ser\ ed eleven months and was in Cuba in
the army of occupation. To Company H,
better known as the famous "Richmond
Ijlues," he has since belon^-ed, and is an en-
thusiastic member of this crack military
organization, having served in all grades
irom private to commandery officer, regular
in his attendance at its drills, prominent in
all of its activities, and loyal in its support.
Dr. Bowles is a well known and successful
practitioner of dentistry.
I 'r. Howies is a grandson of Drewry \\ Ood Knight Bowles, who passed his life as a farmer on the old homestead at Bowles- \ille, Virginia. ha\ing by his marriage with a Miss Richardson nine children, of whom but two survive, Drewry W., of whom fur- ther, and Thomas J., a resident of Rich- mond.
Drewry W. ]>owles, son of Drewry Wood Knight. Howies, was born at Wilmington, Virginia. When a lad of but fourteen years he was accepted for duty in the Confederate army, and for three years was engaged in ctnirier duty, being discharged at the close of the war, with honor. During the greater part of his service he was with General Lee's army, and despite his youthful years was able to render valuable and necessary service to the cause. He married Regina Elmore, born in Richmond in 1848, died in 1906, (laughter of Charles Elmore, a native of Richmond, and has children : Aubrey R., of Richmond; Alary O., married L. C. Taur- man. of Richmond; Dr.. Edgar Wood, of whom further ; Addie Gray, married Wil- liam iTlis Jones, and resides in Richmond ; Charles Elmore, a practicing physician of Henrico county, V'irginia; Drewry W. Jr., and .Annie Lee, both of Richmond.
Dr. Edgar Wood Bowles, son of Drewry W. and Regina (Elmore) Bowles, was born in Richmond. A'irginia, February i, 1877. As a youth he was a student in the high school, then entered the University College of A'ledicine. He discontinued his course in this institution to go to the front with the Cnited States troops in the war with Spain as a member of Company 11, Fourth Regi- ment Virginia X'okmteers. He, was for eleven months in the United States Volun- teers and in Cuba in the army of occupation, the Seventh Army Corps, commanded by General iMtzhugh Lee, and upon his return from Cuba he entered the Medical Ct)llege of A'irijfinia. T-Timi this institution he re-
ceived both an M. D. and D. 13. S. in 1901,
and, making his choice for the profession ot
dental surgery, has since that year been
active in dental circles in his native city.
J lis professional standing is of the highest,
and the fourteen years of his establishment
have brought him a large and desirable
clientele. Since the days of his Cuban ex-
perience. Dr. Bowles has never lost interest
in military affairs, and has remained an
active member of the command in which he
served during that campaign, the "Rich-
mond Blues." He is tireless in his devotion
to this organization, regular in all of his re-
lations thereto, conspicuous in all branches
of its work, and takes pride in the high
standing the "Blues" maintain among simi-
lar organizations in the state and counlry.
Dr. Bowles fraternizes with the Masonic
order, and is a comnntnicant of the Christian
He married, in Richmond. June 2, 1903, Elizabeth Hawes Bowles, daughter of John R. and Alattie (Anderson) Bowles, her parents residents of Richmond. Mrs. Bowles was born in Louisa county, Virginia, the family of which she is a member being slightly connected with that of Dr. Bowles.
Edward Allen Catlin. Of Virginia birth, and a loyal son of this great commonwealth, the late Edward Allen Catlin, founder of the real estate firm of E. A. Catlin & Com- pany, and one of the best known and highly esteemed citizens of Richmond, witnessed the old order pass, and in the stirring events of the past half century was an ac- tive participant. He was a good soldier, although an extremely youthful one. the four years of active warfare developing a strong and determined character that brought him safely through the perils of commercial life, and won from his fellows- men respect and honorable position.
Edward Allen Catlin was born in Henrico county, Virginia, October i, 1846, son of William Catlin, born in Richmond, Virginia, Se])tember 5, 1805, died in September, 1882, and his wife. Sarah (England) Catlin. a grandson of Edward Catlin, and a descend- ant of Irish ancestry on both paternal and maternal sides. His father was a farmer of Hanover county. Virginia.
Edward Allen Catlin attended school at Meadow Farm Academy in Hanover comity.
N'iroinia. with the intention of later enter-