1 5<>
Sarali Joseph Alston, married William B.
Alcllwaine; Elizabeth \\'elclon, married
Bernard Alann.
(A'llI) Dr. John Herbert (3) Claiborne, son of John Herbert (2) and Sarah Joseph (Alston) Claiborne, was educated at private schools and at the "University School" at Petersburg, Virginia, where he remained for six years. He entered the University of Virginia in 1879, and was graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1883. He took post- graduate courses in the New York Poly- clinic and Bellevue Medical College, when he returned to Petersburg, and practiced there for two years. xA,fter leaving the uni- versity he took up the practice of his pro- fession with his father, at the end of which time he removed to New A'ork City. Dr. Claiborne took up the special study of the "eye and its diseases" in New York City, and then went abroad, attending the univer- sities of Halle, Saxony, and the University of Berlin, Germany, as well as the clinics at Paris and London. In 1886 Dr. Claiborne settled in New York City, where he has been in the practice of his specialty ever since. He has from time to time written and published various articles on his spe- cialty of "The Eye." He served for five years in Squadron A, New York National Guard as sergeant, and was honorably dis- charged in 1896. He volunteered in the Spanish-American war in the Twelfth NevJ York Infantry Regiment of the line, as sec- ond lieutenant. He was mustered in the United States regular army, May 13, 1898, as first lieutenant. Subsequently he became batallion adjutant, was promoted to regi- mental adjutant, and was finally made cap- tain of the line. He received an honorable discharge, October 15, 1898, when he re- turned to New York City to take up the practice of his profession, specialising as before in ailments of the eye. Dr. Clai- borne's publications include the "Theory and Practice of Ophthalmatology," "Func- tional Examining of the Eye," "Cataract Ex- traction," as well as another publication in the Naval Institute of Annapolis, Mary- land, on a system of ship lighting in substi- tution for the one now in use. He is a mem- ber of the Calumet Club, the New York Fencing Club, Rockaway Hunting Club, Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Society Sons of the American Revolution, American Medical Association, New York Countv
and State Medical Association, American
Ophthalmalogical Society, American Acad-
emy of Ophthalmology, \"irginia Medical
Society, Union Club of New York, Univer-
sity Club, Society of Military Order of For-
eign Wars (member and surgeon), and the
Military Order of the Spanish-American
War. Dr. Claiborne is an expert horseman,
fencer and swordsman.
Dr. Claiborne married. June 16, 1901, Marie Louise Claiborne (a distant cousin), daughter of W^illiam C. C. Claiborne, of New Orleans, Louisiana, who is a grandson of W^illiam C. C. Claiborne, the first terri- torial as well as the first state governor of Louisiana. He was first appointed by Pres- ident Thomas Jeft'erson, and it was he who formerly received over to the United States the great northwest territory bought from Napoleon. There has been one child of the marriage, John Herbert Jr., born July i, 1902, at New York City.
Nathaniel Elliott Clement. This is one of the oldest family names in Virginia three centuries having about elapsed since Eliza- beth Clement, a widow, came from England in the ship "George" with her four children and servants.
(I) A descendant, Benjamin Clement, married Sushannah Hill, and in 1740 sold his lands in Amelia county, V^irginia, and located in the Staunton River Valley, erect- ing a house on a beautiful knoll and there residing until his death, having been one of the earliest settlers in that valley.
(II) Captain Adam Clement, of Camp- bell county, Virginia, son of Benjamin Clement, was a captain of Bedford county, Virginia, militia during the revolution, and one of the original trustees of the town of Lynchburg.
(HI) Dr. George W'ashington Clement, son of Captain Adam Clement, was born in 1785 in Campbell county, Virginia. He ob- tained his degree of M. D. from Jeft'erson Medical College, Philadelphia, and became an eminent physician of Franklin and ad- joining counties. He married (first) Stella Smith, who bore him nine children. He married (second) Mrs. Sarah Turner Cook, by whom he had five children, two yet liv- ing.
(IV) Henry Clay Clement, son of Dr. (jeorge Washington Clement, was born Jan-
uary 22, 1840. in Franklin county, Virginia.