sell and Alma (Miller) Cecil: Russell Lafay-
ette, born October 13, 1881, a prominent
physician of New York City, connected with
Columbia University and the Presbyterian
Hospital; John Howe, born May 2, 1883, a
wholesale paint dealer of Richmond ; Alma
Miller, born December 28, 1886, married
Lucius Falkland Cary ; James ]\IcCosh, born
June 2, 1891. editor of "Richmond." the
official journal of the city of Richmond, mar-
ried Alston Drake, of Richmond ; Elizabeth
Barnett, born March 6, 1900, lives at home ;
Mary Campbell, died in infancy.
Julius Joseph Hulcher, M. D. The family of which Dr. Hulcher, of Richmond, Vir- ginia, is a member, was founded in Virginia by Joseph H. Hulcher, who came hither from his home in his native land, Tyrol, Austria-Hungary. Dr. Hulcher is a mem- ber of the third American generation of his family, grandson of the immigrant, Joseph H. Hulcher. Joseph H. Hulcher married Mary A. Beckampfer, and had five sons, William, Joseph Henry, of whom further, Thomas, Lewis and Frank, of whom the first and last are deceased, the remainder residing in Richmond, Virginia.
Joseph Henry Hulcher. son of Josei)h H. and Mary A. (Beckampfer) Hulcher, was born in Virginia, March 19, 1852, the city of Richmond his birthplace, and here he re- sides at the present time. Aiter completing his education he learned the machinist's trade, which he successfully followed. In 1886 he became a member of the Richmond police force, and now serves as a guardian of the peace in his native city. Joseph Henry Hulcher married Victoria Pohl, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, now residing in Rich- mond with her husband, daughter of Tobias and Anna (Reymeier) Pohl. Joseph Henry and Victoria (Pohl) Hulcher have had six children, one of whom died in infancy. Frank, a journalist of Norfolk, Virginia; Joseph, an engineer, resides in Richmond ; Dr. Julius Joseph, of whom further ; Annie. twin of Dr. Hulcher, resides in Richmond, unmarried; Clara, married S. J. Cunning- ham, of Richmond, X'irginia.
Dr. Julius Joseph Hulcher, son of Joseph Henry and Victoria (Pohl) Hulcher, was born in Richmond, Virginia. September 23. 1887. His academic education was obtained in the John Marshall High School and Rich- mond College, and he afterward entered the
University College of Medicine, whence he
was graduated M. D. in the class of 191 1.
For one year and a half he was connected
with the City Hospital, one year as interne,
six months as surgeon, and at the end of
that time he established in general practice
in Richmond. Dr. Hulcher's office is at No.
2001 ]\Iain street, and to this place he has
already attracted a desirable clientele, and
is well on the high road to professional
prominence. He affiliates with the various
medical societies, and in political action is
a Democrat. Dr. Julius Joseph Hulcher
married, in Washington, District of Colum-
bia, October 14, 1913, Clara L. Herzog, born
in Cincinnati. Ohio, daughter of Charles and
Katherine (Clanker) Herzog, both of Cin-
Harold Solomon Bloomberg. Two gen- erations of lawyers, father and son, have made the name Bloomberg an honored one in the court and public annals of Richmond, Virginia, the son holding the distinctive honor of being the object of a special act of the legislature of Virginia authorizing him to practice law prior to attaining the required age of twenty-one years.
Solomon L. Bloomberg, the father, was born in Yorkville, South Carolina, in 1859. He obtained his classical education in Phil- adelphia. Pennsylvania, the family moving to that city while he was still a boy. Later he located in Richmond, where he studied law at the University of Virginia. After his admission to the Virginia bar, he entered into partnership with Major John Johns and practiced for some time as Johns & Bloom- berg. After the association was dissolved, he practiced alone until after the admission of his son. Harold S.. to the bar, practicing with him until 1905 when he retired. He was for many years an active, influential member of the Democratic party, was a member of Richmond common council for a number of years, and when he retired from that body was its honored president. He rose to high honors in the Masonic order, and at the present time is past master of Fraternal Lodge. No. 53, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ; past high priest of Chap- ters Nos. 3 and 32. Royal Arch Masons ; past high priest of the Grand Chapter of the State of Virginia, Royal Arch Masons ; and is held in high esteem among his Masonic
brethren. He is connected with various