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Cabell ; served under the Marquis de Lafay- ette in the Virginia campaign ; and was pres- ent at the surrender of Cornwallis at York- town. He married Sarah Burcher, and had issue: i. Burcher. see forward. 2. \\'}-att, removed to Prince Edward county. 3. John, removed to Prince Edward county. 4. Richard, married Pency Camden, daughter of William Camden ; moved to Pittsylvania county and became the head of the large and influential family of the name in that county. 5 Gary, died in 1812. 6. Bartholomew, born in 1772. 7. James, removed to Pittsylvania coiinty and later to Georgia. 8. Sarah, mar- ried, in 1792, Martin Bibb. 9. Edy, married, in 1794, George Campbell. 10. Bettie Ann. married Moses Wright. 11. Rhoda. died unmarried. 12. Nancy, married a Mr. Powell, of Monticello. Georgia. 13. Mary, married John Smith, of Birmingham. Alabama. 14. Susan, married John Stinette. 15. Frankie, married a Mr. Powers, of Frederick county, Virginia. 16. Marble, died young, unmar- ried. John Whitehead died in April, 1787, and at the September term of court of that year his wife, Sarah, qualified as his admin- istratrix. Sarah (Burcher) Whitehead died in 1792, and Burcher Whitehead qualified as administrator, d. b. n. of John Whitehead. (II) Burcher AVhitehead. son of John and Sarah (Burcher) Whitehead, was born in 1764. He was a substantial citizen and farmer of Amherst county. He married Nancy Camden in 1788. Her father. Wil- liam Camden, was a man of considerable importance in his day. being associated with Lord Fairfax in numerous business ven- tures. His home was named "Tudor Hall," and he also owned "Greenway" on the James river. The children of Burcher and Nancy (Camden) Whitehead were: i. John, see for- ward. 2. William, moved to Tennessee and became the head of the family of the name in that state. 3. Floyd L.. lived in Nelson county, where he engaged in agricultural and mercantile pursuits, and became a man of influence in the community ; he married (first) Elizabeth Armstrong, (second) Mar- tha W^illiams ; his children were Mary Eliz- abeth, who married James Stapples ; Alex- ander, married Lucy Stratton ; Kincade. married Annie Stratton ; Frances ; George, represented Nelson county in the legislature for several terms ; Polk, died unmarried ; Floyd, married Denie Duke ; Sally, married — Ballard ; Lucy, unmarried ; Katherine

unmarried ; Anna, unmarried. 4. Pency, never married. 5. Elizabeth, married Asa Stratton, of Nelson county, and had issue : Elizabeth, unmarried ; Robert Burcher, mar- ried (first) ]\Iary Elizabeth Peyton, and had issue : Sibyl, died unmarried ; Robert, died in childhood; Alexander; Mary Elizabeth; Lavinia Peyton, married Ben D. Puryear ; married (second) Elinor Bruce ; Alexander Brown, married Alice V. Roberts; Floyd Whitehead, married Judith Quinn; John Asa. died in infancy. 6. Sibyl, never mar- ried. 7. Sarah, never married. 8. Mary, mar- ried Robert Cutler, and had issue: Mary, married Robert E. Harris ; Rev. Landon A., married Fannie B. Fitzpatrick ; Clifton B., married Pauline Estes ; Preston, married a ^Nliss Garnett ; Ernest, died in infancy ; Ed- Avard. married a Miss Fitzpatrick.

(HI) John (2) Whitehead, son of Burcher and Nancy (Camden) Whitehead, was born in Amherst county, Virginia, in 1789. He was a man of importance in Amherst county filling many positions of honor and trust, among them being that of high sheriff of the county for a number of terms. He engaged in business as a merchant and tobacconist for several years. Later he accepted a posi- tion as teller of the Bank of Virginia, moved to Lynchburg, and at the time of his death was a resident of that city. He was a man of deep piety and devoted to church work ; there is a tablet to his memory in the Cen- tenary ^Methodist Episcopal Church of Lynchburg, of which he was a member. He married. February 24, 1812, Anna Mahoney. a woman of vigorous and strong personality. She was an Irish woman, the daughter of Dennis ]\Iahoney, who participated in Em- mett's rebellion ; escaped to America on its collapse and settled in Amherst county. Issue : I. Robert, of Nelson county, who was a striking figure and commanding person- ality in his day ; as a lawyer he was without a superior at the bar ; was a forceful speaker, being endowed with a splendid mind and possessing a profound and accurate know- ledge of the law ; stood in the very front rank of his profession ; never aspired to office, but was elected commonwealth attor- ney of Nelson county, and held that position for nearly forty years until his advancing years made it necessary for him to decline re-election ; died at the ripe old age of eigh- ty-five, honored and mourned by a host of

friends; married (first) Lucy Gwathney, by

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