1 86
of lawyers throughout the state and the sin-
cere praise of all in a position to appreciate
its value.
Judge Martin, like his father, is actively interested in church work. He was one of the founders of St. Luke's Church, Norfolk, and is a member of the vestry and the board (jf trustees of St. Andrew's Church, Protes- tant Episcopal, of which he also was a founder. He has thrice represented the diocese of southern Virginia in the general convention, and is also treasurer of the Dio- cesan Missionary Society of that diocese.
Judge William Bruce Martin married, June 25, 1878. Elizabeth Marchant Starke, daughter of Colonel L. D. Starke, of Nor- folk. \'irginia. They have five children living: Elizabeth Starke. James Green. Lida Starke. Marianne Read and George Read ; William P.ruce and Lucien Starke, died in infancy.
James Green Martin, son of William Bruce, married Henrietta Victoria Nie- meyer. of Portsmouth, \"irginia, and they have had four children : William Bruce, now deceased; James Green; Henrietta Calvert; Margaret Marchant. These are Judge Martin's only grandchildren.
Cecil Edward Martin, M. D. This branch of the Martin family is of North Carolina. that state having been the place of birth of Dr. Cecil Edward Martin, of North Em|)oria. Virginia. From North Carolina this line gave to the American army in the war of the revolution Jonathan Martin, who attained the wonderful age of one hundred and four years, while in the later war be- tween the states, Harrison Martin, grand- father of Dr. Cecil Edward Martin, was a soldier in a regiment of cavalry recruited in North Carolina.
(I) Harrison Martin was born in Nor- thampton county. North Carolina, and ser\ed throughout the entire four years of the civil war. returning to his home after the surrender at Ai)pomattox Court House. He married Rebecca Johnson, among his sons being Henrv Edward, of whom fur- ther.
(H) Henry Edward Martin, son of Har- rison and Rebecca (Johnson) Martin, was horn in Northampton county. North Caro- lina, in 1S53. and there resides to the present time. His calling is that of farmer. He married Martha Jane Gardner, born in Nor-
thampton county. North Carolina, daughter
of Jesse D. and Martha Jane Gardner.
Among the sons of Jesse D. and IMartha
Jane Gardner are John R., Henry and W'il-
liam R. Gardner. Children of Henry Ed-
ward and Martha Jane (Gardner) Martin:
Cecil Edward, of whom further; Verona,
born in 1881 ; Lucy Freeman, born in North-
ampton county, North Carolina, in 1883,
married Jacob Oldham ; Jesse H., born in
NorthamjJton county, North Carolina. Sep-
tember 4, 1885, died December 6, 1913, a
farmer, married Winnie Parker.
(HI) Dr. Cecil Edward Martin, son of Henry Edward and Martha Jane (Gardner) Martin, was born in Northampton county, North Carolina, September 14, 1879, and was there educated in the public schools, gradu- ating from high school in 1903. He after- ward entered Wake Forest College, near Raleigh, North Carolina, taking a two years' course. In 1907 he became a student in the Virginia University College of Medicine at Richmond. \^irginia, and received his M. D. in 1909. in which year he passed the ex- aminations of the \^irginia ]\Iedical Board and was licensed to practice his profession in the state. He is now a practitioner of North Emporia. Virginia, where he has been cordially received by his professional breth- ren and is held in high public esteem, at- tending the needs of a generous and lucra- tive practice.
Dr. Martin is a member of the American Medical Association, the Sea Board Medi- cal Association, the Virginia Medical So- ciety, and the South Side ]\Iedical Associa- tion, being vice-president of the last-named organization. In 1912 he read a paper be- fore the South Side Medical Association, his topic being "Catching Cold," his dis- sertation instructive and thoroughly com- prehensive. Dr. Martin is local register of vital statistics of the Bellfield district of A^irginia. He is a charter member of North Carolina Lodge, No. 524. Free and Accepted Masons, and is past senior w^arden of that lodge. He took his degrees in American George Lodge, No. 17, of Murfreesboro. North Carolina, in 1900; member of Lodge No. 292. Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, of Emporia ; was a charter member of Rich Square Lodge. Northampton county. North Carolina ; member of Woodmen of the World ; and Meherin Camp, No. 59,
Royal Arcanum, of Petersburg. Dr. Martin