was the son of John Carr Calvert Taylor
and Eloise Williamson (Jones) Taylor, of
Petersburg. \'irginia. the eldest of their
nine children : Richard, of further mention ;
Eliza, married George Chamberlaine ; Ella,
married- Dr. Gordon ; Calvert ; Sally Pope,
married Lafayette Ilarmanson ; Washing-
ton, married Emily H. Whitehead; Virgmia.
married R. ^^^ Waldropp ; two children died
in infancy.
Richard Taylor was born in the Norfolk homestead. Duke and Freemason streets, in 1835. died in 1877. He attended the public schools, but he was still young when the death of his father placed him in the respon- sible position of head of the family. He was his uncle's clerk in the United States navy for several years, holding that position until hostilities began between the states, when he enlisted in the Confederate navy. He was paymaster on the privateer "Florida," at the time of her capture, but remained in England until after the war closed. AMiile in this enforced exile, he persuaded the lady, to whom he was engaged, to cross the ocean and there they were married, returning to Norfolk in 1865. On his return Mr. Taylor engaged in banking, becoming one of the leading financiers of the city and at the age of thirty-three held the responsible position of president of the Citizen's National Bank. an institution he aided in organizing and that now is rated among the leading banks of Norfolk. He was the first president of the bank and also of the Marine Bank, which he also helped to organize. His valu- able life was cut short in his forty-second year, but in that time he had won a secure position in the financial world and the re- sults of his wise financiering are yet appar- ent. Fie was a man of highest principle, a devout churchman and his short life teemed with good works, charitable and philan- thropic. He married, early in 1865. in Eng- land, Frances Willoughby Camp, daughter of George Washington and Elizabeth (Arm- istead) Camp, the latter a daughter of Gile Armistead, who married Jane Baron, of the old Virginia liaron family. Children : I. Frank Willoughby, born March 19, 1866, died in i8(;i. Fie was educated at W'ebster Military Academy, began business life as clerk, then until his death was a broker. 2. Elizabeth Armistead, of further mention. 3. Richard Calvert, born September 18. 1871. died September 24. 1909. He married
Cecelia Ashton Delihant and had four chil-
dren : Sally Pope. Cecelia x\shton, Elizabeth
Armistead, and Virginia.
Elizabeth Armistead Taylor, only daugh- ter, and now the only surviving child of Richard and Frances Willoughby (Camp) Taylor, was born in Norfolk, \'irginia. Octo- ber 30, 1868. She was particularly well edu- cated in vocal music, her fine voice yet being frequently heard at private entertainments and in church concerts. She married, No- vember 12. 1907, Arthur R. Stansbury, son of James E. and Martha (Lemmon) Stans- bury. of Baltimore, Maryland. Child : Fran- cis Calvert, born October 25. 1908.
James E. Stansbury began life as a poor boy in Baltimore, there working steadily upward until he became head of the J. E. Stansbury Packing Company, which he organized and controlled. He was a man greatly beloved, his success in life only seeming to make him more considerate and anxious to aid the less fortunate. He rose to high position in the Masonic order and was there held in the highest esteem.
Arthur R. Stansbury, only child of James E. Stansbury by his second wife, was edu- cated in the Friends' School. Baltimore, and began life under the supervision of his hon- ored father. In 1898 he came to Virginia, locating in Norfolk, where he established a merchandise brokerage business, which he still successfully continues. He is also Southern representative of the Wall Rope Company, of New York City, and has other interests of importance. He is a vestryman of Christ Episcopal Church, and in political faith is a Democrat.
Wellford Bohannan Lorraine, M. D. The
Lorraines. an ancient French Huguenot family, first settled in America in Louisiana. From the Louisiana emigrant came Charles Lorraine, a railroad official of Richmond, \'irginia. He married Martha Bohannan.
L;r. \Vellford Piohannan Lorraine, son of Charles and Martha (IJohannan) Lorraine, was born in Richmond. April 2-j, 1880. His early and preparatory education was obtain- ed in the Richmond public schools. He then entered Hampden-Sidney College, from which he graduated Bachelor of Arts, class of 1899. He then began the study of medi- cine at the Medical College of Virginia, but later changed his ])lans and entered Hahne-
mann Medical College and Hospital, at