Newark, New Jersey, and established in
New ^\irk the firm of H. C. Hardy & Com-
pany in association with his brothers' firm
of Hardy & Brothers, of Norfolk, Virginia.
He returned to Norfolk, Virginia, and in
1870-71 w^as president of the Farmers and
Merchants Loan and Trust Company of that
city. Returning to New York, he became
a member of the New York Stock Exchange
and of the Consolidated Stock and Produce
Exchanges, and conducted a very success-
ful business as banker and broker, residing
in Brooklyn. He later became cashier of
the Petersburg Savings and Insurance Com-
I^any, referred to above, retired in 1900, and
died" at Hamilton, New York, July 24, 1912.
During the ::ivil war he acted as agent for
the state of North Carolina in caring for
southern soldiers held prisoners in the
north. He was highly esteemed for his up-
right character and many personal and
social virtues. For many years he was ves-
tryman of St. Anne's Protestant Episcopal
Church, of Brooklyn, New York. He was
a member of the Union League Club in
New York. Politically he was independent
of party organizations.
He married (first) May 16, 1848, in St. Paul's Church. Norfolk, Huldah Etheridge Dozier, born May 20, 1828, in Camden county. North Carolina, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Lamb) Dozier, died August 6, 1875. ^^ Norfolk. He married (second) De- cember 9. 1S80. in Brooklyn, Mary E. R. Gillette, who survives him without issue, and now resides in Hamilton, New York. Children of his first wife: i. Frederick, born May 29. 1849. in Norfolk, resides in Colum- bia, Tennessee. 2. Marion, died at the age of six days. 3. Caldwell, mentioned be- low. 4. Henrietta, born August 13, 1854, became the wife of Edward \l. Hammond, of Atlanta, Georgia, and died November 24. 1883. 5. Mary Lamb, born August 23, 185(5, in Petersburg, died in Oxford, North Caro- lina. April 17, 18(39. 6. Horace, born July 2. 1858. in Petersburg, is engaged in the life insurance business in New "S^jrk City. 7. Lydia White Lamb, born September 24, 1859, is the wife of Dr. John D. Hammond, of Augusta, Georgia. 8. Henry Clark Jr., born November i, 1861, in Brooklyn, re- sided in New York City, where he died No- vember I, 1905. 9. W'illoughby D., born July II, 1863, in Greene county. New York, resides in New York City, where he is a certified public accountant.
(IHj Caldwell Hardy, second son of
Henry Clarke and Huldah Etheridge (Doz-
ier) Hardy, was born May 13, 1852, and was
seven years of age when he removed with
his parents to New York. He was educated
in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, and
entered a broker's office in Wall street, New
York, in 1870. Soon after he removed to
Norfolk, Virginia, and engaged in the bank-
ing business, and upon the organization of
the Norfolk National Bank in 1885 became
its first cashier. He continued in that posi-
tion until 1899, since when he haS been its
president. His official connection with the
bank as cashier and president now extends
over a period of nearly thirty years. In
1893 ^^ ^1^0 became cashier, six years later
vice-president, and in 1901 president of the
Norfolk Bank for Savings and Trusts, con-
tinuing as its president to the present time.
He is a member of the American Bankers
Association, having been two terms a mem-
ber of its executive council, first vice-presi-
dent in 1901, and president in 1902. He is
a director of the Virginia Railway and
Power Company, and a member of the board
of trustees and treasurer of the Mary F. Bal-
lentine Home for the Aged. For many years
he has been a vestryman of St. Patil's Pro-
testant Episcopal Church, of Norfolk; has
been twice president of the Virginia Club ;
and is a member of the Borough Club,
Country Club, and president of the West-
over Club. Mr. Hardy is a man of genial
nature, afi'able manners and sound prin-
ciple, and much of the success of the two
very successful banks of which he is the
head is due to his personal efiforts and popu-
He married. December 6. 1875. I'l-^cv Plardy, of Norfolk, daughter of Dr. Thomas and Kate (Wallington) Hardy. Children: 1. Wallington, born September 8, 1876, mar- ried Carrie Symington, of Baltimore. 2. Russell, born March 6. 1882. 3. Lucy, born August 15, 1884. married Sewall Kemble Oliver, of Columbia, South Carolina, and has children : Sewall Kemble Oliver Jr., born April 17. 1909. C. Hardy Oliver, born November 20. 1910. Lucy (3) Oliver, born October 10. 1912 4. Kate, born December 8, 1886.
James Scott Parrish. From boyhood a worker, and since 1892 connected with the Richmond Cedar Works founded by his
father. Air. Parrish has developed a strong