the study of medicine at the Medical College
of \'irginia, whence he was graduated Doc-
tor of Medicine, class of 1897. He was in-
terne at the City Hospital, Richmond, 1897-
98. During the years 1898-99 and 1900 he
took post-graduate courses in Vienna, Aus-
tria ; Berlin, Germany ; Dresden, Saxony,
and Dublin. Ireland. In addition to private
j)ra^'" and his post-graduate work abroad,
Dr. Bau an has also done post-graduate
work in t!. >dical College of Virginia. In
1897 li^ ^^'^^ ^^^ ^ "Q^'z Master" on prac-
tice of med ine. Medical College of Vir-
ginia; in 1901 a "Quiz Master" on physi-
ology; was lecturer on hygiene and chief of
outdoor obstetrical clinic, Medical College
of Virginia, and in charge of gynecological
room. Free Infirmary; in 1902 and 1903 the
same, also was lecturer on Hematology ; in
1909 elected professor of histology, pathol-
ogy and bacteriology. Medical College of
X'irginia ; in 1913 elected associate professor
of obstetrics, in 1915 professor of obstetrics.
Medical College of Virginia. In 1906 Dr.
I'.aughman was elected a member of the
( luthern Surgical and Gynecological Asso-
ication, and in 191 3 was elected a fellow
of the American Asociation of Obstetrics
and (gynecologists; he is also a member
of the .\merican Medical Association, of
the Tri-State Medical Association of Vir-
ginia and Carolinas and of the Medical
Society of N'irginia ; vice-president of the
latter society in 1905; the Southern Med-
ical ' ' Richmond Academy of Medicine
and . .i in 1913, in association with
six oth« he founded in Richmond. \'ir- ginia, Stuart Circle Hospital, a private hos- pital with fifty beds. He belongs to the fol- lowing Greek letter societies; Phi Delta Theta, Theta Xu Epsilon. and Pi Mu, having been senior councillor of Pi Mu for two years, and chairman of the committee of the national convention of Phi Delta Theta for the purpose of establishing the "Honor Sys- tem." In 1907 Dr. I'.aughman was elected a member of Virginia Cha])ter, Sons of the Revolution, and since 1910 has been treas- urer of the chapter. His clubs are the Coun- try Club of Virginia, and the Commonwealth of Richmond. He is a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, his wife of Sacred lleart Cathedral, Richmond.
Dr. I'.aughman married, at Washington. D. C, .April fi, 1904, W'ilhelmina .\gnes Reeve, born in that city, July 15, 1879,
daughter of Felix Alexander and Wilhel-
mina Donelson (Alaynard) Reeves. Felix
A. Reeve was colonel of the Eighth Regi-
ment, Tennessee Infantry \'olunteers,
United States army, during the w^ar be-
tween the states, later settling in Wash-
ington, D. C, wdiere he was connected with
the government. During President Cleve-
land's first administration, he was appointed
assistant solicitor of the treasury ; was made
solicitor during President Cleveland's sec-
ond term, and is now assistant solicitor, hav-
ing continued as either solicitor or assistant
solicitor under each succeeding administra-
tion. Children of Colonel Reeve ; Dr. Jesse
Newman ; Captain Horace Maynard, United
States army (deceased); Mary Donelson;
Captain Earnest Manning, United States
army ; Felecia Oliphant ; Wilhelmina Agnes,
of previous mention ; Laura Washburn ;
Josephine Martin. Children of Dr. Greer
and W'ilhelmina Agnes (Reeve) Baughman,
all born in Richmond, \'irginia : Wilhelmina
Reeve, May 13, 1905 ; Margaret Harrison,
A])ril 17, 1910; Greer Jr.. October 20. 1912.
Charles R. Robins, M. D, The profession of medicine has claimed many of Rich- mond's sons and many have gone forth from her colleges to labor in other fields, but Dr. Robins has been one of these sons who has devoted his life and learning to the people wnth whom he was reared and to the institutions that first sent him forth duly accredited to labor as a practicing physician. Since the year 1900 he has been intimately associated with the Medical College of Vir- ginia, and with the institutions of healing with which the city abounds. His fame as a gynecologist is more than local, and as a member of the faculty of the Medical Col- lege of N'irginia. his knowledge has been j)assed to the hundreds of students who later in their chosen locations utilize the learn- ing and skill of their college instructor.
Dr. Charles R. Robins was born in Rich- mond. Mrginia, December 31, 1868, son of William l'.roadus and Bessie (Mebane) Robins. William B. Robins, born in King William county, Virginia, March 24. 1834, died in Richmond, July 22, 1906. When fourteen years of age he located in Rich- mond, where he worked at clerical employ- ment until the war, then for a time held an appointment under the Confederate gov-
ernment. Later he enlisted in the cavalry