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male Seminary. Franklin. \'irginia, and seven years to Roanoke Institute. His long service as an educator is not duplicated in the state, nor is his varied and successful experience as the head of prominent female institutions of learning.

President Brewer is a son of John Mar- chant P>rewer. born in Nansemond county, Virginia, in 1820. a merchant of Wake For- est, A'orth Carolina, until the civil war, served in the Confederate army, then be- came a farmer, died aged eighty-seven years. He married Ann Eliza Waite, born in Wash- ington. D. C, who died aged seventy-five years. Children : John Bruce, of whom fur- ther ; Mary A., married William P. Perry; Samuel Waite; \\'illiam Cary ; Sarah M., married L. W. Bagley ; Richard Louis; Har- riet Bruce, married Dr. J. B. Powers; Lydia Bruce, married N. B. Josey ; Dr. Charles F. ; Jesse, died in infancy.

Professor John Bruce Brewer, son of John Marchant and grandson of John Brewer, was born at Wake Forest, North Carolina. August 26, 1846. He attended the local schools until the last year of hostilities between the North and South, then entered the Confederate army, enlisting May 2, 1864, in the Seventieth North Carolina Regiment ; was engaged at the battles of Kingston and Bentonville. surrendering with General Johnson's army to General Sherman, his service covering exactly one year. He en- gaged in farming one year after the war, then entered Wake Forest College, whence he was graduated in 1868. He began teach- ing at once, securing a positon at Maple- ville, North Carolina, where he taught two years. He then located for eleven years at Wilson. North Carolina, teaching six of these years in \\'ilson Collegiate Institute, and five years in A\^ilson Collegiate Semin- ary, as instructor of modern languages. He had become well known as an educator, and in 1 88 1 was elected president of the Chowan IJaptist Female Institute, of Murfreesboro, North Carolina. He continued the honored head of that institution for fifteen years, the school prospering under his administration, while he was growing in experience, know- ledge and reputation. He was absent from the teacher's platform for several years, but again took up the work in which he had been so successful. For six years he was president of Franklin Female Seminary, Franklin. A'irginia. being elected president

(jf the faculty of Roanoke Institute at Dan- ville, Virginia, in 1907, succeeding Dr. R. E. Hatton. Roanoke Institute, founded m 1859. originally bore the name "The Union Female College." which in 1864 was changed to "Roanoke Female College." In 1904 it was again changed to "Roanoke College," and in 1910 to meet the wishes of the "Bap- tist Education Commission of Virginia." it was given its present name. "Roanoke In- stitute," of Danville, Virginia. The "In- stitute" continues to do collegiate work, its courses of study being even more extensive and thorough than when it bore the name "College." Professor Brewer, in addition to his office as president, also occupies the chair of mathematics. His high standing as an educator is fully recognized, and his reputation is founded on years of splendid work and achievement. He is a member of many educational societies, and has contri- buted largely to the literature of his profes- sion. He is a member of the First Baptist Church of Danville.

Professor Brewer married. July 2, 1873, in Franklin, North Carolina, Ann Elizabeth Joiner, born in Franklin, daughter of W. H. and Julia H. (Timberlake) Joiner. Mrs. Brewer's father died from exposure while serving in the Confederate army, in which five of her brothers also served, two bravely meeting their death in battle. Julia II. (Timberlake) Joiner died in 1874. Children: Julia B. ; Thomasson ; Ann Bruce, married Claude Gore ; John Bruce, deceased ; Mary A., married D. A. Fenton ; Jessie T., gradu- ated from the Baptist University for Women, Raleigh, North Carolina, pupil of Rafael Josefify. New York City, now teacher of piano. Roanoke Institute for Young Women ; William H., deceased ; Miriam, died in infancy; Louise, died in infancy; Elizabeth.

Frank Whiting Sheild. The Sheild family of \"irginia, represented in Hampton, Vir- ginia, by Frank Whiting Sheild, traces de- scent to' Robert and Mary (Bray) Sheild. of England. Their son, Robert (2), was of New Pocoson parish (afterwards Charles parish), York county, Virginia, where he died March 4, 1669-70. His will, probated -March 24. following, mentions wife Eliza- l)eth. son l\()1)ert. and "cozen" Thomas Sheild.

Robert (3) Sheild. born April 26. 1667,

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