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practicing- law, writing law books and preaching until May I, 1909, when he with- drew from the Primitives, assigning his reasons in waiting. On June 9, 1909, he and his wife united with the First Piaptist Church of Roanoke, Virginia, Dr. T. Clagett Skinner, pastor. On June 23rd his church called for a presbytery to ordain him, the same being composed of the pastors of the Baptist churches at Roanoke, \'inton and Salem, and two lay members from each church. The presbytery met June 25th and after a thorough examination as to moral, spiritual and educational qualifications, unan- imously recommended his ordination. On June 30th, in the First Church, he was in due form ordained to the full work of the Gospel ministry. Rev. William F. Powell, of Calvary Church, preaching the ordination sermon ; Rev. P. H. Chelf, of Belmont Church, delivering the charge ; and Dr. T. Clagett Skinner, of the First Church, pre- senting the Bible and making the ordina- tion prayer. At the conclusion of the or- dination ceremonies, and as the first act of his new ministerial life, he acfministered the ordinance of baptism to his wife and com- panion in the ministry. Thence he went to the Southern Baptist Seminary at Louis- ville, Kentucky ; completing his theological course there, he accepted a call from Salem Church, near Pembroke, Kentucky, which he served one year. He then accepted a call of the Baptist State Board of Virginia to be their missionary pastor at Galax and Fries, where he served one year. Resigning his field there, Mr. Hurst again returned to the law ; and, to whet his appetite, he revised and published a third edition of his "Pocket Code." Fie then compiled and published his "Index and Directory of Virginia Law." And he is now busily engaged in the prep- aration of another Virginia law book to appear in 19 16.

On February 18, 1890, Rev. Mr. Hurst was married to Anna Louise Evans, of Mon- roe, Louisiana, a great-granddaughter of Alexander Pope, poet laureate of England. Of this union there was only one child, Vir- ginia L., who was born August 13, 1892, and is now teaching in Joplin, Missouri. She studied the violin in Berlin, Germany, under the celebrated Kubelik. Losing his wife, July 23. 1893, ^Ir. Hurst married, March 6, 1895, Ida May Hopson, of Inez, Kentucky, a daughter of lawyer Jasper Wingfield Hop-

son, whose mother was a Newberry and a near relative of the Newberrys of Virginia, one being of "Big Four" reputation in the X'irginia legislature. Her mother, Nancy Delena Hopson, was formerly Miss Ward, whose mother was a Clay, a relative of the Clays of Kentucky, and a direct descendant of the illu.strious Flenry Clay, of Colonial fame. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst have eight chil- dren : Erskine, born July 12, 1897; Elsie and Ressie. twins, born January 31, 1899; Aubrey, born August 13, 1901 ; Evangeline, born June 15. 1903; Vivian, born June 15, 1905; Evelyn, born August 26, 1907; and Samuel Need. Jr.. Ijorn February 8, 19 12.

James Henry Culpepper, M. D. The Cul- pepper plantation on Deep Creek, Virginia, a large and valuable property, descended from Zachariah Culpepper to his son, Henry Edward Culpepper, born ]\lay 23, 1827, died December 17. 1896, who cultivated it all of his life. The family has been long seated in this region and among its members have been not a few wdio have held places of dis- tinction and honor in the commonw^ealth. In this line, that of Dr. James Henry Cul- pepper, of Norfolk, Virginia, medicine has been a favorite calling, his father. Dr. Ver- non Grant Culpepper, and his uncle. Dr. Charles L. Culpepper, both physicians of merit and reputation. Dr. James Henry Culpepper, representative of his line in the present day, holds place among the popular, well-liked, and successful physicians of Nor- folk, and is associated in practice with Dr. Southgate Leigh and Dr. Harry Harrison.

Henry Edward Culpepper married, June 27, 1850, Martha Helen Grant, born June 27, 1831, died December 16, 1886. Children: i. Richard C, born August 22,, 185 1 ; married Annie Creekmore, and has a son, Charles, who married Florence Cox and is the father of Elizabeth and Howard. 2. Henry Ed- ward, born January 5, 1854, died in 1902; married Dora Pearson, and has Harry ; William, married Mamie Movell and has a son Henry ; Maggie, married Henry Bufif and has a son Ellsworth ; and Garland. 3. Claude, married Mattie Skeeter and has Claude Jr. : Helen, married T. O. Bain and is the mother of Thomas A., Gertrude, Mar- jorie, Helen, Robert, and Richard; Henry Lee; Ethel, married Theodore Herbner. 4. Vernon Grant, of whom further. 5. Charles

L., M. D., born August 23, 1862, died De-

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