Rev. Pilcher in 1890 was honored by the
degree of Doctor of Divinity from his alma
mater. Richmond College. In connection
with his pastoral duties he is vice-president
of the Southern Baptist Convention, and in
191 1. 1912 and 1913 was president of the
Baptist General Association. He is a member
of the board of trustees of Richmond College,
president of the Virginia Baptist Historical
Society, and holds place upon the executive
committee of the Anti-Saloon League of
\"irginia. Dr. Pilcher is in close touch and
sympathy with all movements for moral up-
lift in Virginia, is honored and revered for
his long service and useful activity, and is
held in loving regard by his fellows in the
ministry and by the congregation whose
spiritual welfare is his present care. His
life has been consecrated to a great and
holy cause, and it has been his privilege to
be the instrument of boundless good. His
ideals of the ministry were high, and in the
nearly half a century that has passed since
he chose his calling neither knowledge nor
discouragement, disapj)ointment nor failure,
has caused him to falter in his faith nor to
forsake the lofty vision he at first received.
Dr. Pilcher is a supporter of Democratic
principles, and has always affiliated with that
party. He is fond of out-of-doors and finds
his most enjoyable relaxation and exercise
in walking about the country surrounding
his home.
He married, in Goochland county, Vir- ginia, December 21, 1865, Alary Lucy Du Val, born in Chesterfield county, Virginia, April 20, 1845, daughter of Edwin J. and Rhoda Thomas (Halsey) Du \'al, grand- daughter of Stephen Du Val, and descend- ant of Alarin Du Val, a French Huguenot, who came to Maryland at an early date and there died in 1694. Children of Dr. John Mason and Mary Lucy ( Du \'al) Pilcher: I. Edwin Mason, born October 11, 1866, died in Richmond, Virginia, January 16, 1913; was a practicing lawyer of that city. 2. John Alsop, born January 24, 1868; a me- chanical engineer in the employ of the Nor- folk & Western Railroad Company. 3. Maggie, married Joseph H. Bradshaw, now deceased. 4. William, a well known dentist of Petersburg, Virginia. 5. Jidia, married (]. G. Warsham, of Richmond. 6. Charles M., died in infancy. 7. Frederick, a depart- ment superintendent of the Seward Trunk and Bag Company. Petersl)urg. 8. Stanton,
a jeweler of Petersburg. 9. Lewis, a dental
practitioner, associated with his brother, Dr.
William Pilcher. 10. Mary Lucy, married
G. C. Pyne, a wholesale merchant of Peters-
burg. II. Edith, died aged seventeen years.
12. Ethel, twin of Edith, teacher of mathe-
matics in the Petersburg high school.
Daniel Alonzo Overbey. From boyhood until the failure of his health, in 1909, Mr. Overbey has been engaged in merchandis- ing, first as a helper in his father's general store at Mossingford. and later as proprietor of his own business. The years spent under the stress of business life left their mark and necessitated his withdrawal from active mer- cantile life, and of late years he has devoted himself to the interests of the National Bank of Danville, of which he is president, having been connected with that institution from its earliest foundation, his name appearing on the original charter. Public-spirited, broad-minded, and liberal, he has not labor- ed for self advancement alone, but has been an important factor in city development and progress.
Daniel Alonzo Overbey was born in Char- lotte county, ATrginia, September 2, 1853, son of Isaac J. and Alartha (Hunt) Overbey. Isaac J. Overbey was born in Mecklenburg county. Virginia, died in Charlotte county, in 1873, aged about sixty-five years. He was a general merchant of Alossingford, until about five years prior to his death, when he retired from active business life. During the war between the states, he was a purchasing agent for the Confederate gov- ernment. Hg married Martha Hunt, who died in 1853, aged thirty-five years, leaving a family of six, three of whom are living: Sarah B.. widow of Edward H. JefTress : Rosa, married H. J. Watkins. residing in Charlotte county ; and Daniel A. The dead are: Isaac J. (2) ; John H.. and William H. Overbey. all of whom served in the Con- federate army. In 1907 the old Overbey home was destroyed by fire, and the records of the family lost.
Daniel Alonzo Overbey. the youngest child, obtained a good preparatory education in local schools, entered Hampden-Sidney College, where he remained one and one- half years. At the age of seventeen years he began business life as a wage earner, entering his father's employ as clerk in the
store at Mossingford. He continued his