Church, Lancaster, the mother of William,
Benjamin Smith, ^Matthias, David Ritten-
house, Thomas,' Richard Peters, of whom
further ; Esther, and Julianna Susanna.
(II) Richard Peters Barton, youngest son of Rev. Thomas and Esther (Ritten- house) I5arton, moved to the valley of Vir- ginia and settled about six miles south of Winchester, no doubt attracted to that region through its resemblance to his native Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. He ac- quired a fine estate in that beautiful locality and there died January 10. 1821. He mar- ried Martha, daughter of Dr. Robert Walker, of "Kingston," the name of the family man- sion in Dinwiddle county, Virginia. He left sons, Richard W., of whom further ; Dr. Robert Rittenhouse. a surgeon of the United States navy ; David Walker, a lawyer and scholar.
(III) Richard W. Barton, eldest son of Richard Peters and Martha (Walker) Bar- ton, was a lawyer and planter, residing at Springdale, Frederick county, Virginia, where he died in i860. He was a member of the Twenty-seventh Congress, represent- ing the Winchester district, and serving from May 31, 1841, to March 3, 1843. He married (first) Alcinda Gibson, and had children : Julianna Grammar, born in 1824, married Moses (2) Myers, of Norfolk, Vir- ginia ; Rev. Richard Thomas. He married (second) Caroline Marx, of Richmond, and had children : Joseph Marx ; Caroline Marx, who married Dr. Robert F. Baldwin (see Baldwin line) ; and William. Alcinda Gib- son's mother was Elizabeth Winn, sister of Margaret W^inn, mother of Julia Neale, mother of General "Stonewall" Jackson, both being daughters of Minor AVinn, of Fauquier county, Virginia.
(The Baldwin Line).
(I) John Baldwin, Sr., of Milford, Con- necticut, came to that colony with others of his family with the New Haven Com- pany. Milford was purchased from the In- dians in February, 1639, and settlement was made during the same year. John Baldwin is on a list of the early settlers, joined the church, March 19, 1648, and was buried in Milford, June 21, 1681. His first wife, Mary, bore him seven children.
(II) John (2) Baldwin, son of John (i) and Mary Baldwin, was baptized March 26.
viR— 34
1648. joined the church, October 8, 1662, and
made his will in 1702. He was one of the
early settlers of Newark, New Jersey, in
1666. and one of four who bought the "Neck"
in 1674. Fie married (second) before 1686,
Ruth, daughter of Flenrv Bottsford, of Mil-
(III) Nathaniel Baldwin, son of John (2) Baldwin and his second wife, Ruth Botts- ford, was l)orn in Newark, New Jersey, about 1690, and died there August 10, 1750. He married (first) Mary Congar, who died May 5, 1729, aged twenty-six years, daugh- ter of Samuel Congar.
(IV) Elijah Baldwin, son of Nathaniel Baldwin and his first wife, Mary Congar, was born in Newark about 1717, died Janu- ary 8, 1766. His will names eight children.
(V) Dr. Cornelius Baldwin, son of Elijah Baldwin, was born in Elizabeth, New Jer- sey, in 1751, and died in Winchester, Vir- ginia, in 1827. Fle was a graduate of Prince- ton College and obtained his degree of Doc- tor of Medicine from a medical college in Philadelphia. After the close of the revolu- tionary war, during which he served as sur- geon of Third Virginia Regiment in the American army, he located at Winchester, A'irginia, where he was widely known as a skillful physician and polished gentleman of highest character and social position. He married (first) about 1784, Mary, youngest daughter of Colonel Gerard Briscoe, of "Cloverdale," near Winchester. She was born in 1767, died September 26, 1808, the mother of ten children.
(VI) Dr. Archibald Stuart Baldwin, son of Dr. Cornelius Baldwin and his first wife, Mary Briscoe, was born in Winchester, Vir- finia, in 1797, and died in 1870. He was a practicing physician of Winchester in asso- ciation with his brother. Dr. Robert, the brothers being most devotedly attached to each other and, by a peculiar coincidence, marrying sisters. He was president of the Valley Bank, prominent in politics, and a man held in highest esteem professionally and socially. He married Kitty Macky, who bore him eight children, three being sons who became physicians.
(VII) Dr. Robert Frederick Baldwin, son of Dr. Archibald Stuart and Kitty (Macky) Baldwin, was born in 1830 in Winchester, and died in Staunton, Virginia, in 1879, being
at the time superintendent of the Western