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\'IR(;i\l A rUOGRAI'llY


ntclidii between Dr. Russell Cecil and the Second Presbyterian C'hnrch of Richmond. Dr. Cecil, a scion of an old I'ulaski county. Virginia, family, but a native of Kentucky, obtained l)oth his classical and theological training- at Princeton, the former in the uni- versity, the latter in the seminary, and from the time of his ordination into the ministry of the Presbyterian church until lyoo Ken- tucky and .Alabama were his fields of en- deavor. The past fifteen years he has passed as pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond, and here his ministry has been rewarded with abundant fruits. A fine and willing spirit exists in the con- gregation, their co-operation with the ]ilans and labors of Hr. Cecil is all that could be desired, and under his capable and enthusi- astic leadership the church has l)ecome a ])owerful instrument for good in the city, its activities finding outlet through its numer- <^>us internal organizations.

(I) Dr. Cecil is a grandson of Zachariah W. Cecil, born and died in Pulaski county. Virginia, where he passed all his active years in farmmg. He married Julia, daugh- ter of Major Daniel Howe, a prominent citizen of Pulaski county, sister of the mother of (Governor Hoge Tyler, and had children, all deceased: Russell Howe, of whom further; Ciles. Zachariah, Daniel R., Julia.

(II) Russell Howe Cecil, son of Zachar- iah W. and Julia (Howe) Cecil, was born in Pulaski county, Virginia, October 27, 18 15, and died at Harrodsburg, Mercer county, Kentucky, April 2'/, 1890. In his early life he was a merchant, later retiring to a farm in Kentucky. He married Lucy Ann Pldl- lips, of Monticello, Kentucky, and had se\en children, of wdiom four are living at this time; Micajah Howe; Russell, of whom further; John Ciiles, a ])rominent and noted physician of Louis\ille, Kentucky, died in that place; Julia, married Dr. J. M. Dalton, deceased, of Harrodsburg. Kentucky; Sue Ellen, married R. S. P)ohon. of Decatur, Illinois ; and two wdio died in infancv.

(HI) Dr. Russell Cecil, son of' Russell Howe and Lucy Ann (Phillips) Cecil, wa,^ born in Monticello. Wayne county, Ken- tucky, October i, 1853. and wdien he was five years of age his parents moved to Mer- cer county, Kentucky, where from the age of five to seventeen years he attended school. After thorough preparatory study

he matriculated at Princeton University and was graduated in 1874, teaching school for one year before returning to Princeton to take up theological studies in the seminary. These he completed in 1878, and his first charge after his ordination w^as at Nicho- lasville, Kentuck}'. where he remained for six years, afterward serving the Central Presbyterian Church at Maysville, Ken- tuck}-, for three and one-half years. In 1889 he was elected pastor of the PresbyteriaPx church at Selma. Alabama, which he served for eleven and one-half years, then accepted a call to the Second Presbyterian Church, of Richmond, where he has since been pastor. The relation is of the pleasantest and both ])astor and people recall vividly and with pleasure the close communion and the mutual inspiration of the \)'Ast fifteen yeai's. Dr. Cecil holds a place in the hearts of his congregation that wdll never be granted to another, and together they have labored with result for the extension of the King- dom. Dr. Cecil has been honored with sev- eral positions of importance bv his church. IJefore coming to Virginia, he was presi- dent of the board of directors of the Colum- bia Theological Seminary, of South Caro- lina. 1898-T900. During the years 1911-12 he was moderator of the East Hanover Pres- bytery, of the synod of Virginia, and of the general assembly of the Presbvterian church in the United States, holding all three offices at the same time, a unique ex- perience in the history of the Presbyterian church. At the present time ('1915) he is a member of the council of the Reformed churches in America holding the Presby- terian system ; and also a member of the ex- ecutive committee of the council of the fed- eration of Protestant churches in America. He will also represent the Presbyterian church of the United States in the world conference on faith and order. The degree of D. D. has been conferred upon him by his alma mater, Princeton University, and also Southwestern Presbyterian University, of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Dr. Russell Cecil married, in New York City, January 19, 1881, Alma Miller, born in Richmond, Kentucky, September 2, 1858. daughter of Dr. Lafayette and Carrie (Em- bry) Miller, both deceased. Dr. Lafayette Miller died during the war between the states while serving in the medical corps of

the Confederate armv. Children of Dr. Rus-

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