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medicine, and lost his life in the yellow fever epidemic in Norfolk. Virginia, in 1855. He married Sarah Andrews Parker, a descen- dant of Governor Edward Digges, as pre- viously stated, daughter of Dr. Jacob Par- ker, of Accomac county, \'irginia, whose wife was Anne Gertrude Stratton. daughter of John and Lucy (Digges) Stratton. Chil- dren of Dr. Cieorge Littleton Upshur: John Nottingham, of whom further ; Sally Par- ker, married Thomas C. Walston ; Henry Littleton, married Alice Kerr ; Jacob Par- ker, died in infancy; Lucy Beverly, died in infancy.

Dr. John Nottingham Upshur, of Rich- mond. \'irginia. second son of Dr. George Littleton and Sarah Andrews (Parker) Up- shur, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, Feb- ruary 14. 1848. He was educated under private tutors ; Norfolk Military Academy ; X'irginia Military Institute, of which he was an honor graduate ; medical department of the L^niversity of Virginia, and Medical Col- lege of X'irginia from which he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine, March 5, 1868. lie served in Company C, Virginia Military Institute Cadet Corps, and at the battle of Newmarket, May 15, 1864, was severely wounded. After the war he took up his medical studies and on April i, 1869, located in Richmond. V'irginia. where he has been ever since continuously engaged in the practice of his profession. In the Medical College of \'irginia he served as acting Pro- fessor of Practice of Medicine, 1882-83-84; professor of Materia Medica and Therapeu- tics, 1884-94; Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of Women and Children, 1884-92; Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1894-99. Dr. Upshur i'^ eminent in the medical world and a well known contributor to the medical journals, a recent article on "Gastro-intestinal Ther- apy" appearing in the "New York Medical Journal" (May 17, 1913). He is a member of many professional societies, including the American Medical, Tri-State IVIedical, and the State Medical societies ; Richmond Academy of Medicine and Surgery, and Southern Medical Association. He is ex- president and honorary fellow of the Rich- mond Academy of Medicine and Surgery, State Medical Society of Virginia and the Tri-State Medical Association of the Caro- linas and Virginia, honorary fellow of the State Medical Society of West Virginia. He is a member of both the York and Scottish

Rite Masonry, holding the thirty-second de- gree in the latter, and the Knight Templar clegree in the former. He is also a noble of the Mystic Shrine, and past master of Joppa Lodge. No. 40, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He is a vestryman of St. James Protesiant Episcopal Church and the lay reader. In ])olitical faith he is a Democrat; he was also a member of the board of visi- tors of the Virginia Military Institute, from which he marched to battle, a lad of sixteen years, and from which he graduated with honor. He holds the rank of lieutenant- colonel and surgeon-general of the Virginia Division. U^nited Confederate Veterans. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity.

Dr. Upshur married (first) in St. James Church, Richmond, November 19, 1873. Lucy Tucker W^hittle, born June 6, 1849, in Charleston, West Virginia, then Virginia, daughter of Rt. Rev. Francis M. Whittle and Emily Cary Fairfax, his wife. She bore him a son. Francis Wliittle Upshur, who is mentioned further below. Dr. Upshur mar- ried (second) at the residence of Dr. Peter- kin, No. 705 East Leigh street, Richmond. December 11, 1879, Elizabeth Spencer Peter- kin, born June 17, 1848, at Baltimore, Mary- land, daughter of W^illiam Spencer Peterkin and Emma Meteer, his wife. Children : Wil- liam Peterkin, born October 28, 1881, a cap- tain in the United States Marine Corps, mar- ried Lucy Munford ; Elizabeth Nottingham, born December 6, 1883, married George J. Benson, children : Elizabeth Peterkin and Frances Day ; Alfred Parker, born Septem- ber 26, 1885, first lieutenant in the medical corps of the United States army.

Dr. Francis Whittle Upshur, only child of Dr. John Nottingham Upshur and his first wife Lucy Tucker (Whittle) Upshur, was born in Richmond. Virginia. December 4, 1874. He was educated at ^NIcGuire's Uni- versity School, Richmond College, and the Medical College of Virginia of which he is a graduate, class of 1897, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He began and continues the practice of medicine in Richmond, and is professor of Pharmacology and Therapeu- tics in the Medical College of \'irginia. His fraternities are the Phi Delta Theta (Aca- demic), and Pi Mu (Medical) of which he has held the offices of general secretary, senior councillor, and was one of the found- ers of the Gamma Chapter. He is also an

honorary member of Theta Nu Epsilon. In

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