ill the proceedins^'s of all these organizations
of learned medical men. He has also en-
tered actively into the fraternal life of his
communitv and holds membership in Nor-
ton Lod.^e. Xo. 59, l-'ree and Accepted
Masons ; the Independent Order of Odd Fel-
lows ; r.enevolent and IVotective Order of
Elks; iM-aternal Order of Eagles; Junior
Order of American Mechanics and the
Modern WoMclmcn. In j)olitical faith he i-"
a Democrat, and in religious belief not
bound by any creed.
Dr. Rucker married, in 1903, Emma Hos- per, born in liuckingham county, Virginia, in 1882. daughter of Charles Y. and Anna (Mellville) Hosper. Children: Marinda Catherine, born in Blackwood, Wise county. X'irginia. April 17, 1906; Erie, born in Black- wood. January 21. 1908; Claude Nelson, born in Clifton Forge, \^irginia, October 15, 191 1 ; Dorothy, born December 24, 1914.
George Stuart Sexton. This name found in the United States as both Saxton and Sexton has. in the latter form, existed in this, the Irish branch, for several centuries. Edmond Sexton was mayor of Limerick, Ireland, in 1534, and served four terms, and there were Sextons mayors of that city in 1669, 1700 and 171 7.
George Stuart Sexton descends from Denis Sexton, of Ireland. A branch of the family came early to Virginia, where one of Mr. Sexton's forbears, Charles Sexton, married P^eggy Stuart and had two sons, Chgrles and Nathaniel, who died in Loudoun county. Phoebe (Campbell) Sexton, widow of Joseph Sexton Sr., great-grandmother of George S. Sexton, came from Shenandoah county, \'irginia. to Wythe county, \"irginia in 1790, with her son Joseph Sexton Jr. She was the daughter of Thomas Campbell, of Long Island. There were many Saxtous and Sextons early settlers on Long Island, one, Hannah Sexton, marrying Hon. Ze- phaniah Piatt, whose son, Zephaniah Piatt, was one of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, July 4, 1776.
George Stuart Sexton, now mayor of Wytheville. \'irginia, was born in that city, February 29, 1852, son of John and Julia Ann (Witten) Sexton. John Sexton, born in the same locality, April 10. 181 1. died April 23, 1868; he was a prosperous manu- facturer of leather goods, saddlery and shoes. L'ntler the old "magistrate" svstem
he was a "chief justice," serving twenty-
five years. John Sexton married (first)
Priscilla Richardson, who died in 1841.
Children: Major Joseph C, a distinguished
Confederate officer of the Second Corps,
.\rmy of Northern \'irginia, and at the close
of the war was serving on General Gordon's
staff ; Napoleon Bonaparte, who served in
King's Battery, Confederate States army,
until the close of the war, died in lialtimore,
Maryland, in 1868; Margaret E.. married
Henry S. Keller, of Staunton, Virginia;
John 'McAllister, killed at the battle of An-
tietam. a soldier of the Fourth Regiment
\ irginia Infantry, in "Stonewall" Jackson's
division. John Sexton married (second)
Julia Ann Witten. born in \"irginia. October
12. 1812, died in August, 1889. who bore
him: George Stuart, of further mention;
Thomas Witten, a Confederate soldier;
Henry Clay ; Rev. James Witten. a clergy-
man of Houston, Texas ; Barbara A. and
George Stuart Sexton attended the pri- vate school of Rev. E' H. ^McDonald, in W'} theville. from 1861 until 1868. then be- came clerk in a mercantile hotise, remain- ing five years. In 1876 he established in the grocery business in Wytheville. contintiing in that business until 1880. He then en- gaged in general trade, selling farm machin- ery, fertilizers and lumber until 1896 and since that date has been engaged in both farming and in the insurance business. In 1910 he was elected mayor of Wytheville, the ca])ital of Wythe county, an important city on the Norfolk (S: A\'estern Railroad, finely situated in an ele\ated \alley and sur- rounded by moimtains. The oflice of mayor is an important one, as Wytheville with its many manufactures and three educational institutions, \\'ytheville Seminary. Plumer Memorial Female College and McDonald Institute, demand all that modern munici- ])al government has taught is necessary for a well governed, healthful towm. Under Mayor Sexton these demands have been met and at the expiration of his first term in 19 1 2. he was elected to succeed himself. He is a meml:)er of the Presbvterian church and the Royal Arcantim. being secretary of the latter organization. In political faith he is a Democrat, progressive and loyal.
Mayor Sexton married (first) December -.?• ^^73)' Elizabeth D. A\"illiams. who died
February 6. 1904. daughter of Thomas J.