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stitute ; Grace Madeline, born Xovember 7. 1888. married Dr. Frank H. Redwood, of SuiYolk, Virginia, June 5, 1912; William James (2), born April 26 (also his father's birth date) 1891, a graduate of Richmond Academy, was a student at Richmond Col- lege, and is now a member of the building firm of Oilman & Son. He married. April 9. 1913. Blanche Taylor King, of Richmond; Alice Leslie, born November 2, 1892, edu- cated in the public school and at the Miss Elletts School.

John W. Preston, M. D., a citizen of Roan- oke. Virginia, was born December 13, 1867, at Glade Hill, Virginia, son of Stephen Booker and Isabella (Arrington) Preston, and grandson of Captain Stephen Preston, a planter of Bedford and Franklin counties, who was in command of a Virginian com- pany in the war of 1812. Stephen Booker Preston was a native of Franklin county, Virginia. He served throughout the war as a Confederate soldier, under General Stuart until the latter's death, then in General Fitzhugh Lee's command. After the war he devoted himself to agricultural pursuits Children of Stephen Booker and Isabella (Arrington) Preston: John W., of whom further ; Stephen, of whom further ; Mrs. F. W. Finley, of Williamsburg, Kentucky ; Dr. B. S. Preston, of Charleston, West Virginia ; Dr. C. B. Preston, of Kingston, West Vir- ginia ; Dr. D. G. Preston, of Burnsviile, West Virginia, and H. T. Preston, con- nected v.ath the Virginia Railway, Herndon, West Virginia.

Dr. John W. Preston was educated in the public schools of his native place, and later attended Milligan College, Tennessee, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Bal- timore. Maryland, from which he graduated in the class of 1893. He established him- self in the Pocahontas coal fields of West Virginia, where he remained until 1907, when after a year's post-graduate work he relocated in Roanoke. He is a member of the local. State and American Medical associa- tions, and of the State Board of Medical Flx- aminers. He married, in 1901, Lottie M. Steele, 'laughter of J. K. F. Steele, of West \"irginia.

Dr. Stephen Preston. D. D. S.. also of Roanoke, was born March 17. 1872, in Franklin county, Virginia. After completing the course of studv in the local schools, he

entered the dental department of the Uni- versity of Maryland, and upon his gradu- ation frC'm that institution he engaged in the practice 01 his profession at Glade Hill, Virginia, continuing until the year 1912 when he removed to Roanoke. He is a mem- ber of the Roanoke and State Dental so- cieties. He married Lera Bernard, daugh- ter of M. H. Bernard, of Glade Hill, Vir- ginia.

Christopher E. Cheyne. Descendant of a family of Ireland established in Canada by his grandfather, Christopher Cheyne. and himself a native of Toronto, Canada, Chris- topher E. Cheyne, a well-known photo- grapher of Hampton, Virginia, came to this city after a business experience in several lines both in Canada and the United States. In his present calling he has found an oc- cupation for which, by inclination and talent, he is admirably fitted, and the large patronage enjoyed by his studio in Hamp- ton is fair evidence of his material success in this line.

The family was founded in Canada oy Christopher Cheyne, who in 1819 came from his home in county Tyrone, Ireland, settling at Little Muddy York, the early name of the present city of Toronto, Ontario. FIc was then a youth of nineteen years, land- ing in America with neither friends nor ex- tensive resources, but his persistent energy and unflagging enthusiasm won him first good position and then material competence. By his marriage with a Miss Hamilton he became the father of one son and one daugh- ter, Luther and Jennie.

Luther Cheyne. born in 1832, owned two hundred acres of farm land which he culti- vated with excellent success. He married Mary Jane Switzer. Issue : Frederick Her- bert, married Bertha Scott, and has one son, Tom Scott ; Christopher Ethelbert, of whom further; Marian, born in 1873, car- ried, in 1898, F. G. Anderson, and has two sons, Fred, born in 1898, and Frank, born in 1901.

Christopher Ethelbert Cheyne. son of Luther and Mary Jane (Switzer) Cheyne. was born in Toronto. Ontario, Canada, ni 1867, and gained his youthful education in the grammar and high schools of the city of his birth. He discontinued his studies to accept a position with a firm dealing in coal and wood, following this line for three years.


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