when the firm dissolved by mutual consent.
He then practiced alone until January i,
191 3, when he admitted J. L. Heard as part-
ner, the firm practicing as Rowden & Heard.
Mr. Bowden has been admitted to all state
and Federal courts of the district and has
won high standing among his professional
brethren. He is a member of the Virginia
Bar Association, is learned in the law and
has a most satisfactory clientele. He is a
Republican in politics. He belongs to
Lodge. Chapter, Commandery and Shrine
of the Masonic order. He is also a member
of the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, and of the College fraternities, Kappa
Alpha and Phi Delta Phi.
Mr. Bowden married, October 28, 1914, Katharine Marsden, daughter of William and Mary Louisa (Jones) Bruce, of Ports- mouth, both deceased.
(VI) Lemuel Bowden, second son of George Edwin and Ellen Evangeline (Jones) Bowden, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, June 25, 1888. He obtained his early and prepara- tory education in Norfolk Academy. He then entered Hampton-Sidney College, whence he was graduated Bachelor of Arts, class of 1909. He began business life in a clerical position, continuing until 1910, when he was appointed deputy collector of customs for the port of Norfolk, a position he now holds. Mr. Bowden is thoroughly qualified for the position he holds and in a physical sense "towers above his fellows," standing six feet six inches in height. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and of other organizations, including the college fraternity. Kappa Alpha.
Mr. Bowden married. January 21, 1914, Mary Gilbert Broughton, daughter of Alex- ander Bell and Rebecca (Ghiselin) Brough- ton. One child, Lemuel Jr., born December 17. 1914-
William Hardy Arthur, D. D. S. In 1898 Dr. Arthur, fresh from the dental depart- ment of the University at Richmond, located for practice in Franklin, the capital of South- ampton county, Virginia. In the years that have since elapsed he has grown strong, not only in professional ability and reputation, but also in public regard as a good citizen, progressive and loyal to the city of his adop- tion. Dr. Arthur is a maternal grandson of Hardy C. and Adelaide (Sangster) Williams, and son -of Captain Frank Marion Arthur,
who with his command, the gallant Com-
j)any I, Ninth Regiment Virginia Volunteer
Infantry of Pickett's division, fought at
Seven Pines, Manassas, Sharpsburg, Gettys-
burg, the Wilderness, and in many other
battles and skirmishes of the late war.
Captain Arthur was born February 17, 1843, and died February 25, 1902. His life was mainly spent in the peaceful calling of an agriculturist, but from 1861 to 1865 was spent amid the excitements and dangers that attended that period. Leaving his home in Nansemond county he enlisted in Com- pany I, of Portsmouth, Virginia, as a pri- vate, he won successive commissions for bravery in battle until he became captain of his company, one of the hardest fighting companies in the famous Ninth Virginia Regiment of Pickett's division. He was taken prisoner at Gettsburg, confined in Fort Delaware, exchanged at Point Look- out, again taken prisoner at Five Forks, Vir- ginia, and held in confinement until the war ended. He then returned to Nansemond county, a battle-scarred veteran, although even then but little past his majority. He married Mary Irwin Williams, born near Victoria, Texas, September 12, 1853, who survives him, a resident of Franklin, Vir- ginia.
Dr. William Hardy Arthur, son of Cap- tain Frank Marion and Mary Irwin (Wil- liams) Arthur, was born in Nansemond county, Virginia, July 6. 1873. He obtained his early and preparatory educational train- ing in private schools of Nansemond county, Churchland Academy and Grayham Acad- emy in North Carolina. He then entered William and Mary College, where he con- tinued three and a half years until 1895, when he began special professional train- ing in the dental department of the Uni- versity College of Medicine at Richmond. He completed a full course and was gradu- ated Doctor of Dental Surgery with the class of 1898. In the same year he located in Franklin, Virginia, where he is well estab- lished and highly rewarded. He is a mem- ber of Franklin Lodge, No. 151, Free and Accepted Masons ; Franklin Lodge, Benev- olent and Protective Order of Elks, and of other societies, professional, social and fra- ternal. In political faith he is a Democrat.
Dr. Arthur married, in October, 1906, Eliz- abeth Lawless, born in Saint Joseph, Mis-
souri, February 14, 1886, daughter of Rev.