all who were in need, and his death caused
deep sorrow and was mourned by many to
whom he gave not only ready sympathy
but the needful help in time of trouble, thus
ministering- to their material wants.
Mr. Dornin married, in 1852. Mary Snead Gannaway, daughter of Warren and Eliza- beth (Snead) Gannaway. Children: i. Wil- liam Warren, married Anna Willing Now- lin. daughter of James Bowker and Evelyn (Byrd) Nowlin ; children: Evelyn, married Harry L. Campbell ; Annie, married John C. Adams, child, John C. Jr. ; Elizabeth, mar- ried Frank B. Coldwell, children : Frank Brown and Thomas Dornin; Thomas B. ; Mary : Katherine. 2. Mary Emma, married William Pate Gibbs ; children: William Warren and Mary Constance. 3. Rosa Lee, unmarried.
Nash-Francis. The Nash family of Vir- ginia springs from Thomas Nash, who came from Monmouthshire. England, in 1661, and settled on land granted to him in Virginia. He was accompanied by his wife, Ann (Nash) Nash, who was also his cousin, and servants. He located in St. Bride's parish, on the Elizabeth river, in Norfolk county. Virginia, where he was a planter and ship builder, the water in the river at that time being sufftciently deep to permit the launch- ing of vessels of large size. He was a mem- ber of the Established church of England.
(H) Thomas (2) Nash, son of Thomas (i) and Anna (Nash) Nash, followed in his father's footsteps, conducting the same lines of business, and also founded and ex- panded the town of Nashville. He married Diana Bouchct.
(HI) Thomas (3) Nash, son of Thomas
(2) and Diana (Bouchet) Nash, continued along the same lines of activity established by his grandfather, and followed by his father, the Nash Ship Yards turning out man\- \cssels and becoming famous in their line. He married ]\lary Herbert. He was a vestryman of St. Bride's parish from 1761 until near the year 1800.
(IV) Thomas (4) Nash, son of Thomas
(3) and Mary (Herbert) Nash, was born in 1758. He was a large plantation owner, and a man of influence in the community in which he resided. He served in the revo- lution, fighting as a boy at the battle of Great Ridge, and also served in the war of 1812. He married Elizabeth Herbert.
(V) Thomas (5) Nash, son of Thomas
(4) and Elizabeth (Herbert) Nash, was
born in St. Bride's parish, Norfolk county,
Virginia, May 12, 1805, died August 9, 1855.
He studied medicine, located in Norfolk,
\'irginia, and during the yellow fever epi-
demic in that city, in August, 1855, sacri-
ficed himself in order to help others, expos-
ing himself recklessly to the fever, which
soon claimed him. He was noted for his
Christian character, his mild and engaging
manner and deeply sympathetic nature. He
married Lydia Adela Herbert, born in 1805,
died in September, 1849. The Herberts
settled in Norfolk county, Virginia, in 1650,
and for a century and a half men of the fam-
ily were prominent in official and business
life. Mrs. Nash's grandfather, Maximillian
Herbert, was educated in England, and then
carefully studied the scientific principles of
ship building. On his return to Norfolk,
Virginia, he became connected with ship
building in Norfolk, an industry for which
that place was long famous. His house
is still standing, where Cramp's Ship Yard
is now located, the Herbert family reserv-
ing the right to the graveyard when the
property was sold to the Cramps. Children
of Thomas and Lydia A. (Herbert) Nash:
I. Lucretia, of whom further. 2. Herbert
Milton, of whom further. 3. Thomas (6).
married Sue Fosler, and had child, Thomas
(7), who married Hattie Lane, and had
child. Thomas (8), making eight generations
bearing the name Thomas, in direct line
from Thomas Nash, the emigrant. 4. Mary,
married Edwin Steever ; family all deceased.
S. Lydia Adela, married Peter Dillard. and
iiad issue : i. Herbert Nash, married Marv
Green, five children : Marv Adela. Elizabeth
Nash, Peter Dillard, Celestia Talaferrio.
Herbert Nash Jr. ii. Dalton, married Ethol
Hale, two children : Lydia Hale and Joseph-
ine Claiborne, iii. John, married iMary Tav-
lor, one child. Elizabeth, iv. Lvdia Adela.
married Kent Sheppard. two children : Ben-
jamin and Lydia Adela. v. Percy D. vi.
Carter Lee. deceased, vii. Luie Francis,
married Haigh Dangerfield. one child, Adela
(VI) Lucretia Nash, eldest daughter of Thomas (5) and Lydia Adela (Herbert) Nash, was born in 1828. died in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1909. She married, in 1853, John Taylor Francis, born in 1825, died in
"1862, son of William (2) and Martha