Maq'istrates." Benjamin Baldwin was an
arclKeolos^ist of the sixteenth century ; Sir
Thomas Baldwin, a miscellaneous writer of
the seventeenth century ; Fredericus Bald-
win, of Wittenberg, in 1628, wrote a Latin
"Treatise on Cases of Conscience." George
Baldwin wrote from 1801 to 1818; Rev. Ed-
ward Baldwin or Baldwyn edited "The Pan-
theon" in London in 1814. and was the
author of many works. In the buried regis-
ter of Lymington. Hants, there is the fol-
lowing entry : "12 August 1722. This fore-
noon the body of Samuel lialdwnn, late in-
habitant of this parish, was conveyed in a
vessel off to sea, and committed to the deep
off the Needle Rocks, near the Isle of
Wight." This appears to have been done,
says a Hampshire paper, in accordance with
the wish of the deceased, to prevent his wife
from dancing over his grave, which she had
threatened to do.
The Baldwins of Bucks county, England, were the ancestors of the Americans of the name, and we find among them : Sir John Baldwin, chief justice of the Common Pleas of England, from 1536 until his death in 1546. He was lord of the manor of Ayles- bury. In 1540 Henry VIII. granted him the home and site of Gray Friars in Aylesbury. Richard Baldwin, of Dundrege, county Bucks, England, was the immediate ances- tor of those Baldwins resident there. His great-grandson, Sylvester Baldwin, was the immigrant to New England, who died on board the ship "Martin," in 1638. His wife was Sarah (t>ryant) Baldwin. They came from Aston Clinton, four miles from Ayles- bury.
The first Baldwin settlers in New Eng- land were all kindred, but not all brothers. They have scattered widely over the coun- try, and are honorably represented in pro- fessions, in business, and in public life. A Henry Baldwin was judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Several have been governors of states, members of Con- gress, generals of armies, divines and authors. An Abram Baldwin was a member of the convention that framed the constitu- tion of the United States. He also procured the establishment of the Georgia University, and his literary labors, and that of others, of the same name, are of great merit. Mat- thias Baldwin rose from a humble place as a machinist to great success and influence. From being the sole occupant of a small
shop he became the head of an establish-
ment employing a thousand workmen. He
built the first American locomotive, and his
works have since turned out the finest in the
John IJaldwin, the American progenitor of the family under discussion here, was born in Bucks county, England, and came to New Haven, Connecticut, at an early date. He was among the first planters of Milford, Connecticut, and was buried there in 1681.
He married (first) Mary , (second)
Mary Bruen, of Pequot, a daughter of John Bruen, who came from Stapleton, Cheshire, England. The line of descent is then as fol- lows : John, second of the name ; Nathaniel, Elijah. Cornelius, Archibald Stuart. Judge Briscoe G. Bakhvin was brother of Archi- l)ald Stuart lialdwin and father of John B. Elaldwin. Judge Baldwin was a noted law- yer and writer of legal dicussions.
Robert Frederick Baldwin, of the seventh generation, son of Archibald Stuart Bald- win, married Gary Marx Barton and had children: i. Caroline Marx, of further men- tion. 2. Catherine Macky. who married Barton Myers, a prominent resident of Nor- folk. Virginia, of further mention, and has had children : Robert Baldwin, born Novem- ber 19, 1883, studied law at the University of Virginia, and was admitted to the bar at Norfolk, in 1907; Katherine Barton, born September 14, 1886; Louisa Barton, born June 26, 1888 ; Barton, Jr., born February 12, 1894; Frances Stuart Baldwin, born No- vember 26, 1895. 3- Archibald Stuart, born September 28, 1861 ; married, in 1882. Mattie Frazier, and had children : Robert Fred- erick ; Martha Frazier, deceased ; William Frazier; Archibald Stuart, Jr., deceased; Cary Baldwin, deceased ; Howard Frazier ; Kittie Macky. 4. Robert Frederick, mar- ried Elizabeth D. Boykin. and has six chil- dren : Robert F. Baldwin. Jr., Elizabeth Irwin Ualdwin. William Boykin Baldwin. Katherine Barton Baldwin, Frances Stuart Baldwin. Mary Cornelia Baldwin. 5. Wil- liam Barton, born in 1865 ; married Bessie Saunders Taylor ; no children. 6. John Macky, -of further mention.
Caroline Marx Baldwin, daughter of Robert Frederick Baldwin, was born Sep- tember 10, 1858. She married. April 30. 1878, Hugh Caperton Preston, a son of James Francis and Sarah Ann (Caperton)
Preston, and a grandson of Governor James