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was born in Goochland county, Virginia, was reared and educated in his native place, and there spent his entire active career. He married I'rances Pryor Smith, who bore him eight children: Mary, Thomas, Eliza- beth, W illiam, Jeffrey, Judith, Drury, James, (if whom further.

(IV) James Murrell, youngest son of William (2) and Frances Murrell. was born in X'irginia, received a practical education in the common schools of the day. after which he became a tobacco planter, fol- lowing this occupation in Lunenburg county, X'irginia, where he resided. He married .Milly Estes, and they were the parents of one son, James, of whom further.

(\') Major James (2) ]\Iurrell, son of James (i) and Milly (Estes) Murrell, was born on the home place, in Lunenburg county, \'irginia. November 27, i/cSi, died December 25, 1859. He inherited his father's pro])erty, and settled at "Seneca Hill, C*ampl)ell county, \'irginia. Pie served in the war of 18 12, and later was elected major of militia forces of the state, in which capac- ity he rendered valuable service. He mar- ried (first) Obedience Rudd, who died May 16, 1816. He married (second) June 4, 1818, Nancy Cobbs, who died June II, 1855; she was the daughter of John Cobbs, of Hat Creek, Campbell county, X'ir- ginia. Children by first marriage: i. Louise kudd, born February 2, 1806, died in 1885- 86. 2. Mary Ann Mildred, born September 15. 1807. died June zy, 1820. 3. James W. R.. born May i. 1809. died at Eldorado, Arkansas. 4. Thomas Rudd, born October 29, 1811, died in Arkansas, March 18, 1846; was educated at the University of Virginia and became a successful educator. 5. Rufus -Albert, born December 4, 1813, died at "Seneca Hill," May 16, 1880; was a success- ful educator. 6. Obedience Margaret, born May 12, 1816; married, December 23, 1858, Michael Tribble ; died November 12. 1896. Children by second marriage : 7. Sarah Eliz- abeth, born April 23, 1819. died July 27. 1850. 8. John Cobbs. of whom further. 9. Charles Coblis, born March 22, 1822; mar- ried a Mrs. Robinson, a widow, who bore him four children: hVanccs. James A., Eve- lyn. TO. Martha Jane, born March i, 1824; married, December 30, 1857, Samuel M. Smithson ; children : Charles C. S., and Nanie, married Charles Gitt. of Danville. Virginia. 11. Susan Estes, born December

17. 1825 ; married. December ^6, 1842. Charles T. Jones, by whom she had a num- ber of children; removed to Missouri. 12. Evelyn Frances, born March 7. 1828; mar- ried G. A. Dinwiddie, and had one son. Thomas P., who married a Miss Garbee. 13. Julia Ann, born July 10, 1830. died Janu- ary 26, 1878. unmarried, at Rustburg. Vir- ginia. 14. Walter Scott, born September 27. 1833, died January 4, 1849.

(VI) John Cobbs Murrell, son of Major James (2) and Nancy (Cobbs) Murrell, was born at Cole's Ferry, Charlotte county, Vir- ginia, Septem1)er 6, 1820, died in Campbell county. June 6, 1879. He had the advantage of being educated by his brother, Thomas Rudd Murrell, an accomplished scholar and successful educator. Being well grounded in the classics, his services were solicited as tutor in the family of John Henry, oldest son of Patrick Henry, of "Red Hill." Vir- ginia. He went to "Red Hill" in 1841 and taught the younger members of Mr. Henry's family for a number of years. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar of Campbell county, where he entered upon legal practice, and continued with unvaried success along the same line for the remain- der of his life. He served in the capacity of commonwealth attorney from 1865 until his death, a period of almost a decade and a half. He was held in high esteem by his fellow^ citizens, occupying a prominent posi- tion, his advice and counsel being eagerly sought and followed. He married, March. 1850. Cornelia Frances Smithson, born June 10, 1827, died October 10, 1888, daughter of Samuel Jr. and Frances (Triplett) Smith- son. Children: i. Edgar A., born Septem- ber 16, 1851 ; married Charlotte Davies ; they moved west, and had the following children : Cornelia, married (first) a Mr. Field, (second) a Mr. Funk ; William Davies, died unmarried. 2. Walter Trip- lett, born at Rustburg. Campbell county. Virginia. May 5. 1853 ^ farmer, and resides in Campbell county ; married Mary Lee. 3. William M., of whom further. 4. John Cobbs Jr., born February 25. 1861 ; married a Miss Valentine, of Cumberland, Maryland.

(VII) William M. IMurrell. son of John Cobbs and Cornelia Frances (Smithson) ^lurrell, was born in Rustburg. Campbell county, Virginia, August 20, 1854. He was reared in his native place, and received his

literary education at Charles L. C. Minor's

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