composite individuality of those who have
Hved. Such a life is that of the Right Rev.
Denis Joseph O'Connell, who is a firm and
zealous priest, also a man of liberal views
and broad sentiments, a man who has clear
and logical ideas of what the work of a
church in a community should be, and who
carefully puts those ideas into practice with
the result that the church he represents is
to the weary traveler along the pathway of
life "A lamp unto his feet and a light unto
his path."
I'he Right Rev. Denis Joseph O'Connell was born January 23, 1849, at Donough- more, county Cork, Ireland, and was brought to America during infancy by his parents, who settled at Columbia, South Carolina. He received elementary instruc- tion in public and private schools at Co- lumbia ; later he attended St. Charles College, Ellicott City. Maryland, also St. Mary's College, at Baltimore, and made his theo- logical studies at the American College of Rome, Italy.
In 1877 he became assistant at St. Peter's Cathedral, in Richmond. Virginia ; later he was made secretary to Cardinal Gibbons, at the Baltimore council, and he carried the decrees of the plenary council of Baltimore to Rome. He was also a while secretary to Bishop Conroy. the ablegate to Canada. He was made rector of the American College at Rome, in 1884, after the death of Mon- signor Hastlot ; he was made domestic pre- late. March 20. 1887. resigned the rectorate in July. 1895. ^'""^^ became vicar of Cardinal Gibbons for his titular church of St. Maria in Trastevere. Rome. He was appointed rector of the Catholic University of America at Washington. D. C, in 1903, where he served until March. 1909. when he was ap- pointed auxiliary bishop of San Francisco. California, having, on May 3. 1908, been con- secrated as titular bishop of Sebaste. He served as au.xiliary bishop of the Archdio- cese of San Francisco, from March, 1909, to January 19. 191 2, when he was transferred to Richmond. Virginia, as successor to Bishop Augustine Van De Vyver, D. D.. and continues as bishop of the Diocese of Richmond. He is a profound scholar and theologian. Ouiet, dignified, unassuming; an ardent and pious churchman, he reflects credit on the priestly character. He wrote a monograph on "Americanism." published in 1897. He was president of the Catholic
Educational Association of America, and is a
special student of Dante's works.
Walter Fauntleroy Taylor is a lawyer of Xew York. Robert Taylor, of Norfolk, had one child by his second marriage, to I\Iiss Fox. namely Archibald Taylor, who mar- ried Frances P^ielding Lewis, second daugh- ter of Fielding Lewis, of Weyanoke. and Agnes (Harwood) Lewis. Fielding Lewis was the second son of Warner and Eleanor Lewis, the latter named a daughter of James Bowles, of Maryland.
Archibald Taylor, second son of Archi- bald and Frances Fielding (Lewis) Taylor, was born August 10. 1827. in Norfolk, Vir- ginia, and died in Alexandria, Virginia, March 3, 1893. He married, February 26, 1862, Martha Lorimer Fauntleroy, who was born May 24, 1837. in Middlesex county, Virginia, and died in New York City, Feb- ruary 23, 1914. She was the daughter of Thomas Warren Fauntleroy, of Oakenham, Middlesex county, and his wife, Juliette (Healy) Fauntleroy, also of Middlesex county. They had two sons. Fielding Lewis and Walter Fauntleroy, who now reside in New York City.
Fielding Lewis Taylor, eldest son of Arch- ibald and Martha Lorimer (Fauntleroy) Taylor, was born May 24, 1868, in Martins- ville, Virginia, and graduated from the University of Virginia, with the degree of M. A., in 1889. In 1891 he received the de- gree of M. D. from the same institution and is now a practicing physician in New York City. He is a member of the University Club, the Academy of Medicine, the South- ern Society, the Virginians of New York. and various other professional and social organizations.
Walter Fauntleroy Taylor, youngest son of Archibald and Alartha Lorimer (Faunt- leroy) Taylor, was born November 7. 1870. at Martinsville, and was graduated from the University of Virginia in 1890 with the de- gree of M. A. and ii; 1891 with the degree of B. L. After his graduation he engaged in the practice of law in Washington. D. C., making his home in Alexandria. In 1893 he removed to New York City, and became connected with the law firm of Carter &' Led}ard, which afterwards became Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, of which firm Mr. Tay- lor is now a member. Mr. Taylor is a member
of the American Bar Association, the New