ing "Bold-Winner" or "Bold, Courageous
Friend." In Latin it is Baldwins; French,
Baudouin ; Italian, Baldino, Balduino ; Ger-
man, Baldwin.
One of the hrst of the name that appears in any prominence was Baldwin, son of Gan, a young French knight, killed at the battle of Roncenvalles, A. D. 778. Another Bald- win, son of Ogier, the Dane, was slain by Charlon, son of Charlemagne. This would seem to fix the name as of Danish origin, and coming with other Northmen to Nor- mandy. In 837 A. D., we hear of "Bald- win of the Iron Arm, founder of Bruges. He was so called from his skill in wielding the battle axe. The name of Bruges is traced to a bridge,' lonely chateau or monastery. Flanders was then a wilderness governed by "foresters" appointed by the King of France. "Baldwin of the Iron Arm" was so appointed. In his visits at court he won the love of Judith, the beautiful daughter of Charles, who opposed the marriage, but she married the "forester" who was also powerful. The king, harassed at the time by the Danes, could not avenge what he considered an in- sult and appealed to the Pope, who excom- municated Baldwin. The latter, however, pleaded his cause so eloquently, that the Pope withdrew his censures and reconciled Charles to the marriage. They were again received into favor and the title of "forester" was changed to that of "count." Their de- scendants, who ruled wisely in the Duke- dom of Flanders for many years, governed as follows : The first from 837 to 877 A. D. ; the second from 877 to 918; the third from 918 to 989; the fourth from 989 to 1034; the fifth from 1034 to 1067, and was regent of France during the minority of Philip ; the sixth from 1067 to 1070; the seventh from 1070 to 1071 ; the eighth from 1071 to 11 19; the ninth from 11 19 to 1195.
The Baldwins of Flanders and England were numerously represented as leaders in the Crusades. Godfrey Buillon married a daughter of the Flanders family. He took some of the brothers of his wife with him in the campaign which resulted in the con- quest of Jerusalem, and one was made the first King of Jerusalem after Godfrey in HOC, and was known in history as Baldwin 1st. He died in 11 18, and was succeeded by a brother, known as Baldwin 2nd. who died in 1 131. He was succeeded by a nephew, who was chosen emperor in 1 144. married
into the family of Commenus, the Greek
Emperor, and died in 1162. Baldwin 4th
ruled from 1173 to 1185; Baldwin 5th only
a few months, when he was imprisoned, and
Jerusalem was captured by Saladin in 1187.
In 1204 a Baldwin was Emperor of Constan-
tinople, was taken prisoner by the King of
the Bulgarians, and died in 1206. In 1228
he was succeeded by Baldwin 2nd, who was
dethroned in 1261 by Michel Palacologus.
and died in 1273. Baldwin, archbishop of
Canterbury, with a large retinue, and his
banner inscribed with the name of Thomas
A'Becket, went on a crusade with Richard.
Coeur de Lion, in 1120.
Matilda Baldwin, a daughter of the Duke of Flanders, married William the Conqueror. Her sister married Tosto, brother of Harold, King of England. It would appear that there was a Baldwin in England as early as 672 A. D. Baldwin of Flanders married Elstreth, daughter of Alfred the Great. There were Baldwins. Earls of Devonshire, called in Normandy Baudoin des Riviers, and in England Baldwin de ITsle. Bald- win or Redviers. the Earl, was the first to rebel against Stephen.
The ancestor of John Hampden, the Eng- lish patriot of ship money fame, was Bald- win de Hampden, his real name therefore being John Baldwin. The name of the estate had been taken as was customary at the time. Baldwin D'Anesnes, son of Mar- garet, Countess of Flanders and Hainault, was known as the historian of his house in the thirteenth century. Theodore Baldwin, a monk, died in 1 191; Baldwin, a French savant, died in 1650; Baldwin, a French jurist of distinction, died somewhat later. Baldwin, hereditary Viscount of Devon- shire and Baron of Okehampton. was so cre- ated by King W' illiam at the commencement of his reign. Hemington was held by Bald- win de Pettour. who was obliged to go to Saltus, Sufflus and Pettus every Christmas, in order to retain his estate. Montgomery was built by Baldwin, lieutenant of the "Marshes of Wales."
In the field of literature the Baldwins have also made a notable record. Rev. Thomas Baldwin, who died in 1190, at the siege of Petolemais, wrote several works. Rev. W^illiam Baldwin, a scholar and divine, born about 1500. died in 1564. wrote theatri- cal plays, poems, proverbs, and many other
works, the most noted being "A Mirror for