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born in Amelia county, Virginia, March 2, 1838, died in Danville, \^irginia. in 1875. He was a graduate of Virginia ^Military Institute, the University of \'irginia, and the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, receiving from the latter the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He fin- ished at the University of Pennsylvania about the time of the outbreak of hostilities between the states and at once joined the Confederate army, serving as both field and hosi)ital surgeon under different command- ers until the surrender at Appomattox. He spared not himself and his four years of pro- fessional service, ])rivation and overwork undermined his constitution and contributed largely to his early demise. After the war ended' he located in Danville and there prac- ticed his profession until his death,, twelve years later. He was a man of brilliant mind, deep learning, loved his profession and fol- lowed it devotedly. He possessed a charm- ing ])ersonality and great consideration for others, these being marked characteristics. He married, in 1865. Mary Opie, died Octo- ber 21. 1893, daughter of Hiram Opie, of Staunton. Virginia, who moved from Jeffer- son county, \'irginia, to that city to educate his children. He was a son of Hierone Lind- say Opie, of Jefferson county, Virginia, a direct descendant of Right Rev. Da\'id Lind- say, D. D., Uishop of Ross, and American representative of the Church of England in the early part of the seventeenth century. Bishop Lindsay was a descendant of Robert II., of Scotland, through the Princess Cath- erine, daughter of the king, who married David Lindsay, earl of Crawford. Hanson Lindsay (2) Opie represented Clark and Jefferson counties in the Virginia senate for several years. He met his death by accident while engaged in drilling a company which he was organizing to enter the Confederate army, was thrown from his horse and fatally injured. He married Xannie Locke, of Scotch descent, who bore him four children, one yet li\ing. Dr. Tliomas Opie, of IJalti- more. Maryland.

Children of Dr. II. 15. Meade: Julian, of whom further; Edmund P.aylies, born De- cember 3, 1867. now in the real estate and insurance business in Danville ; Eugene, born in 1869. died at the age of twenty-six years; Randoljih, born in 1871. now a leaf tobacco dealer of Danville.

Julian Meade, eldest son of Dr. Ilodijah

Ila\-lies and Mary (Opie) Meade, was born in Augusta county, near Staunton, Virginia. November 4, 1865. He was educated in the ]^ublic schools, and in several private schools of Danville, overcoming all difficulties that rendered it difficult to obtain an education, and finally was graduated in all branches of the law from the University of Virginia, class of 1891. The law was his personal j^reference as a profession and his prepara- tion for practice was most thorough ; while he absorbed with interest all branches of study, history, special and general meta- I'hysics were branches he found most help- ful in fitting him for his life work. After leaving the university, he at once began practice in Danville, Virginia, and during the time which has since elapsed he has be- come one of the leading men in his profes- sion in that city. He has a large practice, both corporate and private, in all state and federal courts of his district. He is a mem- ber of the law associations of his county and state, and of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Epiphany of Danville. De- voted to his profession, he has formed no ties that would interfere with absolute in- dependence in practice, but has with a public-spirited interest contributed his full share to the upbuilding of his city. His days "off duty" are spent in the sports of forest and stream, hunting and fishing dur- ing the open season being his favorite recre- ations. True to the strictest code of ethics of his profession and guided by the prin- ciples of truth and honor, Mr. Meade has gained and holds the respect of brethren of the profession, while as a citizen he has been true to the best traditions of his distin- guished family. He is connected with the management of both Country clubs of Dan- ville, the Tuscarora Club, and with his entire family communes with the congregation of the Church of the Epiphany, the only Epis- copal church in Danville.

Mr. Meade married. September 4, 1895, I'essie Edmunds IJovildin. born in Danville. \'irginia, in 1872, daughter of Edwin E. and Lucy Lyne (Edmunds) Bouldin. For nearly half a century, 1865-1912, Edwin E. Bouldin was a prominent lawyer of Danville. Dur- ing the entire war, 1861-65. he served as cap- tain of the Charlotte County Troop, Ninth \'irginia Cavalry, rendering valiant and effi- cient service. The troop led by Captain

Bouldin made the last charge of the war.

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