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Damille. X'irgiiiici. In May, iSO<), he was appointed secretary and treasurer of the Richmond and Danxille Railroad, newly organized. He at that time came to Rich- mond to live, making his home in Rich- mond until his death (1910). \n 1872 he became auditor, and in December, 1886. was made comptroller of the same railroad, now^ know'n as "The Southern." When the rail- road changed hands and the ol^ces were re- moved to Washington. D. C, Mr. Barber, preferring to remain with his family in Richmond, resigned. For tw^enty-two years he was associated with this road in an offi- cial capacity, competently and surely direct- ing the work of the departments of wdiich he was the head. He was esteemed by his associates as an executive of decision, powder and personality, and his wise counsel was always given careful consideration, its accurate value realized through repeated experience. In the latter years of his life Edwin A. Barber pursued the profession of expert accountant, being associated in busi- ness with his son, Edwin Barber. Jr. In all of his private relations, as in his business affairs, honor and integrity were markedly present, and during a busy and useful life- time he was accorded the confidence and trust of his associates and friends. He al^li- ated with the Democratic party, and was a communicant of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church.

Edwin Alonzo Barber married at Dan- ville. Virginia, December 20. 1866. Emma Whitmell Rison. born at Chatham, Virginia, daughter of Colonel W^illiam and Sally Ann (Townes) Rison. and granddaughter of John and Jane (Foster) Rison, of Chester- field, and of Colonel George Towaies (a member of the Virginia senate) and Eliza- beth Barker (Tunstall) Townes. of Pittsyl- vania, daughter of Colonel William and Sara Winifred (Pugh) Tunstall. Colonel William Tunstall was the son of Colonel William Tunstall, of Henry county, one of the most gallant gentlemen of olden time, and of Betsy Barker, his wife, a noted beauty and celebrated English heiress, and ward and relative of Peyton Randolph. Sara \\'ini- fred (Pugh) Tunstall was the daughter of William Scott and W^inifred (Hill) Pugh, son of Colonel Thomas and May (Scott) Pugh, son of Francis and Pheriba (Savage) Pugh of ^^'illiamsburg, the former named

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son of ]-"rancis Pugh. who came to James- town from Caernarvonsliire, in 1666, and settled in Xansemond parish near Suffolk, \'irginia, son of Hugh (or ap Hugh) Glen- dower, younger son of Sir Owen Glendower, descendant from Llewellyn, last Welsh Prince of Wales. Children of Edwin Alonzo and Emma W. (Rison) Barber: Annie Townes. married William Mac Knight I'isher, and died in Richmond, Virginia, aged twenty-five years ; Edwin Alonzo, of wdiom further; Irene; Elizabeth Tunstall and Louise Virginia Barber.

Edwin Alonzo Barber Jr., son of Edwdn Alonzo and Emma \W (Rison) Barber, was born in Richmond. Virginia, died June 24, 1914, aged thirty-nine years. He was edu- cated in the private schools of Richmond and the University of Virginia, after com- pleting his studies becoming secretary and treasurer of the Virginia Navigation Com- pany, wdiich offices he held until the merger of that company wnth the Old Dominion Steamship Company. Afterward he formed a partnership wuth his father, as E. A. Bar- ber &: Company, public accountants, which firm enjoyed a prosperous continuance. Mr. Barber was a skilled and able certified public accountant, and a member of the Vir- ginia Society of Public Accountants, w'as several times honored by appointment to important committees, and at his death was vice-president of the organization. He twice represented Madison ward in Richmond council, pressure of business afifairs finally causing his resignation. He was prominent in fraternal and social circles, and at his death belonged to the Commonwealth Club, was a Scottish Rite Mason, his lodge Joppa, No. 40. Free and Accepted Masons, and he also afifiliated wath Acca Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. For many years he was a member of the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal Church.

Edwin Alonzo Barber. Jr., was the center of a wide circle of friends in Richmond, who sincerely mourn his death, the more so since his achievements had apparently but begun. His popularity in many relations to his fel- low-men was the result of his uniform cotir- tesy and a most attractive personality, a tribute to an upright and useful life.

The Foster family. A family of seafaring

men with few exceptions, the Fosters are

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