vember, 1905. He prepared in private
schools, then entered William and Mary
College, but at the age of eighteen years
left college and cast his fortunes with the
Confederacy, enlisting in Company F, Sixth
Regiment \irginia Infantry, serving at Bull
Run, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor and Freder-
icksburg, the four largest battles of the war;
he served until the final surrender at Ap-
pomattox, having risen to the rank of adju-
tant of his regiment. After the war he be-
gan the study of medicine under his honored
lather, and later pursued medical and sur-
gical courses at Bellevue Hospital and the
(ieneral Hospital in New York City, ob-
taining the degree of M. D., then taking a
post-graduate course at the Nursery Hos-
jjital. In 1870 he returned to Norfolk, join-
ing his father in practice. This association
continued until the retirement of the latter
a short time prior to his death. Dr. Alex-
ander Tunstall succeeded his father in prac-
tice and continued most successfully to
maintain the high prestige father and son
had gained in their honorable profession.
He practiced alone from 1883 until his death
in 1905, and was ranked as one of the most
skillful, courageous and able physicians and
surgeons in his city. He was interested in
all good works, gave freely of his skill to
those unable to pay, and was a devout
churchman, serving for many years as ves-
tryman of St. Luke's Church. The blessings
that flowed from the lives of these two de-
voted physicians, father and son, cannot be
estimated ; their memories are held sacred
in the city they honored in their lives, and
in the final accounting their good deeds will
win their rewards. Their friends were
legion, and in hundreds of homes in Norfolk
their passing was mourned as a personal
loss. Dr. Alexander Tunstall was a member
of the leading medical societies, state and
national, the Norfolk and Portsmouth Medi-
cal Association, and was nowhere held in
higher esteem than among his professional
Dr. Alexander Tunstall married Anne Dornin Mcintosh, daughter of Captain Charles F. and Isabella Donaldson (Thorn- burn) Mcintosh, the latter named a daugh- ter of James M. Thornburn. Children: Alexander (2). born June 28. 1878, died De- cember 4. 1886; Elizabeth W., of whom fur- ther; Anne Mcintosh, born June 2, 1880, died December 13, 1886; Charles Mcintosh,
of whom further; John Mcintosh, born July
15, 1886, died August 15, 1887; Richard, of
whom further ; Ruth, born December 27,
Elizabeth W. Tunstall, eldest daughter of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, was born May 23, 1879. She married, November i, 1905, Junius Roane Willcox, born April 4, 1876, son of Thomas Wyatt and Martha Anne (Claiborne) Willcox. Junius R. Willcox is engaged in the wholesale flour business in Norfolk, a prominent and prosperous mer- chant and clubman.
Charles Mcintosh Tunstall, second son of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, was born in Nor- folk, Virginia, July 31, 1883. He prepared for college at Norfolk Academy and Annap- olis Preparatory School, graduating from the latter institution with the class of 1901, then entered the University of Virginia, from which he graduated with the class of 1903. He began business life at Norfolk as a member of the real estate firm of R. A. Wainwright «I^ Company, wdiich firm was later reorganized as the Real Estate Trust &• Insurance Company, with R. A. Wain- wright as president, Charles M. Tunstall as vice-president. This is one of the prosper- ous real estate institutions of Norfolk, Mr. Tunstall as vice-president being active in its operation. He is a member of the Delta Psi fraternity ; the prominent social clubs of Norfolk; Ruth Lodge, No. 89, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ; was a vestry- man of St. Paul's Church, and a Democrat in politics.
He married, June 2t„ 1906, Jane Byrd Page, born September 17, 1883, daughter of Holt W^ilson and Harriet W'orthington Page, and granddaughter of Hugh Nelson Page, who was the midshipman under Com- modore Perry, on Lake Erie, who carried the famous message to Congress : "We have met the enemy and they are ours," and ma- ternal granddaughter of Commodore Mar- shall Parks, promoter of the Albemarle Chesapeake Canal, the inland waterway link between \"irginia and North Carolina. Children of Charles Mcintosh Tunstall: Anne Mcintosh, born February 21, 1908; Hugh Nelson Page, born October 21, 1910.
Richard Tunstall, youngest son and sixth child of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia. May 7, 1888. He is a graduate of Norfolk Academy, class of 1901,
then attended Jacob Tome Institute, Port