of Commerce he played a leading pan, and
until his death filled the office of cashier of
that institution, being an important factor
in the management of its affairs. He was
prominent in Masonic circles, belonging to
Owens Lodge, also the chapter, council, and
commandery, and was the incumbent of
official position in that order. His political
faith was Democratic, and in religion he
adhered to the Protestant Episcopal belief,
his church being St. Paul's, of that denom-
ination. William S. Wilkinson married, De-
cember I, 1859, Elizabeth Jarvis, born in
1840, daughter of George Washington and
Elizabeth (Jarvis) Farant, granddaughter of
Hubert and Sarah (Clemens) Farant, her
grandparents residents of Portsmouth, Vir-
ginia. George Washington Farant, young-
est of his parents' ten children, was born in
181 1, died in 1864. He engaged in the tai-
loring business on a large scale, holding for
a long time a contract with the government
for naval uniforms and other articles of ap-
parel. He was thrice married, having two
children by his first marriage, nine by his
second, and four by his third. Of his sec-
ond marriage, two daughters are now living
one of whom, Elizabeth Jarvis, of previous
mention, married William S. Wilkinson.
Children of William S. and Elizabeth Jarvis
(Farant) Wilkinson: i. Leonora, born
January 11, 1861. 2. Elizabeth Keeling,
born October 27, 1865, married, in June,
1889, Paul R. Howard, and has Elizabeth,
Susan P. and Margaret. Susan P. married
Heath H. Hume, November 6, 1912, and has
a daughter, Elizabeth Howard. 3. Robert
M., of whom further. 4. William S., mar-
ried Susie Meade Steachan, of Petersburg,
one son, William S., the third. 5. George
F., of whom further. 6. Miriam G., born
September 27, 1874. 7. Alicia L., born No-
vember I, 1877. 8. John G., born December
19, 1881. Six children are deceased.
(IV) Robert M. Wilkinson was born in Norfolk, Virginia, July 2, 1867. He was educated in the Norfolk Academy, which had known his father as a student, and after completing his studies became associated in banking with his father, later with him was connected with the Bank of Commerce. Mr. Wilkinson was identified with this institu- tion until he resigned to engage in real estate dealing, which he continues to the present time. Norfolk has been the scene of all his activities, and there he has won
recognition by the intelligent and success-
ful application of business judgment and
acumen of high order. Mr. Wilkinson's resi-
dence, as well as his place of business, is in
Norfolk, and is an attractive and beautiful
home. He is a communicant of St. Luke's
Protestant Episcopal Church, and in politi-
cal persuasion is a strong Democrat.
Mr. Wilkinson married, November 18, 1903, Anna Robinson Taylor, daughter of Frederick Southgate Taylor.
(IV) George Farant Wilkinson was born in Norfolk, Virginia, July 10, 1871. After studying under private instruction for a time he became a student in Davis' Military School, completing his education in that institution. Returning to his home he learned the broker's business, and engaged in that pursuit for a time, prospering and gaining prominence in that line. Afterwards he entered into the real estate business un- der the firm name of G. F. Wilkinson & Company, and is now secretary and trea:^- urer of the Farant Investment Corporation, of Norfolk, both concerns of excellent repu- tation and firm founding. Mr. Wilkinson is undoubtedly one of the best informed men in the city of Norfolk in regard to real estate values, and has directed numerous large operations in that place, his record, through repeated achievement and success, is an enviable one. Norfolk finds in him a citizen and business man measuring up to the high standard erected by previous gen- erations of his name, and civic duty finds him responsive to every call. He has been a member of the city council, elected as a Democrat, and is a member of St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church.
He married, November 19, 1908, Loulie Sharp, daughter of Walter Sharp, and is the father of: George Farant Jr., born January 4, 191 1, and Lamar Sharp, born July 29, 1913. The family residence is a splendid home in a newly developed section of Nor- folk.
Captain William Eyre Taylor, of Norfolk, is descended from old Virginia families, and exemplifies in his own person the virtues for which the first families of Virginia have ever been conspicuous. It is stated by some authorities that the family came originally from Somersetshire, England.
The family tradition states that Robert
Taylor, great-grandfather of Captain W^il-