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nett, Margaret Gordon, Jane Rebecca, Mary Countess, and one child who died in in- fancy. These nine children, five sons and four daughters, are all unmarried.

Albert Murray Edwards, second son of John Alonzo (2) and Mary Countess (Sea- well) Edwards, was born in Gloucester county. \"irginia. May 13. 1883. His early education was obtained in the public schools, but. as the eldest living son, he early be- came his father's assistant. He thus con- tinued for several years, but ambition to l)ecome a lawyer finally drove him from the farm to Norfolk, where he attended the night law school. In this way he secured his professional education and in 1910, after passing the required examination, was ad- mitted to the bar. the consummation of the hope and labor of years. He did not at once begin practice but still further fitted him- self by reading and study, beginning prac- tice in Norfolk, in 1912. That he possessed unusual qualifications was quickly demon- strated, and in 1913 he was associated with R. Randolph Hicks, one of the foremost lawyers of the Virginia bar, which connec- tion continued until December i, 1914. In December, 1914, the firm of Hicks, Morris, Garnett & Tunstall was formed and Mr. Edwards became an associate. Mr. Ed- wards is a Democrat in politics, but all his powers are devoted to his profession, and as ambition, untiring industry, perseverance and natural ability have brought him thus far u])on the road of success, these same attributes may be safely trusted to advance him still further in the profession he honors.

He is connected through both paternal and maternal lines with the most eminent of Virginia families, including the Tyler, from which came John Tyler, former presi- dent of the United States.

Andrew Capers Doggett. For two and a half centuries the Doggett name has been a prominent one in Virginia, dating from the arrival of Rev. Benjamin Doggett from England prior to 1670. He was a descend- ant of John Doggett. of Groton. England, educated in divinity and a clergyman of the Established Church. On coming to Amer- ica he settled on what is known as the "Northern Neck of A^irginia." and near Chesapeake Bay, in what is now Lancaster county, founded a church, which he called the "\\'hite Chapel." He was rector of this

church until his death, and left a request that he be buried beneath the church, di- rectly in front of the pulpit he occupied for so many years. The main body of the old White Chapel Church edifice yet remains standing. The line of descent from Rev. Benjamin Doggett to Andrew C. Doggett, of Fredericksburg, is through William Dog- gett, born in Virginia in 1676. died 1771, son of Rev. Benjamin Doggett; William Doggett was succeeded by his son, A\"illiam (2) Doggett. born in Lancaster county. Vir- ginia, who married Betty, daughter of Ben- jamin and Ann (Emerson) Doggett.

In the fourth American generation Sarah Meredith Doggett, born 1790. died at Wood- stock. \^irginia. February 13. 1866, married Lemuel Doggett, son of William Doggett, born in Lancaster county, Virginia. 1789, died near Fredericksburg in August, 1871. Lemuel Doggett w^as a soldier of the war of 1812. was captured by the British and sent to England. After his return to Vir- ginia he became a planter, married Sarah Meredith Doggett. his cousin, and reared a large family, the last surviving member being James L. Doggett. who died in 1913, aged ninety-two years.

Leroy Benjamin Doggett. son of Lem- uel Doggett. was born in Fredericksburg. Virginia. January 11. 1820. died in Chicago. Illinois, in 1898. having moved to that city but a short time prior to his death. He was a merchant of Fredericksburg all his active years, and during the war between the states served with the Thirtieth Regiment Yir- ginia Infantry. Confederate States army, as drill master and in the quartermaster's department. He married Frances Jerrell. born in Fauquier county, Virginia. Decem- ber 7. 1829. Two of her brothers. Luther and James Jerrell. lost their lives in battle, serving in the Confederate army. Children of Leroy B. and Frances J. Doggett: i. James L.. now mayor of McKenney, Texas, and an ex-member of the Texas Legislature. 2. Ossie Jackson, now a Chicago. Illinois, real estate dealer. 3. Andrew Capers, of whom further. 4. William L., a real estate dealer of Chicago. 5. Herbert E.. a real estate dealer of Chicago. 6. Eugenia S., widow of George Doggett, now residing in London. England. 7. Luther A\'., now Baltimore agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Com- I)any. of New York. 8. Carrie May. mar-

ried Dr. Charles G. Davis, of Chicago. Illi-

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