Railroad Company. He became president
of the Richmond. Fredericksburg & Poto-
mac Railroad Company. January i, 1907,
also of the Washington Southern Railway
Company at the same time, and soon after-
ward moved to Richmond, Virginia, to as-
sume his official duties. Mr. White married
(first) Lucy Landon Carter Minor, daugh-
ter of Dr. Lewis Willis and Eloise (Inner-
rarity) Minor, November 4, 1869, at Nor-
folk, Virginia. Her father was a physician,
and prior to the civil war he was fleet sur-
geon in the United States navy, but later
he became fleet surgeon in the Confederate
States navy. Issue of Dr. Lewis Willis
Minor, namely : Lucy Landon Carter, of
whom above ; Lewis Willis Jr. Mr. White
married (second) Emma Gray, daughter of
Benjamin C. and Susan E. (Reid) Gray,
March 10, 1880, at Richmond. She was
born in Richmond, and her father was some-
time a member of the Virginia state assem-
bly from Richmond. Issue of Benjamin C.
Gra.y, namely : Alfred, Ida, Fanny, Hattie.
Benjamin, Mary, Emma, of whom above.
Issue of William Henry and Lucy Landon
Carter (Minor) W'hite, namely: i. Eloise
I., who married O. G. Hinton, of Petersburg,
Virginia, and had five children, to wit: Or-
lando. Eloise, Hildah. William Henry, Rob-
ert. 2. William Henry Landon, born at
Norfolk, Virginia ; graduated at the Uni-
versity of Virginia ; studied medicine, and
in 1913 was a practicing physician at Kiiox-
ville, Tennessee; married Ida Ellis; no chil-
dren. 3. William Henry Jr.. born at Nor-
folk. Virginia ; was graduated from the Uni-
versity of Virginia, B. L.. and admitted to
the Virginia state bar at Norfolk, where he
practiced law ; married Mary Royster, of
Norfolk, Virginia ; and they have two chil-
dren : Mary S.. and Emma G.
In recent years Mr. White has been asso- ciated with a number of social and busi- ness organizations. He is director of the Norfolk National Bank, at Norfolk, Vir- ginia ; the Norfolk Bank for Savings and Trusts ; the Merchants National Bank ; the Old Dominion Trust Company, of Rich- mond, Virginia. He is a Democrat in poli- tics. He attends the Protestant Episcopal church, of which his family are members, though he is not a communicant of any church. He is a member of the Delta Psi and of the Phi Beta Kappa, college fraterni-
ties ; also a member of the Lotus Club, of
New York ; the Virginia Club, of Norfolk,
and of the Westmoreland Club and the
Commonwealth Club, of Richmond, \^ir-
Joseph Augustus White, M, D. In 1880 Dr. White located in Richmond, a youug man of thirty-two years, thoroughly pre- pared for the practice of his profession by many years of study in the best medical schools of the United States and Europe, eight years of })ractice in his native city of lUiltimore, Maryland, and fresh from a pro- fessorship in Washington University Medi- cal College. In the years that have since elapsed he has risen to the topmost* round of the professional ladder and has achieved a national reputation as a specialist in dis- eases of the eye, ear, nose and throat.
(I) Dr. W^hite descends from colonial forbears, long seated in Frederick county. Maryland. His great-grandfather, Abraham W^hite. of that county, recruited a battery of artillery during the revolutionary war and was commissioned a major of artillery at W^illiamsburg. Virginia, in 1780.
(II) John White, son of Abraham WHiite, was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He was a merchant, and a soldier in the war of 1812, serving in the Fifth Maryland Regiment. He was a Whig in politics, and a member of the Roman Catholic church. His eldest son, Charles L. W'hite, was a prominent clergyman of that denomination, pastor of St. Matthew's Church in Washington, D. C. He had a second son, Ambrose A., and daughters, Mary and Elizabeth.
(HI) Ambrose A. White, son of John White, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1808. died there in 1885. He S])ent his business life in Baltimore, engaged in the coffee trade as importer and wholesale dealer, being senior member of the import- ant firm. White <^ Elder. He was a com- municant of the Roman Catholic church, and a man of influence in his city. He married, 1833, Mary Hurley, born in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, 1814. died 1893. daughter of Thomas Hurley, a merchant of Philadelphia, born in Ireland. Thomas Hurley married Ann L. Carroll, one of the noted beauties of Philadelphia, her portrait by Sully, now in the possession of Edward H. W'hite, of
New York, proving her right to the title.