existence up to the time of the civil war, at
his seat, "Belleville," on York river, near
Williamsburg, Virginia. He married Eliz-
abeth Braye, who bore him six sons and
seven daughters, of whom,
Dudley Digges, of "Bellefield," born in 1663. died January 27, 1710. He was coun- cilor and auditor of Virginia colony. He married Susannah, daughter of William Cole, of "Denbigh," Warwick county, Vir- ginia. She died December 9, 1708, aged thirty-four years. They had
Hon. Cole Digges, of "Bellefield," born in 1691, died in 1774. He was president of the Virginia council, having been connected with the same for many years. He married and had three sons, to whom he left vast estates, as is shown by his will recorded at Williamsburg, Virginia, then the metro- polis of the state. His children were: i. Mary, who died November 12, 1744, aged twenty-seven years ; married Nathaniel Harrison, of "Brandon," Prince George county, X^irginia, and was the grandmother of George Evelyn Harrison, of "Lower 15randon," on the James, and William Byrd Harrison, of "Upper Brandon," on the James. 2. Susannah, married, August 23. 1739, Major Benjamin Harrison, son of Nathaniel Harrison, of Wakefield. 3. Colo- nel Edward, of "Bellefield," died a bachelor. 4. William, of whom further. 5. Dudley, who was a member of the Virginia committee of correspondence with the old colonies about their grievances in 1773, and member of the convention of colo- nies in 1776; married (first) a Miss Armi- stead, and (second) a Miss Wormley, of Rosegill, and had children : Cole, Dudley, Mrs. Burwell, a daughter who married a Mr. Stratton, a daughter who married a Mr. Digges, a daughter who married a Mr. Nich- olson, and another daughter who married a Nicholson.
William Digges, son of Hon. Cole Digges, was a resident of Fauquier county, Virginia, and member of the great convention of 1776. He married and had children: i. William, of whom further. 2. Dudley, married Louisa 1 )iggcs. 3. Thomas, of l-'auquicr county, X'irginia. 4. l-ldward, of Fauquier county, Virginia. 5. A daughter, married a Mr. Powell, of Petersburg. Virginia. 6. Daugh- ter, married a Mr. Fitzhugh, of Fauquier county, Virginia.
William Digges, son of William Digges,
married his cousin, Elizabeth Digges, and
their daughter Frances married William
Sumner, and their daughter, Eliza Digges
Sumner, married Timothy Porter, and their
daughter, Eliza Porter, married Benjamin
Riddick, as mentioned in the first paragraph.
Britton Britt, the ancestor of the Britt family herein recorded, was a wealthy planter and slave holder of the Isle of Wight county, Virginia. His wife, Jennie Britt, was one of the noted beauties of her day. Among their children was Exum, of whom further.
Exum Britt, son of Britton and Jennie Britt, married Miranda Joyner, and among their children was Exum, of whom further.
Exum (2) Britt, son of Exum (i) and Miranda Britt, was born February 8, 1831, in Isle of Wight county, Virginia. He was educated at boarding school, and began business life as a clerk. Later he engaged in business for himself as a lumber dealer. He served in the Confederate army as cap- tain in the Sixteenth Virginia Regiment, Mahone's brigade, and after three years' service resigned on account of physical dis- ability. On his return to business life Cap- tain Britt located in Sufifolk, Virginia, and there engaged in business, continuing very successfully until 1903, when he retired. He is a resident of Suffolk at the present time (1914) and, although in his eighty-fourth year, is an ardent devotee of rod and line. Fie was a member of the Suffolk school board thirty-two years, was for many years chairman, and has ever been a loyal friend of the public school system. He is a mem- ber of the official board of the Suffolk Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. He is prom- inent in the Masonic order, and also belongs to the Knights of Pythias. He has lived an honorable and useful life, and is held in high esteem in the community of which he has so long been a member.
Mr. Britt married (first) in 1855, Eudora Riddick, born in 1834, died in 1865, three days after the birth of her fourth child, Luther R., of whom further. Mr. Britt mar- ritd (second) Ellen Custine Riddick, sister of his first wufe, daughters of Benjamin and Eliza (F'orter) Riddick. aforementioned. Children of first marriage: i. Eliza (Lizzie) Porter, a teacher of mathematics ; resides in Suffolk with her father ; unmarried. 2. Lee, educated in Suffolk schools, later at-
tended a military school in Fauquier county,