practice, he was soon placed in puljlic office,
his ahle service in the positions to which he
was elected winning him prominence and
praise. After serving as state senator of
the district of Norfolk city and Princess
Anne. 1881-82. he was elected state railroad
commissioner to fill a term commencing in
1883. and in 1885 was elected to represent
Norfolk county in the house of delegates
of X'irginia. term of two years, and was re-
elected in 1887 for two years more. While
in the house of delegates of Virginia the
free schools of Norfolk county lacking funds
to complete their yearly course, Colonel
Martin introduced a bill which was passed
enabling the supervisors of his county to lay
a tax on barrooms to an amount not exceed-
ing the state tax paid. This is the only
county in the state that has had such a bill
and it has procured for Norfolk county an
annual income of several thousand dollars,
thereby placing Norfolk county in the first
rank as to position of schools in the state.
He presented many other bills which were
of lasting benefit to the state as well as to
his section. He was one of the leaders and
a great factor in having the bill passed for
an insane asylum at Petersburg for the col-
ored people, who had hitherto been confined
in jails for want of proper accommodations.
These and other positions of weight and importance were filled by Colonel. Martin during his active career, and upon his retire- ment from active pursuits in 1913 he left the law a well remembered and highly regarded attorney, and public life a servant from whose labors county and state had derived great benefit. During his years of activity, Colonel Martin's grasp upon the aft'airs of the day was so comprehensive and thorough as to make even his casual remarks authori- tative, and this interest in aflfairs he has not lost with accumulating years. Aggressive persistence, based upon thorough and com- ])lete knowledge, was the quality from which sprang the value of his services, the many graces and talents embellishing the sterner traits of his character commanding the ad- miration of his friends and associates.
C(jlonel Mirtin has been honored with the degree oi Doctor of Laws, and in liter- ary fields is well known, both through his patronage and his contributions to the world of letters, brom a boy he has been a hard student, and as a historian in all of its de- partments, narrative, reflective and philo-
sophical, has analyzed and digested the
same from the time of Heroditus, the first
historian, to Hagel and later, and from that
philosopher to the strictures of President
Wilson on histor}-, and the whole course of
other studies including those mentioned
in Bacon's "Novum Organum has been
scanned and studied. Colonel iMartin has
written a history of the settlement, rise and
progress of America upon a unique and
novel plan, with copious reflections on the
nature of history and the manner to render
it truthful, the strange title of which is "Im-
personality of' History."
Colonel ]\lartin married, September 3, 1857, Georgia A. Wickens, born December 23, 1837, daughter of J. Edward and Alice (White) Wickens. both families pioneers of Princess Anne county, the members being among the most highly respected and dis- tinguished citizens, honorable in all their actions, following various lines of occupa- tion, some being engaged in the ministry, others as planters. Children of Colonel and Mrs. ^Iartin : i. George Alexander Jr., born November 26, 1862 ; married Annie Louise, daughter of Captain James E. Peery. of Tazewell county, Virginia; he is one of the most profound scholars of the state, educated as a lawyer at the Univer- sity of \'irginia ; he discontinued practice to superintend his "Blue Grass" farm in Taze- well county ; he is now chief engineer of a system of roads having their origin in his county ; he has children : Annie Louise, born October 3. 1893 • Cecil Peery. born De- cember 27. 1895 ! Thomas Fairfax, born March 10, 1897; George Alexander, third, born August 26. 1901 ; Marina Theresa, born February I, 191 1. 2. May, born January 29. 1868, died January 7, 1892; married, No- vember 28, 1888, Samuel C. Peery ; one son, Samuel C. Jr.. l)orn June 18, 1891. 3. Theresa F"airfax. born October 10. 1880. 4. Marina A., born ]\Iarch 14. 1884.
Alvah H. Martin. Colonel James Green Martin, son of Colonel James Green Martin (q. v.) and Maacah (Foreman) Martin, was born at Mount Pleasant. Norfolk county, \'irginia, April 16. 1829, died in August, 1880. He was very popular with the people; was made colonel in the militia and practiced law in the city of Norfolk, where he was at one time a partner of Judge E. P. Pitts. who was
formerly circuit judge of the first district.