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wealth attorney tor Henry county. Since 1895 he h^s been a practitioner of Rich- mond, where success has attended his labors, and where he has come into the eminence .so justly prophesied by John B. ]\Iinor forty years ago. Outside of his profession he has no business connections, although while a resident of Martinsville his name appeared upon the directorate of the People's National Bank. He is a believer in Democratic prin- ciples, and holds membership in the Com- monwealth Club, of Richmond. His church is the First Presbyterian.

Mr. Anderson married, in Xovcmbcr, 1890, Pauline Pocahontas Daniel, born in Charlotte county, Virginia, in 1863, daugh- ter of Captain Joel Daniel, her father gain- ing his rank through ser\ice in the Con- federate army in the civil war, being in the command of General "Stonewall' Jackson. His occtipation was that of farmer. Chil- dren of Samuel A. and Pauline Poca- hontas (Daniel) Anderson: Pauline D., born May 6, 1894: Samuel A. Jr.. born in Sep- tember, 1898; I^avilon W, born in 1900; Elizabeth J., born in 1903.

Edmund Addison Rennolds. The name

Rennolds appears very early in the records of \Mrginia spelled Reynolds. From the traditions of this family it seems to be in- dependent of those Reynolds so frequently found in the early records of the colony. Cornelius Reynolds received a grant of 640 acres in New Kent county in 1664. His will, made September 29, 1684, mentions sons William and John. In the Isle of Wight county, Richard Reynolds Sr. re- ceived a grant of 380 acres in 1681. In the same county, in 1713, Richard Reynolds had 200 acres. William Reynolds" will, made in Richmond, October 22, 1700, proved Jan- uary I. 1701, mentions children: Cornelius, John, William, Elizabeth.

(I) The earliest known member of the family here under consideration was John Rennolds, who emigrated from England in 1740. He was the father of Streshley Ren- nolds, who held the rank of captain in the revolutionary army, serving on Lafayette's stafif. He married Martha 15eale. of Essex county, and they were the parents of Robert B., of further mention.

(ID Dr. Ro])ert B. Rennolds. son of John Rennolds. after obtaining his degree of M.

D. at the University of Pennsylvania, prac- ticed for a short time in Essex county, then located in the city of Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, where he practiced his profession dur- ing the many years of a useful and eventful life, which ended in his eightieth year. He married Caroline Gordon, born in Freder- icksburg. Children: Robert Gordon, of fur- ther mention ; Elizabeth, yet residing in Fredericksburg ; Emily, married Evans P. Martin, of South Carolina, whom she sur- vives, a resident of Fredericksburg.

(Ill) Robert Gordon Rennolds, son of Dr. Robert B. and Caroline (Gordon) Ren- nolds, was born in Fredericksburg, \^irginia, in 1852, died in Richmond, Virginia, Octo- ber 13, 1912. Flis early life was spent in Fredericksburg, where he was educated and continued in business until about twenty- five years old, then located in the city of Richmond, where for two years he engaged in mercantile life. He then formed a con- nection with the Richmond Stove Company, a w-ell knowai manufacturing concern es- tablished in 1854. He then became secre- tary and treasurer of the company, a posi- tion he held from about 1886 until his eleva- tion to the presidency of the company in 1910. During these years the business and importance of the company wonderfully in- creased and Mr. Rennolds had risen to the frcint rank among Richmond's able and pro- gressive business men. He was interested principally in advancing the interests of the Richmond Stove Company, but had acquired other important interests and was a direc- tor in both the Old National Bank of Vir- ginia and the First National Bank of Rich- mond. As an active and interested citizen jf his adopted city, he took a prominent part in municipal affairs and for several years served as alderman, elected as a Democrat. He died October 13, 1912, at the age of sixty years, leaving behind him an honored name. He married Nellie Addison, eldest child of Edmund B. Addison, men- tion of whom is made elsewhere in this work, who survives him. a resident of Rich- mond, No. 202 East Franklin street.

Children of Robert Gordon and Nellie (Addison) Rennolds: Edmund Addison, of further mention ; Car(~)line Gordon, married Hiram M. Smith, a lawyer of Richmond ; Robert Gordon, now connected with the

Richmond Sto\"e Company; Nellie Addison,

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