practice in Richmond and has continued in
this city to the present time, his record one
of thirty-eight years continuous connection
with the medical fraternity of Richmond in
which he is by common consent accorded
leading position. For the past twenty-four
years Dr. Crane has been physician of the
third district of Richmond, and for the past
twenty years he has been medical examiner
of the Royal Arcanum and of the Woodmen
of the World, of both of which orders he is
a member. Dr. Crane's professional career
stamps him as a physician of expert know-
ledge and ability, a reputation ratified by
his high standing among those who uphold
his profession in Richmond. He belongs to
the leading medical societies, and is a com-
municant of the Baptist church.
Dr. James Fuller Crane married, at Balti- more, Maryland, December 19, 1877, Susie E., born in Romney, West Virginia, daugh- ter of Jacob Ridenour, and has children : James L., an electrician of. Richmond, Vir- ginia ; Annie B., married W'illiam White- hurst, of Richmond ; Mary Irene, married W. C. Chancey, of Georgia.
Dr. Alexander Emmett Turman — Dr. John Warwick Turman. True sons of Vir- ginia, by birth and ancestry, the Drs. Tur- man are sons of Richmond by virtue of education and residence. They are sons of James M. Turman, of Carroll county, Vir- ginia, their native place, the old Turman homestead, that has been in the family for a century and a quarter. Both are gradu- ates of Richmond professional institutions, and both have there pursued their profes- sional careers since graduation.
James M. Turman w^as born on the home- stead farm in Carroll county, Virginia, March 13, 1846, and there yet resides. Dur- ing the last two years of the war between the states he served in the Confederate army in Company G, Fifty-fourth Regiment Virginia Infantry ; w^as wounded at the battle of Resaca and again at Atlanta. He married Tabitha Gardner, born in Hillsville, A'irginia, October 22, 1845, and still living. She is the daughter of Alexander Gardner, a farmer, of Hillsville, died December, 1910, and his wife, Susanna (Webb) Gardner, who died in September, i860. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner : Tabitha, of previous mention ; Hannah, married James Dalton, and died in 1909. aged sixty-three years;
Anderson, now a farmer of Willis, Virginia;
Enoch, now a ranchman of Oklahoma ;
James, now a farmer in Illinois ; Isaac, now
a farmer of Hillsville, Virginia. Children of
^Ir. and Mrs. Turman : Dr. Alexander Em-
mett, Christopher Madison, Dr. Charks
Franklin, Mrs. Susannah (Turman) Mar-
shall, Dr. John Warrick, Miss Alice.
Dr. Alexander Emmett Turman, eldest son of James M. and Tabitha (Gardner) Tur- man, was born in Carroll county, Virginia, May 6, 1869. He was educated in the public and normal schools, and the Medical Col- lege of Virginia, graduating M. D. from the latter institution, class of 1893. He spent one year as interne at the City Hospital, Richmond, then began private practice in the same city. He was physician at the State Farm for eight years, and has pursued courses of special medical study at Vienna, Austria. In addition to his private prac- tice he is also lecturer at the Medical Col- lege of Virginia. He is a member of the Masonic order, the Odd Fellows and the Elks, having attained in the first named order the thirty-second degree. Ancient Ac- cepted Scottish Rite. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. Dr. Alex- ander E. Turman married, in September, 1900, Fannie Nestorowitsch. daughter of Prince Alexander Nestorowitsch, who died in 1902, leaving a daughter, Adele.
Dr. John W^arwick Turman, youngest son of James M. and Tabitha (Gardner) Tur- man, was born in Carroll county, Virginia, July 3, 1883. He was educated at the public and normal schools, and the University Col- lege of Medicine, Richmond, receiving his degree of M. D. from the latter institution with the class of 1910. After serving a year as interne at the City Hospital he became associated with his brother. Dr. Alexander E. Turman, in the general practice of medi- cine in Richmond. Their offices, splendidly equipped and beautifully furnished, are lo- cated at No. 17 West Grace street, Rich- mond. The Drs. Turman are held in high esteem both as practitioners and citizens. Like his brother. Dr. Turman, the younger, is a thirty-second degree Mason of the An- cient Accepted Scottish Rite. He is a mem- ber of the Richmond Club and of the Luth- eran church. He is unmarried.
Grover Carr Dula. xA-lthough finding the
place of birth of Grover Carr Dula, of