Moore's deep interest, and love for the an-
cient and honorable institution. In addition
to these local honors he was president of
the Pastmasters Association of Virginia ;
was {^resident of the Masonic Home six
years ; inenil)er of the Board of Governors
of the Masonic llome twelve years ; and was
a member of the Grand Lodge of Virginia,
Ancient Free anrl Accepted Masons.
His ])atriotic ancestry gained him admis- sion to the N'irginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution, of wdiich he was president, lie also belonged to the Associa- tion fen- the Preservation of Virginia Anti- quities ; the Virginia Historical Society ; Robert E. Lee Camp, No. i. United Con- federate Veteran Association ; Pickett Camp, Confederate Veterans ; was president of the Fifteenth \^irginia Regiment Association. In religion he was a communicant of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, and in politics a Democrat.
Mr. Moore married, March 6. 1867, at the residence of the bride's father, "Clover Hill Chesterfield county, Virginia. Rev. A. B.l'iz- zard officiating, Jane Ellen Owens, born in Chesterfield county, August 25, 1844. Her parents, Robert Owens, a mining engineer, and his wife, Cecelia Fellows, came from Wales in 1835. Children: Elizabeth Ce- celia, Joseph Lumsden, Samuel Robert, Harriet Henrietta, Jane Ellen, Robert Na- poleon, John Webster and William Henry. Children of Josiah S. and Jane Ellen (Owens) Moore: i. Lulu Maria, born De- cember 25, 1867, educated in the Episcopal High School, Staunton, Virginia ; married C. P. Garry, and has Alice Elizabeth, Jennie Moore, and James Park. 2. Ernest Walke, born March, 1870, educated in a business college, now a bookkeeper ; married Martha Prest-On Fendley, and has a daughter, Eliza- beth Fendley. 3. James Staunton, born June 3. 1872. educated in the public schools, now a merchant: married Minnie H. Cardwell, and has Minto Cardwell. Maria Louisa, James Staunton (2), Dolly Collins. 4. Nora Alice, born May 7, 1874. educated in the public schools ; married William Lozelle Phillips. 4. William Owens, born June 29, 1876, died May 3, 1909, educated in Vir- ginia Military Institute ; married Mollie M. Yeager. S- Richmond, born Januarv i, 1879, educated in Virginia Medical College, now engaged in the insurance business ; married Ida Beveridge; children, Ida Beveridge and
Richmond Jr. 6. Daisey Cecelia, born April
17, 1881, died July 12, 1881. 7. Harry Tal-
man, born January 9, 1883, educated at
Virginia Polytechnic Institute; now in in-
surance business in Richmond ; married
Katie Christian McPhail. 8. Percy Laur-
ence, born August 29, 1886, educated at the
University of Virginia, now a bank clerk;
married Louise Short and has a son, Percy
Laurence (2).
William Edward McGuire. A tradition handed down in the McGuire family of Vir- ginia credits them with ancient origin. The family first appeared in county Fermanagh of North Central Ireland, where it is said that in the latter part of the thirteenth cen- tury, one Don Carragh MacGuire overcame his neighboring chieftains, and thus made himself master of the whole county. (See Annals of the Four Masters). From that chieftain the later McGuires of Fermanagh sprang, and they were the antecedents of the county Kerry branch, descendants of whom came to America and founded the Virginia family of that name.
(I) James McGuire was living in county Fermanagh, Ireland, but owing to political or religious disturbances there in 1641 it is said he left his own native heath and settled near Tralee, McElligott parish, of county Kerry, in Southwest Ireland. Said James McGuire married Cecelia McNamara Reagh, had two sons, John Sigismund and Con- stantine. John Sigismund McGuire, son of James McGuire. entered the service of the Austrian army in which he had several kins- men ; he was lieutenant-governor of Dres- den in 1760, Count of the Holy Roman Em- pire, and "Lieutenant-general in their Ma- jesties service," which position enabled him to ofifer military commissions to his less fortunate kinsmen.
(II) Constantine McGuire, son of James and Cecelia McNamara (Reagh) McGuire, was born presumably in county Kerry, Ire- land. He married Julia McElligott, in county Kerry, who had issue, among others, a son, wdiose record follows.
(III) Edward McGuire, son of Constan- tine and Julia (McElligott) McGuire, was born about 1720, in county Kerry, Ireland. He was offered a commission in the Aus- trian army by his uncle, John Sigismund McGuire, and left home wn'th the intention
of entering that service, but was taken ill