent. He is interested in the education of the youth of Alexandria, and as chairman of the school board has rendered valuable service. He is a Demo- crat in politics, and in 1914 was appointed postmaster of Alexandria, his party service having been long and valuable. He is a past master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge, Xo. 22, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the lodge over which Hon. George Wash- ington presided as worshipful master ; past eminent commander of Old Dominion Com- mandery ; and a member of Acca Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Xobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Richmond. \'irginia.
Dr. Smith married, in May. 1913, Anne Stanton, daughter of Rev. Patrick Henry Murphy, and Mary Elizabeth (Carson) Murphv. at Coleraine. county Derry. Ire- land.
Henry Stuart Lewis. Two of the profes- sions, to nieml)ershii) in which most abun- dant honor attaches, medicine and law. are graced in two states by members of this family of Lewis. Henry Stuart Lewis a legal practitioner of Suffolk. Virginia, his honored father. Dr. Henry Wilkins Lewis,
a physician of Jackson. North Carolina. The
professional practice of the former extends
over a period of but seven years, while many
limes that period is required to contain the
medical activity of Dr. Lewis.
Dr. Henry Wilkins Lewis was born in Brunswick county, Virginia, in 1857, and v.'as from his youth educated for the medical profession. His early efforts were soon re- warded and a large and extensive practice was the result, while in public relations he became prominent. He was for thirty years physician of Northampton county, North Carolina, in which locality he began profes- sional work, and was coroner for that time, also serving several terms as a member of the North Carolina State Board of Health. His prestige and position in his profession is showui in his presidency of the Seaboard Medical Association of Virginia and North Carolina, and at the present time he is ac- tively engaged in professional work in Jack- son, North Carolina, where he is known as a professional man of learning and skill, a gentleman of fine character and personality, and citizen of worthy parts. He married Sally, daughter of Colonel Robert, and Sally (Blunt) Ridley, her father of Southampton county, Virgmia, her mother of Greenville county, in the same state. Colonel Robert Ridley was a lawyer by profession and gained his military rank through service in the Mexican war, commanding his regiment during that conflict. He represented South- ampton county, Virginia, in the legislature of Virginia and was a member of the con- stitutional convention of 1850 from South- ampton county, and was a planter of large estate. By this marriage Dr. Henry Wilkins Lewis is the father of: Henry Stuart, of whom further ; Edmund Wilkins, born in Jackson, North Carolina, in 1889, a drug- gist ; Ellen, born in Jackson. North Caro- lina, in 1888. By a previous marriage Sally (Ridley) Lewis is the mother of John J. Long, of Norfolk, Virginia, and a daughter, Mrs. Thomas B. Yuille, of New York.
Henry .Stuart Lewis, son of Dr. Henry Wilkins and Sally (Ridley) Lewis, was born in Northampton county. North Caro- lina, June 29. 1885. His earliest education was obtained under private instruction, and he was afterward a student in the high school at Warrenton. North Carolina, and the Horner Military School, at Oxford.
North Carolina, remaining in the last-