for service in the Confederate States army.
This company, of which he was elected cap-
tain, was a part of the Twelfth Virginia
Regiment, and Colonel Feild was later in
command of that regiment. During his
term of service, which was the entire length
of the war. he was thrice wounded, but each
time returned to his regiment. At the close
of the war he was for many years a suc-
cessful lumber dealer, and was also in the
government service as a customs house of-
ficial, at this time living retired from active
business. He and his wife, Louise (Fox)
Feild, were the parents of eleven children :
Edward, died young; Fannie, married Bas-
com Parham, deceased, and resides in Pet-
ersburg. Virginia ; Jessie, married James P.
Banks, a druggist of Petersburg; Louise,
deceased, married Dr. Julian T. Doles, of
Ivor, Virginia; Everard Meade, Jr., of Pet-
ersburg; Theophilus, a resident of Peters-
burg ; Hubbard, a contractor of New Or-
leans ; Mary, married H. W. Duane, of Rich-
mond, \'irginia ; Lizzie, twin of Mary ;
Henry B., deceased ; and Dr. ]\Ioylan Cal-
houn, of whom further.
Dr. Moylan Calhoun Feild, son of Colo- nel Everard Meade and Louise (Fox) Feild, was born in Petersburg, Virginia, January
1, 1880. He attended the public schools of that place, and as a young man of twenty- one years entered the University College of Medicine, receiving his D. D. S. from that institution in 1904. In that year he estab- lished in practice in Petersburg, and has there continued in professional work, his office since that time at No. io8a North Sycamore street. A practice of generous dimensions, honorable standing among his professional brethren, and widespread popu- larity are the results of these years of en- deavor, and Dr. Feild has also in that time given due attention to the demands of good citizenship. Fle is an attendant of the Pro- testant Episcopal church.
He married, in Petersburg, Virginia, April
2, 1907, Virginia Badger Slater, born in Petersburg, daughter of John H. and Laura (Iladger) Slater, her father a mercantile broker of Petersl)urg.
Richard Bennett Goode. Descendants of an ancient English family founded in Vir- ginia prior to 1660 by John Goode, a man of education, a veteran of the Confederacy and a trusted public official, Richard Ben-
nett Goode is by birth and life, entitled to
the high esteem in which he was universally
held in Lynchburg, his home for many
years. He traces his ancestry in direct line
to the emigrant Goode.
(II) John Goode, son of Richard Goode, was born in Cornwall, England, during the decade 1620-30, and between the years 1643- 50 immigrated to the island of Barbadoes in the West Indies. From thence he came to Virginia prior to 1660, settling four miles below Richmond on the James river, nam- ing his estate "Whitby," and there died in 1709. He married (first) in Barbadoes, Frances Mackarness. who died in Virginia, leaving one son, Samuel, of further men- tion. He married (second) Anne Bennett, who died prior to 1708. He had issue by both wives, his children numbering thirteen, his sons Samuel, Robert and John.
(HI) Samuel Goode, only son of John Goode by his first wife, Frances (Mackar- ness) Goode, was born in Barbadoes, West Indies, about 1656, was brought by his par- ents to Mrginia, and here died about 1734. He is traditionally described as a boy of bright, mischievous, fearless and independ- ent spirit, delighting in playing boyish pranks upon his stepmother. This caused her to influence her husband to exercise un- due severity toward the lad, causing family bitterness, but Samuel grew up a reputable man and elevated himself in fortune to a level with his contemporaries. He married Martha Jones and had issue: Samuel (2), born about 1700, died 1797; William. Philip, Mackarness. of further mention ; Edward, John, Frances, Martha, Margaret.
(I\') Mackarness Goode, son of Samuel and Martha (Jones) Goode, was born in Henrico county, \'irginia, about 1709. He settled in Charlotte. \ irginia, married, and died prior to 1770. leaving sons, Samuel. Mackarness, of further mention.
(V) Alackarness (2) Goode, son of Mack- arness ( I ) Goode, was born about 1730, died 18 1 5. He was an officer of the revolution, holding the rank of lieutenant. He married a Miss Mosely and had issue: Edmund, died 1803, married Joyce Holmes; John, married Mary Jones ; Thomas, of further mention, married Mary Barksdale ; William ; Hillcry. of further mention ; Mackarness (3). married Anne Elizabeth Haynes.
(\"I) Hillery Goode. youngest son of
Mackarness (2) Goode, was born in 1783,