emplcM oi one of the leading dry goods
commission firms of that city. In 1876 he
v^nthdrew and established a woolen mills
agency which he controlled until 1900, when
he liquidated and became associated with
the banking house (jf Fisk & Robinson in
Xassau street. This relation was severed
in 1908, since which time he has been con-
nected with the banking house of William
A. Read & Company.
Mr. Ijams married. April 20. 1881, Phoebe Adele, daughter of Isaac Horton and Phebe (Smith) Smith. There have been two chil- dren. Ethel Adele, born in 1883, now de- ceased, and John Horton, born in 1884, edu- cated in the Berkeley Preparatory School in New York, graduating from Harvard with the degree of A. B. in 1907. since which time he has been connected with the bank- ing firm of Harris, Forbes & Companv. New York.
Mr. Ijams is an Episcopalian, and since his early residence in New York he has been a member of the Church of Incarnation at IMadison avenue and Thirty-fifth street. He is much interested in philanthropic and charitable work and is an active member of several charitable organizations. He is an Independent in politics, both local and national. He is fond of outdoor exercise and sports, and is a member of several clubs.
Edward Chambers Laird, M. D. Through his mother. X'irginia (Chambers) Laird. Dr. Laird traces descent from Judge Ed- ward R. Chambers, of Mecklenburg county, Virginia, a member of the ^ irginia Con- vention of 1854 and secession convention of 1 861. Mrs. Laird's mother was Lucy Tucker, a daughter of Colonel John Tucker, of Brunswick county, Virginia, born No- vember 8, 1770, died March 5, 1843. Colo- nel Tucker was a prosperous planter, all his life a magistrate, a state senator, a Whig and presidential elector on the Clay ticket. In the war of 1812 he commanded a regi- ment in active service at Norfolk, V^irginia. Colonel Tucker married. May 8, 1803, Agnes Eppes Goode. born at "Ingle wood." May 15. 1781, died December 25, 1814, daughter of Thomas Goode, of Chesterfield county, X'irginia. Through this marriage Dr. Ed- ward C. Laird, of Boydton. Virginia, traces a line of descent from John Goode, an Eng-
lishman, who came to X'irginia prior to 1660
from Barbadoes.
'iliomas Goode was a wealthy planter, owning estate in Mecklenburg and Chester- field counties, Virginia. He married Agnes Osborne, of "Osbornes," Chesterfield. His youngest daughter, Agnes Eppes, born May 15, 1 78 1, married Colonel John Tucker, also of an illustrious VTrginia family.
Thomas Goode was a son of John Goode, of "Falls Plantation," Chesterfield county, V^irginia, who was killed by the Indians be- tween the years 1720 and 1730. He left three sons and a daughter, who moved with their widowed mother to the southwestern boundary of the colony, 1)ought land and settled along the Roanoke river. John Goode was the third son of John Goode, the founder of the Virginia family of Goode, and of the eleventh generation of English (joodes, descendants of Richard Goode. John Goode married (first) in Barbadoes, a lady named Mackarness, who came to Virginia with him but soon died, leaving a son Samuel. John Goode married (sec- ond) Anna Bennett, who bore him twelve children.
Dr. Edward Chambers Laird is a son of Dr. Alexander Thomson Laird, who was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, near Lexington, April 20, 1819. He was edu- cated at the United States Military Acad- emy at West Point, Washington and Lee University. Lexington, Virginia, and Jef- ferson Medical College, Philadelphia, an eminent physician, son of John and Jane ( Edmondson ) Laird, of Rockbridge county. Dr. Alexander Thomson Laird married Vir- ginia Chambers, born in Mecklenburg county. Virginia. May 4, 1832, who yet sur- vives him. She is a daughter of Judge Ed- ward R. Chambers, of previous mention, wdio married Lucy, daughter of Colonel John and Agnes Eppes (Goode) Tucker. Judge Chambers has issue: Edward St. John. "Harvie," Captain Henry Harvie, a lawyer and Confederate soldier. Company C. Virginia Reserves; Sterlin, died young; Henrietta, died young; Elizabeth, died young; Virginia, of previous mention; Jen- nie, married Dr. Harvey Laird ; Mollie, still living in the old home at Boydton ; Juliet, married L. M. Wilson ; Rosa, married Thomas F. Goode.
Dr. Edward Chambers Laird was born at