vania. December i8, 1766, died May, 1827,
daughter of Joseph and Martha (McCal-
mont) Chambers, of York, Pennsylvania.
Children: i. Robert, born October 28,
1785; married. September, 1810, Eliza-
beth Yance ; children : John William, born
July 7, 181 1 ; Mary Jane, born March 7,
1813; Robert, born July 9, 1818; Martha
Cornelia, born July 15, 1822. 2. Martha,
born October 6, 1787; married, June 13,
1805, George Reed; children: John Bell Til-
den, born December 9, 1806; Robert Wil-
liam, born June 30, 1809; George Alexander,
born May 20, 181 1 ; Anna Jane, born June
21, 1814; Robert William, born February 12,
1816; Mary Cornelia, born April 15, 1823;
Martha Virginia, born November 7, 1825.
3. Anna Bell, born January 21, 1790, died
in infancy. 4. Anna Bell, born November
1791. 5. Richard Swift, born April 2, 1793;
married Evelina Burd ; children : Mary Jane,
married Z. C. Robbins ; Elizabeth Mc-
Knight, married Robert R. Walton ; Cor-
nelia, married Charles Gill ; Evelina Ellen,
married Daniel Low. 6. Mary Ann Jane,
born December 17, 1795 ; married, December
19, 1813, John Victor ; children : Tilden, born
March z'j, 1815; John Richard, born De-
cember 23. 1817 ; Edward William, born
September 7, 1819; Sarah, born May 3, 1821 ;
Christopher Winfree, born November, 1826;
Marian Jane, born 1828; Robert, born 1831 ;
Henry Clay, born 1833 ! Octavius, born
1837. 7. Cornelia Meyer, born May 25, 1798,
died July 4, 1836; married, November 19,
1817, Christopher Winfree (see Winfree).
8. John Bell, born July 5, 1801 ; married
(first) Catherine ; one child, died in
infancy ; married (second) Maria Johnson ; one child, deceased. 9. Ethelinda, born May 24, 1804; married John Newman; no chil- dren. 10. Anna Bell, born June 27, 1806; married Lorenzo McCloud, April 23, 1829; children : Rebecca Jane, born March 22, 1832; William Tilden, born 1833; Jo^" Bell, born February 7. 1834; Mary Cornelia, born July 27, 1836; Ethelinda, born November 12, 1838; Richard Swift, born February 2, 1841 ; Martha Virginia, born October 22, 1843; Edwin Coombs, born February 24, 1852; Robert, born November 12, 1854. 11. Asburyna, born October 26, 1808; married Richard R. Phelps; children: John Bell, born October, 1831 ; David William, born July, 1833.
John W. Wallace, M. D. Of ancient
Scotch lineage, the American ancestors of
Dr. Wallace, of Covington, Virginia, first
settled along the Delaware river in Pennsyl-
vania and Delaware, moving from the latter
state to Virginia, locating in Bath county, a
political division of the state l)ordering on
\\'est \'irginia. There came the great-
grandfather of Dr. Wallace and there,
among the picturesque hills, pierced by the
Cow Pasture and Jackson rivers. Dr. Wal-
lace spent his youth. There too, his father
was born, lived and died, a tiller of the soil
he OAvned. Since 1897 Dr. Wallace has been
engaged in the practice of the medical pro-
fession in Covington, the capital of Alle-
ghany county, Virginia, coming there a
graduate M. D. from the University of Vir-
ginia and Maryland.
Dr. John W. Wallace is a son of Thomas Brown Wallace and grandson of Matthew W^allace, whose father came to Virginia from Dover, Delaware, settling in Bath county.
Thomas Brown Wallace, son of Matthew Wallace, was born in Bath county, Virginia, in 1812. died in 1899, ^ prosperous farmer and land owner. He married Nancy Given Cleek, born at Cleek's Mill, Bath county, Virginia, in 1829, died in 1906, daughter of John C. Cleek. Her brothers, David A. Given and G. W. Cleek, all served in the Confederate army in a cavalry regiment re- cruited in Bath county. Andrew Wallace, a relative, also served in that regiment and was killed in a skirmish with the Federals in West Virginia.
Dr. John W. Wallace, of Covington, \"ir- ginia, son of Thomas Brown and Nancy Given (Cleek) Wallace, was born at Wil- liamsville, a small village of Bath county, Virginia, twenty miles from Millboro, Sep- tember, 1867. His education began in the public schools of Bath county, was con- tinued in Bridgewater College, Virginia, during the year 1884 ^"cl I'^'^S- after which he entered Virginia Polytechnic Institute, whence he was graduated class of 1888. He prepared for the practice of medicine in the medical department of the Universities of Virginia and Maryland, receiving his de- gree in 1 89 1. FTe began practice duly au- thorized and equipped the same year, and until 1897 was located at Goshen Bridge,
a town in Rockbridge county. Virginia, on the