of Dorsetshire, England, who was living in
1588, through his son James and his wife,
Mary (Charmarister) Tazewell, whose son,
James (2) Tazewell, lived in Somersetshire,
England, at Livingston Manor where he
died in 1683. He married Elizabeth Upsal
and was succeeded by his son, James (3)
William Tazewell, son of James (3) Taze- well, was born in England in 1690, came to Virginia in 1715, and died in 1752. He settled in Accomac county, where he owned a plantation and held the office of magis- trate. He married, in 1721, Sophia Harman- son, of Virginia, and had children, Littleton, John. Gertrude and Anne.
Littleton Tazewell, son of the emigrant, William Tazewell, was born in 1728, died in 1761. He was a planter and magistrate, know locally as "Squire" Tazewell. He married, in 1752. Mary Gray and had four children. His brother. John Tazewell, was the first clerk of the general court of \\^il- liamsburg county.
Henry Tazewell, son of Littleton and Mary (Gray) Tazewell, was born in 1753, died in 1799. He was a man of public promi- nence and wealth, residing after his mar- riage at Kings Creek, W^illiamsburg county, where he owned a plantation. He married Dorothy Elizabeth Waller, of previous men- tion. They were the parents of Governor Littleton Waller Tazewell, and the grand- parents of Mary Tazewell, mother of Wil- liam and Corbin Griffin A\'aller.
Mary, daughter of Governor Littleton Waller Tazewell, married Matthew Page Waller, of Williamsburg, Virginia, a de- scendant of Colonel John (i) Waller. Chil- dren of Matthew Page and Mary (Tazewell) Waller: i. Robert Page, married, January 5, 1887. \^irginia Pelham Stuart, l3orn in 1863, died in 1898. daughter of the late Gen- eral J. B. and Flora (Cooke) Stuart, her father being the famous Confederate cavalry general; children: Flora Stuart. Matthew Page and Virginia Stuart. 2. Anne S. T., born March 4. 1855, died March 13, 1867. 3. Colonel Littleton Waller Tazewell, now of the United States marine service ; mar- ried Clara Wynne; children, Littleton Taze- well, Charles Beresford and Henry Taze- well. 4. William Nivison. of whom further. 5. Corbin Griffin, of whom further. 6. Mat- thew Page, born June 25. 1861. died July 30. If"'
William Xivison Waller, son of Matthew
Page and Mary (Tazewell) Waller, was
born in Norfolk, Virginia, November 16,
1858. He was educated in private schools
and the Episcopal High School, beginning
business life as a clerk. He was with the
cotton firm of James Maybrick for several
years, then entered the building materials
line of business, closing out the business
after eight years. In 1910 he accepted a
position with the Water Works Supply Cor-
poration, and in 1913 took a position with
the Norfolk Building Supply Corporation,
having charge of their storehouse. Mr.
Waller is a member of St. Luke's Episco-
pal Church, and a former vestryman. In
politics he is independent, and a citizen of
high standing. He is public-spirited and in-
terested in furthering the advancement and
contributing to the devolopment of his city
in many ways. He married, June 22. 18S7,
Anne Duncan. Children : William Nivison
(2), born March 23, 1888; Mary Duncan,
September, 1891 ; Anne Stratton Tazewell,
1893; James Duncan, March 24, 1895.
Corbin Griffin Waller, son of Matthew Page and Mary (Tazewell) AValler, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, February 21, i860. He was educated in private schools and the Episcopal High School, and since leaving school has always been engaged in business. Fie was for several years a com- mission merchant, handling cotton, tobacco and grain, and then he engaged in shoe man- ufacturing in Norfolk. The latter business was not one that he liked and he soon sold his interest. He then established in the real estate business and so continues. He is an active worker in the Democratic party, and for nineteen years served as judge of elec- tions. He is a member of Christ Episcopal Church, and for several years held the office of vestryman. Mr. W'aller is a successful man of business, and highly esteemed by all who know him.
On September 18. 1894. he married Fanny Marshall Byrd. daughter of Richard Corbin and Anne Gordon (Marshall) Byrd. grand- daughter of Dr. Samuel Russell and Cather- ine (Corbin) Byrd. and maternal grand- daughter of Chief Justice John ^Marshall and his wife. Anne ( Blackwell) Marshall. Chil- dren : Sally Tazewell, born June 26, 1896; Anne ^Marshall Byrd. September 28. 1897;
Catherine Corbin, January 15. 1899; Fanny