Ilousman & Company, New York City, with
which firm he still remains. ]\Ir. Warwick
is a member of the Englewood Club of New
Jersey, the Union League Club, and South-
ern Society. In politics he is a Democrat,
and in religion a liberal.
lie married, in 1900, Mabel, daughter of William Rhoads and Mary E. (Rlack) Twy- man. Mrs. Warwick died in 1909. there be- ing one child of the marriage, Elizabeth N., born at Lynchburg. Virginia, ALirch 17, 1 901.
Charles Price Warwick has one brother living: James C. born at Lynchburg, Vir- ginia, in 1875, married Muriel Bryan, of Louisville. Kentucky, having two children: John Marshall Warwick and Elstan Bryan Warwick. Mr. Warwick's sisters are : Xouvellc Caroline, married Dudley Cal- houn ; Elise, married John A. Nichols ; Elizabeth Adell, married Logan A. Nelson, of Charlottesville, Virginia. A brother, Daniel J. Warwick, is dead. Mr. Warwick's residence is at Englewood. New Jersey ; his office address at No. 25 West Thirty-third street. New York City.
Rev. George White McDaniel, D. D. In every community where the stress of busi- ness life is laid upon getting and gaining, there must be counteracting influences if the life of the town is not to become narrow, sordid and selfish. Such centers are the churches with the high-minded prophets and ministers whose constant efifort it is to keep this stress of the daily struggle from nar- rowing and hardening the character. Like beacon-lights these men stand out to show men what they must avoid, and to mark out the road for the uncertain. Of this class of men. whose lives are given for the uplifting, the ennobling and the inspiriting of his fel- lows, is Rev. Dr. George White AIcDaniel, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Rich- mond, Virginia. He is doing a work of the highest kind, and it is hard to compute the influence for good which he exerts. He is a member of a family which has been identi- fied with the interests of the south for a number of generations.
His grandfather, William Henry Mc- Daniel, was a native of Jones county. North Carolina, and was a farmer by occupation, lie married and had a large number of chil- dren. Francis .Asbury McDaniel, son of William Henry McDaniel, w^as born in
Sumter county. Alabama, in 1853, and died
in Navasota, Texas, January i, 1903, having
outlived all his brothers and sisters. Upon
emigrating to Texas he taught school for a
number of years. After marrying he en-
gaged in farming until the time of his death.
Upon the outbreak of the war with the
states he enlisted in the Fifth Alabama In-
fantry Regiment, and served throughout the
war, being active at the battle of Fredericks-
burg, and many other important engage-
ments. He married Letitia Ann (White)
Ashford, a widow, and they had three chil-
Rev. Dr. George White McDaniel, son of Francis Asbury and Letitia Ann ( White- Ashford) McDaniel, was born in Grimes county, Texas, November 30, 1875, on the plantation owned and cultivated by his father. For a time he attended the public schools of that vicinity, then Hill's Busi- ness College at Waco, then the Belton Male Academy, at Belton, and at the age of eigh- teen he matriculated at Baylor University, W^aco, Texas, from which he was graduated in the class of 1898, the degree of Bachelor of Arts being conferred upon him. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at Louisville, Kentucky, was the next scene of his studies, and there he was awarded his degree of Bachelor of Theology in 1900. He was elected pastor of the First Baptist Church at Temple, Texas, and conducted this charge with success for two years, when he became pastor of the Gaston Avenue Baptist Church, at Dallas, Texas, from 1902 to 1905. In 1905 he was called to the First Baptist Church in Richmond, and has since ministered there to the great benefit and satisfaction of all concerned. When he took charge there were but eight hundred and forty in the congregation, and at the present time there are almost fifteen hundred on the roll of the church. This church is the largest contributor to foreign missions in the South- ern Baptist Convention. It is the first church in Richmond to have a resident pastor, and was established in 1780. During the war with the states the women of this congregation were daily engaged in the lecture room in the manufacture of garments for the soldiers.
Rev. Dr. McDaniel married, in Waco, Texas, March 23, 1898, Martha Douglass Scarborough, born in Waco, a daughter of
Judge J. B. Scarborough and Mary (Elli-