scendant of the Beverleys. He and his wife
resided at "Gambell." Children: i. Maurice,
of whom further. 2. William, of whom fur-
(XIV) Major Maurice Langhorne, elder son of John (4) and Mary Langhorne, was born about 1720, died 1791. He was justice of the peace for Warwick in 1756-60; justice of the peace for Cumberland county in 1760, and a member of the committee of safety for the same county in 1775-76. He married twice and his descendants were given in Mackenzie's "Colonial Families," with the exception of those of his son, Beverley (who was a son of the first marriage), as follows: (Note: In vol. ii, of Mackenzie's "Colonial Families," he is erroneously said to be the younger son. This publication is designed to supplement some unavoidable errors in that one. Most of the dates and facts con- cerning the colonial Langhornes are taken from letters and a genealogy presented to a member of the family by Wilson Miles Gary, Esq., of Baltimore, Maryland. All old papers of the family under consideration were destroyed about one hundred years ago when "Gambell" was burned). Bever- ley Langhorne married Susan Woodson, daughter of Miller Woodson (clerk of Cum- berland, 1781-1830) and his wife, Mary de (Grafifenreid) W^oodson, who was the daugh- ter of Baron Christopher de Graffenreid, of Berne and New Berne, North Carolina. Issue : a. Beverley, married Susan Taylor, a sister of Judge Samuel Taylor and of Mrs. Blake Baker Woodson, no issue ; Blake Baker Woodson was a brother of Susan Woodson, who married Beverley Lang- horne, the elder ; two of his sisters married Judge Samuel Taylor, namely : Sarah and Martha Woodson, b. John Trotter, emi- grated to Texas about 1840. c. Maurice, d. Alexander, born in Cumberland county, Vir- ginia, September, 1808, died in 1852; mar- ried, in 1830, Susan Muse O'Mohundro, and moved to Philadelphia ; issue : aa. Maria Louise, married William M. Reed, four chil- dren : Plarry Langhorne ; Morton Wales, Lindsay Marion, William Gibson. bb. Mary Susan, married John W. Garrett, s. p. cc. Isetta, married William Gibson, five chil- dren : John A., Frances B. Barksdale, Gib- son, s. p., Milton Gary, Robert T., William T. dd. Emma, died unmarried, ee. Ann Eliza, died unmarried, ff. William Bever- ley, born March, 1848, died February 28,
1907, married, October 3, 1870, Sarah Ann
Corless, six children: Isetta Wade, died un-
married, W^illiam Beverley, born March 27,
1875, Mabel Grace, born August 16, 1878,
Harry Morton, born January 24, 1881, Mil-
ton Gary, born December 4, 1884, Stella
May, born October 20, 1887. gg. George
Thomas, born October 27, 185 1, e. Creed
Taylor, born August 8, 1816, in Cumber-
land county, Virginia, married Lucy Har-
riet Jeter, of Green county, Kentucky ; issue :
aa. William Anderson, bb. Albertus Tay-
lor, married Barbara Elizabeth Nieman.
cc. Woodson Allen, born January 2, 1849.
dd. John Ludwell. ee. Gary Miller. Bever-
ley and Susan (Woodson) Langhorne had
also six daughters of whom no record can
be gotten.
(XIV) Major William Langhorne, of "Gambell," Warwick county, Virginia, youngest son of John (4) and Mary Lang- horne, was born at "Gambell." He served as burgess from Warwick county in 1772- 74; member of the committee of safety for Warwick county in 1775-76; member of the convention of 1775; deputy sheriff, 1757; justice, 1759-62. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Henry Scarsbrook. She and her brother, John Scarsbrook, who died unmarried, were the last of their name in Virginia. The name is variously spelled ; the emigrant spelled it Scarisbricke. Chil- dren : I. Judith, rnarried Colonel John Travis. 2. W^illiam, justice of the peace, 1785, delegate to the convention in 1789. 3. Lockey, married Colonel Wilson Curie, of "Pasteurs," Elizabeth City county, Virginia, eldest son of Hon. William Roscoe Wilson Curie, judge of the admiralty court ; she died in 1848. 4. Martha Gary, married (first) John Craftord, (second) Robert Hall Waller, of Williamsburg, Virginia ; no issue. 5.
Anne, married Best; no issue. 6.
John Scarsbrook, of whom further. 7. Sarah, married (first) Captain Digges, of Denbigh ; (second) Captain Middleton, United States navy. 8. Maurice, born January 22, 1769, died May 21, 1816; married, September 25, 1794, Martha Holladay, daughter of Joseph and Patience Holladay, of "Indian Friloes," Nansemond county, Virginia.
(XV) Major John Scarsbrook Langhorne, son of Major William and Elizabeth (Scars- brook) Langhorne, was born April 10, 1760, at "Gambell," died in 1796. He was justice
of the peace in 1785. He served in the revo-