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ginia Regiment of Foot, commanded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel James Innes, his name first appearing on the roll of that organization for July I. 1777. marked "Commissioned April. i'777." His name again appears on the roll for December. 1778. of the field and staff of the Eleventh Virginia Regiment, com- manded by Colonel Huford, with remarks '"Appointed June 24th, 1777. Rank 2nd Lieu- tenant. 5th Company." and the records of the l>ureau of Pensions in Washington show that Charles Stewart was granted two thous- and six hundred and sixty-six and two- thirds acres of land, by the state of Vir- ginia, for three years' service as an ensign in the Virginia Continental line, warrant Xo. 6308. Charles Stewart died in Febru- ary, 1801. He married Martha, daughter of Alexander F'oreman. and had issue: Wil- liam, born August n, 1780; Charles, born August 30, 1782; Joseph, born May 20, 1784; Ann. born July 12, 1786; Alexander, of whom further; John, born December 9, 1791. The third, fourth and sixth of these children died in infancy.

(TT) Alexander Stewart, son of Charle* and Martha (Foreman) Stewart, and grandfather of Robert E. B. Stewart, was born March 8, 1788, died in 1813. He was a soldier in the American army in the second war with Great liritain. and while in the service contracted a severe cold from ex- posure, which caused his death. He mar- ried, in 1807, Lauretta Wallace, born March 3. 1786. died June 6. 1857, who married twice after his death. Children of Alexander and Lauretta (Wallace) Stewart: Joseph, born in 1808: William Charles, of whom further; Caroline Frances, born October 17, 1812.

(Ill) William Charles Stewart, son of Alexander and Lauretta (Wallace) Stewart, was born in Norfolk county, Virginia, Sep- tember 21, 1810, died on his farm, "Beech- wood." at the intersection of the Dismal Swamp and Northwest Canals, in St. Brides parish. Norfolk county. Virginia, June 29, 1865. He was a farmer throughout his active years, and during the war between the states was imjjrisoned at Old Point by Gen- eral B. F. Butler, because of his sympathy with and active loyalty to the Confederate cause. William Charles Stewart married. September 13. 1837. Catharine Matilda, born June 2"^ , 1818. daughter of Henry and Ann (\\'ilkins-Smith ) (larrett. Ann Wilkins was a daughter of Captain Willis and lilan-

(iinah ( Moseley-Braidfoot ) \\ilkins. her mother, a daughter of Arthur and Martha Moseley. Arthur Moseley was a son of Arthur (i). and a grandson of William and Susan Moseley. who came to Virginia from Rotterdam. Holland, in 1649. settling in Lower Norfolk county (now Princess Anne). \"irginia. The Aloseley family is an old one of England, its seat "Rolleston," Staffordshire, England, and one of the line. Edward, grandson of Sir Nicholas Mose- ley was in 1599 lord mayor of London. The rank of baronet, which descended in the family, became extinct in 1856. The Ameri- can ancestor of the line named his home on Broad creek. Norfolk county, \Trginia. after the old home at Burton-upon-Trent, "Rol- leston," and brought with him to the Vir- ginia colony family portraits, four of which are probably the work of the Flemish mas- ter, Van Dyck. The arms of the Virginia family are: Quarterly, first and fourth, sable a chevron between three battle-axes, or ; second and third, or. a fesse between three eagles displayed sa. Crest : An eagle displayed sa.

(!]hildren of William Charles and Cath- arine Matilda (Garrett) Stewart: i. Wil- liam Henry, of whom further. 2. Nannie Garrett, born December i. 1840. deceased. 3. Sarah Catharine, married Dr. Henry Shaw Etheridge. and has one daughter, Amy C, who married Dr. J. L. Lister, their children. John and Catharine. 4. Charles Alexander, born November 19, i860; now of East Falls Church. Virginia; for many years was clerk and statistician of the office of the United States comptroller of the currency, treasury department, Washington, D. C. and in 1912 was promoted to chief clerk to comptroller of currency ; married Mary, daughter of Dr. Robert B. Tabb, of Norfolk county, Vir- ginia, and has Bessie. Catharine. Charles. Clara, Henry, William and Robert. 5. Rob- ert Edward Bruce, of whom further.

(IV) William Henry Stewart, son of Wil- liam Charles and Catharine Matilda (Gar- rett) Stewart, was born September 25, 1838. He was educated in the private and common schools of Norfolk county, at the Union Male Academy of Hertford county, North Carolina, and at the University of Virginia. He was an ardent Secessionist and promptly responded to the call of his native state for trot)ps. He was second lieutenant of the

Wise Light Dragoons, State Volunteers,

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