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Since 1876 Mr. Davis has been a member of the board of trustees of Randolph-Macon College, and he is now president of the \'irginia Normal School Board of the State. His benevolent and sympathetic nature is indicated by his active membership in the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Royal Arch. With his family Mr. Davis is affili- ated with the Methodist Episcopal church.

Me married. April 20. 1875, i" Petersburg, Nannie Warwick Hall, born in Lynchburg, \'irginia, a descendant of the famous fam- ily of that name, daughter of Rev. Charles Howard Hall, a famous preacher of his day, who died in 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were the parents of seven children, of whom five are now living, the first, Richard Beale Jr., died in infancy, as did the last, Rosina Leigh. The eldest of those living is Nannie Hall Davis, now living in New York City, unmarried ; Carl Hall, assistant to the gen- eral council of the Atlantic Coast Railroad ; Robert Beale, secretary of the United States Legation at Port Au Prince. Hayti ; John Williams, assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Illinois ; Elizabeth Beale, wife of D. A. Harrison, of Prince George county. \'irginia.

Junius Edward Everette. The Everettes in Southampton county, Virginia, have long been prominent in the public life of the district, those bearing the name having been the incumbents of many of the offices within the gift of the people. The careers that are recorded to the credit of the family name have been full of benefit to the county and state, its members living uprightly and serving well. Beginning with William Lawrence Everette, continuing through his son, Benjamin Carter Everette, to Junius Edward Everette. opportunity for public service has come to each, the last named, the present mayor of Emporia, Greenville county. Virginia. Junius Edward Everette is well-known in mercantile, political, fra- ternal and public circles, and for the past eight years, through successive re-election, has given to Emporia an administration efficient and clean cut in every aspect, an administration scorning the gratification of personal ambition and seeking the best ser- vice of the town.

(I) A\'illiam Lawrence Everette. grand- father of Junius Edward Everette, was, under the old judicial system, one of the

three magistrates of Southampton county, and was chairman of the courts. He was likewise for a time sherilif of the county, and throughout his life was a popular and uni- versally liked official. He was a member of the Masonic order." secretary of the lodge to which he belonged. William Lawrence Everette married Maria Johnson, and had children : William, a farmer, died in 1861 ; Benjamin Carter, of whom further; a daugh- ter, who married Dr. Beatman, of South- ampton county, X'irginia.

(II) Benjamin Carter Everette. son of William. Lawrence and ^laria (Johnson) Everette. was born in Southampton county, Virginia, in 18 19. died in February, 1908. His occupation was that of farmer, a calling, he followed during his active years, and throughout the civil war he was a member of the Home Guard and the Virginia State Militia. As a young man he was a justice of the peace, also filling the office of deputy sheriff. He married Ann Alason Sebrell, born in Southampton county, Virginia, died in 191 1, aged eighty-four years, daughter of \Villiam J. Sebrell, her father sheriff of Southampton county, Virginia. Among the sons of \\'illiam J. Sebrell were George W., William Nicholas, and J. E. Sebrell, all of whom were soldiers in Virginia regiments, Confederate States army, during the civil war. Children of Benjamin Carter and Ann ]\Iason (Sebrell) Everette: i. Joseph Seb- rell, born in Southampton county, in 1847: a farmer of that county ; he is a member of the Masonic order ; married ^Marguerite Crechton. 2. Benjamin William, born in Southampton count}', Virginia, in 1849, ^^^^ in 191 1 ; magistrate, member of the school board of his native county, and for ten years deputy treasurer of that county ; a member of the iMasonic order; married Catherine Crechton. 3. John Robert, born in South- ampton county. \'irginia. in 1854: engaged in business in North Emporia. \'irginia. having been for eight years postmaster of Emporia ; married Delia Partridge. 4. Junius Edward, of whom further. 5. James Carter, born in Southampton county, \'irginia, in i860; a farmer; married Susie Gray. 6. George Beauregard, born in Southampton county. \'irginia, in INIay. 1862; was post- master at joyner. Southampton county, \'irginia. and was also railroad and express agent : married Marguerite Dunn.

(III) Junius Edward Everette, son of

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