resigned in order to accept a ])osition on
the l)oard of aldermen, in which capacity he
is servinj^ at the jjresent time (1914). He is
vice-president of the Citizens' Savings &
Loan Corporation, manager of the Rich-
mond Soapstone Company in Nelson county,
and interested in a number of other business
and financial enterprises. Me has been an
elder of the Presbyterian church and super-
intendent in the Sunday school for fourteen
years; he has always taken an active part in
church work, and when the Presbyterian
Synod planned to erect an orphan asylum,
he was instrumental in having it located in
Lynchburg, and in 1907 was made president
of the institution. For twelve years he
served as director in the Lynchburg Young
Men's Christian Association. He has always
taken a keen interest in the temperance
question, and for many years has intelli-
gently and consistently fought the sale of
intoxicating liquors in the state of Virginia.
Mr. Caskie married Kimbrough Ligon, of Nelson county, Virginia, daughter of Joseph and Martha V. (Massie) Ligon. Children: I. John, married Nannie Nicholas, of Lynch- burg, Virginia; son, John S. 2. Martha Vir- ginia, married Clinton De ^^'itt Jr.. of Lynchburg. 3. George E., Jr., married Grace Jackson, of Lynchburg ; daughter, Grace. 4. Fannie J., married TJonald G. Moore, of Lynchburg. 5. James R., unmar- ried ; a partner of his father in the law firm of Caskie & Caskie. 6. William S., unmar- ried. 7. Maude, married James Owen Watts, of Lynchburg.
Major Thomas Massie. great-grandfather of Kimbrough (Ligon) Caskie. settled in Clark county. Virginia, and later removed to Nelson county, where he owned a large estate called "Level Green ;"' he was a major in the Continental army, serving on (jcn- eral Washington's stafif. He married a Miss Cocke, who bore him three children: 1. Dr. Thomas, of whom further. 2. Henrv. 3. William, married (first) Sallie Stephens, by whom he had one child. Colonel Thomas Massie. who married a Miss l-Tiinger. and died some years ago, without children ; mar- ried (second) a Miss Clark, no children; married (third) a Miss Wyatt. l)y whom he had one daughter, Ellen, married Jacol) Warwick, and died several years ago, near Staunton, leaving children : i. Lalla R. Boyd, who resides at Scottsville. \'irginia. ii. Wil- liam Massie Warwick, married a ]\Iiss
Caperton. and resides in West Virginia, iii.
Woods Warwick, resides in West Virginia,
iv. Andrew Warwick, v. Mattie Warwick,
died unmarried. Married (fourth) Maria
Effinger, b_\- whom he had four children : i.
Martha \'., married Joseph Ligon, and died
leaving four children : a. Maude, married
T. C. Peak, resides in St. Louis, Missouri ;
1). W. Massie, married Nellie Noell, resides
in Lynchburg; c. Kimbrough, married
George E. Caskie, resides in Lynchburg ; d.
L. Cobbs, deceased, unmarried, ii. Hope
W.. married Laura Ef^nger. who died leav-
ing the following children : a. Kate, married
.A. C. Yuille. of Lynchburg, and died leaving
one child, Massie. who resides in Tyro, Vir-
ginia ; b. Lucy, unmarried, resides in Balti-
more ; c. Gertrude, died unmarried ; d.
Laura, married McComb, resides in
Augusta county, \'irginia ; e. Sue, married S. I!. Whitehead, resides in Lovingston ; f.
Irene, married Smoot. resides in
Staunton ; g. AL E.. married Cammie Ford, resides at Tyro. Virginia, iii. Florence, mar- ried (first) John L. Tunstall, l>y whom she had two children: a. W. Massie, resides at Lovingston ; b. Corinne Waring, resides in Washington, D. C. ; married (second) Judge J. D. Horsley. by whom she had four chil- dren : IJland. Thomas S. M.. Catherine D.. Eliza F-^erkins, all now living, iv. Bland, married Eliza Snead, resides at Tvro, \"ir- ginia ; children : a. Josephine, married a l.r. Dunlap, resides in W'est \'irginia ; b. Maria,
married (iardner, resides in Norfolk ;
c. rlorence. married John Morton, resides in Lynchburg: d. Margaret, married Adrian Nalle, resides at Culpeper ; e. Nettie, unmar- ried ; f. Mary, unmarried ; g. William, died unmarried: h. John, died unmarried; i. Rob- ert, married Alice Jackson, or Lynchburg, resides at Tyro; j. Harry, married a Aliss Redd, resides in Nelson county, ATrginia ; k. Withers, unmarried ; 1. Barksdale. unmar- ried ; m. Tom., unmarried : n. Charles, un- married ; o. Frank, unmarried.
Dr. Thomas (2) Alassie, son of ALijor Thomas (i) Massie, married (first) a ]\Iiss Waller, of Amherst county, Virginia, by whom he had five children that attained ma- turity, namely: i. William H., died unmiar- ried. 2. Sarah, married William O. Goode, of Mecklenburg county, Mrginia, who left a number of children. 3. Elizabeth, died un- married. 4. Waller, married and w^as
the father of three children : i. Thomas, died