him at the end of that time. Christopher
Higginson. a near kinsman of the k)r(l hisliop
of Ely, lived in James City county, Virginia,
and was a brother of Humphrey Higginson,
a member of the council. Christopher Hig-
ginson died lA— , while IJishop Wren was
still incuml)ent of the See of Ely. Christo-
pher Wren, born at East Knoyle, Wiltshire.
England. October 20, 1632, died at Hamp-
ton Court, I'ebruary 25. 1723. His father
was chaplain-in-ordinary to Charles 1., and
dean of Windsor. Ry tradition the Wrenns
of \^irginia claim descent from Sir Christo-
])her Wrenn. through a son who settled on
the Rap})ahannock river.
John Wren is mentioned in the records of Surry county. A'irginia. as appointed to clear James river from the mouth of L'pper Sunken Marsh to Gray's Creek, in 1709. He died Julv 16, 171 3.
Richard \\'ren. supposed to be a son of John Wren, made a will, dated April 16. 1717. He left a wife and live children, two of whom were: Joseph, of further men- tion : Thomas, who died in 1775. leaving several sons and daughters.
Joseph Wrenn. son of Richard W^ren, was a idanter of Surry county. Virginia. His will was probated May 10. 1750. and he died leaving several children, sons and daugh- ters.
P). H. Wrenn. grandson of Joseph Wrenn. died April 21, 1827. at the house of James TiiTany. Montgomery county. A^irginia. upon his return from Kentucky. He left one son.
William IC ^\ renn. only son of V>. H. Wrenn. married, Mav 13, 1823, Eliza N. Marchant, who married (second) Novem- ber 29, 1834, Thomas R. Horum. She was a (laughter of John S. and Margaret Mar- chant, the former of whom died October 7, 1826, the latter died August 2y, 1826, and their son, John C. Marchant, died October 4, 1826.
Aurelius Ormond Marchant Wrenn, son of William B. and Eliza N. (Marchant) W^renn, was born September i, 1828. He married (first) Martha Virginia Holmes, a daughter of Dr. William and Martha (Duke) Holmes, of Suffolk. Virginia. He married (second) Mary E]izal)eth Holmes, a sister of his first wife. Children by the first mar- riage : I. William Aurelius. of further men- tion. 2. Charles Ormond. married Jessie Richards, and had children : Charles O.,
Richard. Josei)hine. Laurence and McDon-
ald Edward. 3. McDonald Lindsay, mar-
ried Kate Campbell, and had one child: Mc-
Donald Lindsay. 4. Martha Virginia, mar-
ried John B. Sisson, and had children: Mar-
tha, who married Thomas P>. Chambers:
John B. ; Ormond Wagner; Allan Flack,
who died August 26. 1914. Children by the
second marriage: 5. Bessie, married Alfred
I'. C^-amcr. and had children : Alfred B. and
William Aurelius. 6. Margaret Holmes,
married Dr. Charles hVederick Bevan, of
lUiltimore. and had children: Margaret,
Pllizabeth and Charles E. 7. Harry Lee, '
now resides in Washington, D. C. He mar-
ried Louisa Nash, and had children : Kate
C. and Elizabeth.
William Aurelius Wrenn, son of Aurelius Ormond Marchant and -Martha \'irginia ( Holmes ) Wrenn, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, May 28, 1854, and died Noveml)er 8, 1905. Pie was educated in the local pri- vate schools and the Norwood high school, but poor health prevented his taking a col- lege c(^urse. Instead, he entered mercan- tile life. In 1874 he, with T. J. Nottingham, founded the firm of Nottingham & Wrenn, coal, ice and lumber and land dealers. In 1P9T this firm was incorporated as the Not- tingham &- Wrenn Company, and is now one of the important coal and lumber con- cerns of Norfolk. Mr. Wrenn always held a close and intimate connection with the companv, and was an important factor in its continued success, having been the presi- dent from its organization. He gave his whole energy and ability to this one activ- ity, not being allied with anv other interests. He was devoted to his home, and to the interests of the Methodist Episcopal church, which he served as trustee and as treasurer of the finance committee. He was a Demo- crat in politics, but took little active part beyond expressing his preference at the polls. He was held in highest esteem in the business world, and enjoyed the confidence of a large circle of intimate friends.
Mr. Wrenn married. April 30. 1878, Mary Middleton Woodward, born in Portsmouth. \'irginia. April 12. 1858. daughter of James and Maria P. (Harrell) Woodward. Chil- dren: I. Maria Virginia, born January 16. 1880; married, June 11. 1903. Wilson L. Smith, and has children: A^irginia Mar- chant, born June 4, 1904; Samuel Yeard-
ly, born May 31, 1906; Thomas Wilson,