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W. Carter is a successful business man and has gained high standing as a man and mer- chant.

Mr. Carter is a Democrat in politics and from 1898 to 1910 was a member of the city council, serving as president of that body one term. In 1912 he was elected a mem- ber of the school board and in 1913 was chosen chairman of the board. He has served his adopted city well as an official, always an advocate of progress and im- provement. He is a member of Main Street Methodist Episcopal Church and interested in all good works.

Mr. Carter married, in Danville, Decem- ber 2, 1879, Margaret Redd, born in Prince Edward county, Virginia, daughter of Frank D. Redd, deceased, a farmer and vet- eran Confederate soldier. He married Anna Watson, also deceased. Children of John W. and Margaret Carter: i. Warner P., born September, 1880, died October, 1907; was a graduate of Randolph-Macon College, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, a well known chemist. 2. Jeduthan Epps, born October 27, 1881 ; until 1913 city constable. 3. John Wesley (2), born July 5, 1888; graduate of the University of Virginia Law School, now commonwealth attorney of city of Danville. 4. Anna Redd, residing at home. 5. Margaret Rosaline, died March 3, 1892, aged twelve months. 6. Joel Ken- net, born July 31, 1893; a college student. 7. William Harold, born June 5. 1896, a high school student.

William Emmet Deaton. From 1900 un- til 1907 a merchant of the city of Norfolk, \^irginia, his activity in mercantile lines ended by his death in the latter year, Wil- liam Emmet Deaton passed his entire life as a wholesale grocer, Petersbiu-g and Roa- noke having been the scenes of his previous business dealings. In the short time that he was a member of the fraternity of business men in Norfolk he established relations that were the most cordial, and held the sincere regard of his fellows for his industrious prosecution of a business policy in which none but priiiciples of honor held place.

William Em.met Deaton, son of Thomas A\'ilson and Lucy (Blick) Deaton, was born in Petersburg, Virginia, in 1850, his death occurring in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1907. Un- til he was sixteen years of age he was a student in Professor Christian's pri\ate

school, at that early age beginning inde- pendent wholesale grocery dealings. He continued thus until his marriage, when he moved to Roanoke, Virginia, there estab- lishing in the same line, and remained in that city until 1900. At that date he made his home in Norfolk, Virginia, also making that city his place of business, and resided there until his death, prospering in his busi- ness operations and gaining substantial position as a merchant. During the forty- one years of his business career, begun so early in life, he never formed a partnership of any kind, with but one exception and then for a short time only, preferring to stand or fall, to prosper or to fail, in his own resources and effort, and the success that attended him well shows that his con- fidence in his ability was not misplaced. He was identified with the Masonic order, hold- ing the thirty-second degree, and belonged to the Improved Order of Red Alen. Poli- tically a Democrat, while a resident of Pe- tersburg, Virginia, he held place upon the city council, and was a deacon of the Bap- tist church.

Mr. Deaton married (first) Kate Eckles, of Petersburg, Virginia, who died in 1884, leaving one daughter, Daisy J., born May, 1873. Mr. Deaton married (second) June 10. 189T, Anna Lee Vanderslice, daughter of Rev. George Curtis and Nannie (Pettit) Vanderslice, her father a son of Samuel and Emily (Keesee) Vanderslice. Rev. George Curtis Vanderslice was a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute and Washington College, being ordained into the ministry of the Methodist church. In the Confederate States army he filled the dual position of captain of a company and chaplain of the regiment, remaining in the service, soldier and preacher, until the close of the conflict. Children of Rev. George Curtis and Nannie (Pettit) Vanderslice: i. Lucy Emily, mar- ried Lee Britt. 2. Samuel Pettit, married Susie Baker ; children : Samuel, George, Ida. 3. Anna Lee, of previous mention, married William Emmet Deaton. 4. Dr. George Keesee Vanderslice, married Nannie Phoe- bus ; children : Dorothy, Harrison P., Anna P., James C, Ellis I. 5. Granbury E., mar- ried Virgil Sadler ; children : Virginia Anne and Granbury E. Jr. 6. Catherine, married M. F. Langhorn ; children : Curtis, Cather- ine, Anne. 7. Mary, married William S.

Beeman ; children : \\'illiam S. Jr., Alarda,

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